Her Savior

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Shikaku Nara, Choza Akimichi, and Inoichi Yamanaka was making their way back to the Hidden Leaf Village after completing their mouth long mission. "Man, i'm sure am ready for a nice home cook meal and a shower none the less." Inoichi complained as he dragged his feet behind his teammates. Shikaku and Choza nod their heads in agreement, "Well, we have one more day of travel. Let's set up camp here." Choza offered while looking around, making sure everything was safe for them to sleep for the night. 

Shikaku and Inoichi nod their heads in a agreement when something caught the trio attention. Screams were being heard off in the distance, the trio looked at one another nodding their heads before watching to help the nearby village. "Where the hell is the screaming coming from, theirs no village around here." Inoichi asked as he jumped from tree to tree. "I don't know, we'll worry about that later." Shikaku ordered. "Um guys." Choza whispered before stopping on a tree branch. Shikaku and Inoich doing the same, what they saw before them was heartbreaking. A small village was on fire, with bodies littering the ground. 

Shikaku looked around accessing the situation, he couldn't describe it but something was pulling him to the distraction of the village. Taking a step forward he entered the burning village, he felt a pull like no other leading him onward. "Shikaku. Hey whats going on?" Choza asked. "Stay here, if you see any survivors help them." Shikaku answered. He continue walking ignoring the smoke that was surrounding the area, it wasn't long before he came across an area that was covered with ice. Shikaku narrowed his eyes as he looked at the large compound that was now in ruins.

His feet crushed on the snow covered ground as he followed the pull. Stepping inside he couldn't help but to be impress with the compound. It was beautiful, it was something he never seen before in his young life. The way the garden would've looked if it wasn't burned and covered in snow, the compound looked ancient like it came from a timezone not part of anything he's use to. Shikaku didn't have time to admire, he heard whimpering coming from inside.

Shikaku walked into the middle of the compound gasping at what he saw. A young girl was laying near two bodies, she was covered in bruises and cuts littered her body. The clothes she was wearing barely covered her body, she was curled up with the two bodies. Shikaku slowly walked to the young girl, seeing her breathing shallowly. Touching her, her skin was ice cold making the Young Ninja shiver. He cut his eyes at the two bodies seeing that both wasn't part of this world, looking back to the young girl he picked her into his arm, wrapping her up in his vest for warmth. Staring down at the bodies he made them a vowel, "I promise, to take care of her." He quietly said. The wind picked up, in a howling chilling wisp. Shikaku found it strange that the cold didn't bother him, walking out of the compound he spotted the fire becoming worst around the mysteries village.

He looked down at the injure child, covering her up so the ashes and smoke doesn't cause her. "Ok little Fawn, let's get out of here." Shikaku said. Running through the village, he was surprise to see how fast the fire was catching up, "Shikaku! Hurry up you bastard!" His teammates where shouting with worry. They can see their leader making his way threw the raging fire that picked up out of no where, it forced Choza and Inoichi to flee the village, waiting on the out skirts. Shikaku made it to his teammate breathing hard from the run and smoke, when he finally caught his breath he looked behind him seeing the village, that for all his life didn't know existed burning in a raging inferno.

Inoichi, Choza and Shikaku watched as the village seem to disappear before their eyes, "We should go." Choza said with sadness in his voice. The group agreed, now wanting to get home more then ever. As the ninjas walked away, the fire around the village circled as if it was being controlled, it lifted into the air causing everything around it to vanish. Into thin air, like it never existed. The area the village looked untouched by the gruesome event.

Shikaku sat down on a tree stump, wanting to rest. "So, what happen? Did you find anything?" Inoichi asked. Shikaku nod his head, opening his vest revealing the small child to his teammates, "I found her." He simply said. Choza and Inoichi looked at the small child with wide eyes, "She was by herself. Her parents didn't' make it. No one did." Shikaku explained. Choza and Inoichi let out sad sighs, "So, what's going to happen to her?" They asked. Shikaku only stared down at the girl face, he couldn't just get rid of her, something in him told him she was special. Something lead him to her, taking a deep breath he made up his mind, "I'm going to take her." He said. Choza and Inoichi stared at one another then back to their leader, "Well, this was a turn of events. Are you sure, you can handle that. What about Yoshino?" Inoichi asked. 

Shikaku smiled, "I'm sure she wound't mind. Besides, what's one more woman in the house." He joked, earning looks by his teammates. "Well, let's go. I think i'm ready to get home as quickly as possible." Choza said walking away, "Yeah, the village isn't far now." Inoichi said. Shikaku walked behind his teammates, he couldn't keep his eyes off the young child in his arms. Her body was cold, but her breathing was beginning to pick up indicating that she was waking up soon. "Hey, look the village! We are home." Choza hollered in excitement. "Great, now we have to do a report." Choza then complained. Inoichi laughed walking pass the now slouched man, "Don't worry. It will be quick." He said patting Choza on his back.

Shikaku, Inoichi, and Choza made their way to the Hokage office. Once they gave their reports regarding their mission, they then explained what happen to the mysterious village. Hinuzen Sarutobi listened to his intelligent ninjas telling him what they saw on their way back. He looked down to the young girl who was still sleeping in Shikaku arms, he can feel a huge amount of chakra inside of her. Not only that, but he can also sense something else is within her, he has his suspension but it was to early to voice them. Shikaku notice how the Hokage was eyeing the young girl, "Lord Hokage?" He said. "Hm?" Sarutobi answered. "I was asking, if we can make her a citizen of the Leaf Village. I would like for her to stay, she has no parents and is all alone." Shikaku explained once again.

Sarutobi clears his through, "I don't see nothing wrong with that. For now, let her rest. Tomorrow bring her back here, we can proberly ask what happen to her and her family." Sarutobi said. Shikaku bowed in his respect, "Thank you sir." He said before disappearing. Sarutobi was stocking his beard when his Anbu returned from scouting the area where the young girl came from, "Sir, the location where the Ino-Shika-Cho squad describe the massacre wasn't there. Were they sure that was the right ordinance?" The Anbu asked. Sarutobi let out of puff from his pipe, "Those men are one of the smartest men that I know. Something like that they wouldn't get it wrong. Search again tomorrow, bring others along with you." Sarutobi ordered. "Yes Sir." The Anbu said before he too disappeared.

Shikaku made his way to the Nara compound after biding his teammates farewell. Walking home he was greeted by his village, he just recently became the clan leader. After a long journey of 'Welcome Backs' Shikaku was ready to see the face he missed for a month, "Well, let's hope Yoshino doesn't get to mad little Fawn." Shikaku said with a small laugh, "When you get older, and your engage. Make sure you write that you're coming home with a child first." Shikaku smiled down at the sleeping child. The child moved in his arm before going back to deep sleep, Shikaku thought she was finally waking up, "Take your time." He whispered as he made his way to his compound with his new charge in his arms.

A/N: Well here is the first part of this story. This is my first crack at such a long series, and i'm really excited to do a Naruto Fanfiction. Thank you all for reading! 💖

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