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Flying has never been a preference for Tony, just imagining that at any moment the engine of a gigantic plane that helped them transport from one place to another and that promised the safety of its passengers began to fail due to turbulence, it stirred the teenager's stomach. To that fact, adding the different internal and external controversies that could occur during the trip. Tony still wanted to enjoy his life.

Yesterday passed smoothly and quickly, the Lopez brothers had decided to travel to Los Angeles the next day. They could not get rid of the cravings that the fabulous news shocked them, nor did they want to wait until the weekend to get rid of all their occupations and arrange a flight. Ondreaz finally put the resignation on his job. And although Tony was terrified at first, he knew inside he was melting with happiness.

The frightened boy swallowed his soul again when the warning that the plane was treading on the runway sang in his ear, nothing had happened during the flight. Paranoia drains his head on the path, but as he always said, he is never unprepared for anything.

Planting their feet in the Californian territory, the brothers resorted to looking for their suitcases immediately and heading towards the interior of the airport. The place was huge, they supposed bigger than the one in Nevada. It was full of families who came to enjoy their well-deserved vacations, men and women dressed in two-piece suits that circulated the area to meet their business teams and resume their obligations, and a few other students who returned to their respective universities.

California ended up surprising them unnoticed, the icy breezes that were walking could well get like worms into their shoes and manage to numb their toes. Although the sun was raging on the horizon, it felt as if the snow decided to visit the city without warning.

They could not say that Los Angeles was not to their liking, they had just arrived and they had never set foot in any city other than their native territory. They still had a lot to know about the world. They couldn't stop nostalgic sentiment bringing down their systems; they would greatly miss the homey city where they had been raised. The idea of ​​receiving university classes online was very tempting but also stupid, they had come to fulfill their dreams and nothing would make them turn back.

Reaching the central corridor, the brothers managed to visualize the battered brown hair among all the rushed people scattered around the place. The energetic muscular wrapped in a slim body approached them with a brilliant white smile that narrowed his brown eyes, who observed them with welcome.

"Ondreaz! Tony!" It was not long before the shriek shook the air from the crowd as the culprit ran toward them. The next thing Ondreaz could see were gym arms wrapping around his thick body like an octopus. "It was about time you guys arrived, I was about to think that the plane went down or something!"

How long should he endure such caresses? He had a lot with his younger brother at his side.

He gave a short laugh, accepting his friend's grasp. "We are also happy to see you again, Tayler. But if you keep looking like a little girl receiving your boyfriend in front of the others, I promise to leave you with broken bones."

"It's the first time you have made me a promise." He tightened his hug with tighter; making the chestnut growl. "Isn't it exciting?"

Ondreaz really seemed to choke on the boy's chest. "Let go of me, damn gym rat!"

"Oh, come on. Just a little more, Odry; don't be an ogre." That only made the dancer's teeth mutter, he hated when someone other than his little brother called him that. Tayler, perceiving his friend's grumpiness, quickly released himself from his body, approaching Tony to whisper in his ear. "Has he always been this bigoted? I even feel sorry that you live with him."

YOU [Tonick] H.H. #1Where stories live. Discover now