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"I have to go, Tony."

The black-haired boy's eyes widened as saucers when he heard those words, raising his gaze and meeting his tired little bear on the threshold of the door of his room, surely the boy had returned from his noon classes. And it is that everything fluttered in his head, trying to process the information. A minute ago he was immersed in a deep nap and now, paranoid, he was standing up on his bed, observing him diametrically while he located the sore strip that was stretched in his body due to the surprising idea and managing to heal it with his mind since, in the moment, he did not care about anything other than Nick's words.

Ryland and Ondreaz had escaped the college tension an hour ago, taking the second's son with them to corroborate the pretext that the child needed some fresh air outside of his hiding place in the house. Although the justification was true, those in the room now knew only too well that the pair wanted to spend an afternoon alone after the various occupations that have kept them apart.

They did not blame them for putting the baby on as an excuse but both Nick and Tony couldn't help but worry about the public view, after all the secret was still a fresh ink stain that had to be kept unnoticed in the dark.

The blue-eyed chestnut had run practically all the way from his classroom to the dancer's room to inform him of his plans, leaving him perplexed and confused. Would he really leave? That was a mystery that became constant every second but, anyway, he remained persuasive that the answer was negative, but has he done something wrong and was harmed as a result?

"Why are you leaving? What happened?" Tony approached him, crawling on the sheets until he was on the edges of them since the chestnut had approached. His brown eyes shone with the birth of concern on his features and his thoughts cruelly tortured him. "Will you leave me alone?"

He expected an accurate answer but all he received was a snort and a narrowing of eyes, indicating that what he had questioned was absurd.

"Of course, I will leave to break your heart, abandon you and my important studies." He ironized, making a sarcastic gesture with his hand "Did you hit your head at birth? I'm just going to my parents' house. The holidays will arrive soon and I'm already preparing everything to spend the summer there, I just wanted to let you know in advance so that you wouldn't worry and make a scandal if one of these days I disappear from the face of the earth."

"Ugh, at some point we should discuss those strange disappearances that you love to do so much," He advised as a future task, settling on the couch that was at the end of his bed and taking the boy's hand to attract him, "But, darling, you don't need to ask me for permission to visit my in-laws. In short, you don't need to ask my permission for anything, you can do whatever you want. It's fine to let me know before doing so, but we'll not limit our relationship."

"I wasn't asking you for permission, you fucking toxic" He narrowed his eyes slightly. "I was just telling you because I know how dramatic you can be, I didn't want you to end up worrying the rest and I didn't want my phone to fill up with messages."

"You know me so well, huh?" He took both of his hands to bring him closer, forming an expression like a lost child looking for his mother in the supermarket. "If you know me so well, then you should also be aware of how sad I will feel when you distance yourself from me for a while."

"Although I don't like to brag about it, I admit that I enjoy watching you suffer a little" He chuckled and shrugged knowingly, causing the older boy to pull him closer. That just got a bit of his attention "What the fuck do you think you're trying to do?"

"I'll not see you for a long time" He raised his gaze, directly to those blue bright circles, a strange glow settled in the inviting browns "Answer me: What will I do during all those days without you besides missing you and contacting you?"

YOU [Tonick] H.H. #1Where stories live. Discover now