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Glancing up, trying not to let the tears that adorned his cheeks become visible to the newcomer's sight, Nick cleanly observed the scene that was reproduced a few centimeters from where he was. The wind that filled the space of the house had mixed with the shrill voice of the visit they were having, causing the sleeve of his coat to rise angularly towards his eyes and to reverse the flood of tears that drowned them.

"Do you want to play with this delicious body again, Tony Lopez?"

The embarrassing proposal that came out of the blonde's lips caused his eyes to open wide under the bangs that covered his forehead, saving his brain time to process her words. Play again? Had Nick misheard or really the boy who resurrected the butterflies from his stomach had slept with her?

"I have been thirsty during that long and exhausting journey." The chestnut observed in the first row how the voluptuous hips of the provocative viper were gently shaking in a sensual movement that promised to ignite the fire alarms of any man. "What do you think if we return to repeat what we left pending? I know I left you wanting."

At this point, Nick was already speechless. His face paled several shades just by thinking that his best friend's big hands traveled those detailed curves. When his head came back on after a sudden blackout, he turned on his heel and disappeared into the kitchen. He didn't want to be present in a place where he knew he was hurt, he didn't want to allow himself to fall back into a stupid disappointment where the only thing that would break would be his heart.

For his part, Tony could go to hell and live there.

"Hey you, bunny."

He paid no attention to the smiling voice of the first person who supported him since joining Hype House, the chestnut was enveloped in a dawn of positive energies that made anyone who joined him get more than a smile. This time, it was not the case for Nick. His arm covered in the fabric of the black sweater he was wearing stretched to reach the cereal box that lived in the cupboard before his brown-eyed gaze shot to his depressing friend.

The boy stopped doing what he had planned to do to give his attention to Nick; he waited a few seconds and not even the sweet nickname he had given him, worked to make him complain, so he tried again. Nick was clear that he wasn't a bunny but he had more important things to deal with at the moment like arguing over stupidity.

"Haven't found your carrot for the day yet, bunny?"

The chestnut's downcast head was raised, showing the wet path of tears that penetrated the pink skin of his cheeks and the injected irritation in his eyes due to the burning that his sadness knocked down. His friend quickly approached him with a frightened expression masked on his face.

"Shit, Nick. What happened?"

The aforementioned shook his head. "Ryland, as you can see, I'm not in the mood to bear your silly jokes."

"Damn, what happened to you, who did this to you?" As much as the boy in black sweater insisted, he received no response from his friend. A resigned sigh and a mental blow was what it took Ryland to get closer to the chestnut, without danger of being removed, and hide his small body in a hug. "Take it easy, Nick, I'm here for what you want. You just have to tell me who made you cry to take the bull by the horns, I am your best friend and it's my duty to protect you from those who want to hurt you."

Nick's eyes, gleaming with the new tears that threatened to drown his eyelids, met the worried face of Ryland, who outlined his full lips, a grimace of displeasure at seeing the anguish of his best friend clear on his features.

"Do you remember when we talked about our childhoods?" Started, received a nod from the older chestnut. "He is here ..."

YOU [Tonick] H.H. #1Where stories live. Discover now