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"Do you think they accept me as I am?"

For the twentieth time, Tony clung to his lover's arm as if his life depended on it and his body shuddered. Definitely, it was impossible to resign oneself to the dancer in situations like these, the boy had spent the entire trip practically, as a rookie gone, startled at the predominance of the concern of the rejection of his in-laws buzzing in the ear of all his senses. Nick had to lower the flags when, on the third attempt to reassure him that everything would be fine, the curly one entered an existential crisis.

As much as he loved the older boy, during that moment, the only thing the chestnut wanted was to disappear and let him deal with his attacks only when he realized that all the eyes of the bus in which they were traveling rained on them immediately, witnessing the shameful spectacle.

His cheeks boiled red hot when he found a group of young schoolgirls in the distance, who smiled at them from ear to ear tenderly in their teeth as they noticed that the blue-eyed boy stroked his boyfriend's head in a vain attempt to calm him down.

Boyfriend? ... His almost boyfriend. Well, Nick wanted that when the time to ask came, it should be special.

"Tony ..." He sighed tiredly, culminating his emotional warfare, and squeezed his hand as usual, stroking the back of it. "You're a great boy, I've told you a thousand times and I'd tell you a thousand times. My parents have known you since you were walking in diapers, they will love that you're there again, especially when they find out that we're reunited and we are studying at the same university."

"I wasn't in diapers." He clarified, between whispers and pouts.

"No, but you were still behaving like a baby. Not to say that you keep doing it." The latter was said in a whisper that the dancer managed to hear perfectly as they got off the bus. He was about to protest but the chestnut, without warning, got on his back and planted a kiss on his cheek, making him swallow his words and his pride, watching the vehicle get lost in the distance "Don't worry about my parents, they keep loving you as always and I love you even more than they do, no one will separate us."

Tony tried to look at him when he felt the other's breath near his ear "Do you promise?"

"Even if they will oppose our relationship, we will stay together." He kissed his lobe finally, and wrapped his arms around his neck at the same time that he wrapped his legs around his waist like a little chimpanzee "Anyway, I will not let that happen."

"I'll take the risk of believing you, my little bear" He breathed in surrendered and then smiled sideways, causing the aforementioned to wrinkle his nose in annoyance at what he said. "I'll calm down only ... if you give me a kiss."

Delighted, the minor leaned as far as he could and pressed his lips against each other, feeling that mint bomb bursting in his oral cavity. His chest beat with great force, although he seemed to have the whole situation under control, the truth was that he was also concerned about the opinion of his parents about his recent homosexual relationship. They could be modern, agree with that controversial issue but still felt fear; it was the first time that he had a relationship with another man.

It would feel like a steel shoe slammed into his crotch when he did it, as his parents had gotten used to receive different girlfriends of his blue-eyed son while he was in high school to do homework, according to him.

And yes, the excuse was a smokescreen ... although sometimes the case was not given.

Or, he would talk to them about different female names since he entered college and keep seeing them on a daily basis. This only happened for a short time, early after recently entering boarding school, until he realized that he had to handle his affairs on his own.

YOU [Tonick] H.H. #1Where stories live. Discover now