A Fallen Hero

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Tova finally made it to the arena at record time, she ran along the wall using her charka to help steady her. Peaking over she spot leaf ninjas battling Sand and Sound Shinobi. She can see Guy taking out ninjas with ease and smiled hearing him count this kills, her heart skipped a beat seeing Kakashi battling along side him. Tova smiled, 'It's been so long since I saw you.' She thought lovingly as she watch Kakashi fight. "Kakashi, how many did you take down?" Guy asked after he took out two Ninjas that was about to attack Kakashi from behind. "Twenty-two." Kakashi simply answered with slight annoyance. Guy smiled his famous shiny smile to his friend, "Looks like I win old buddy." Guy said. Tova spotted multiple Ninjas flying towards them at a fast rate, "The last one I knocked off was my 23rd." Guy finished with smugness. Tova let out a small laugh. She narrowed her eyes as she thrust her hands forwards, Guy and Kakashi looked down seeing large ice spears coming from the ground impaling the five ninjas in mid-air.

Kakashi  eyed the ice as if it was a life-line, he felt something gently leaning against his back before hearing the voice of his love after so long. "Hey handsome. I thought you might needed help." Tova said to him with a smile. Kakashi heart skipped a beat feeling her touch, Guy smiled at her both Ninjas gathering their second wind now that they have help with them. "Maybe a little." Kakashi softly said to her, "Well now that you're here, lets take these freaks out shall we!" Guy hollered making Tova laugh at his antics. Kakashi turned his head smiling down at his girlfriend loving to hear her laughter again after so long, "After you Guy." Tova said. Guy let out a war cry as he charged at the ninjas, "Be careful Tova." Kakashi said. "You too love." Tova and kakashi went about taking out Ninjas left and right, "Hey! Tova. How about a battle, who can take out Ninjas the fastest. Me, the solo love master of the Hidden Leaf, or the couple. Full of love and passion. How about it?" He asked. Kakashi let out an annoyance sigh while Tova whole heartedly agreed. "You're on Guy." Tova said.

Tova looked around counting the reminding Ninjas around, "Alright. Time to end this." She said. Tova closed her eyes slapping her hands together, Kakashi and Guy along with the rest of the Leaf Ninjas turned their attention to Tova as they felt her charka level raise. Tova opened her eyes throwing her hands in the air, the ground rumbled beneath everyone feet, soon shards of ice flew from the ground just as large as her spears, nailing all the surrounding enemies inside the arena. Sounds of pain and death filled the area before silence filled the air, Tova brought her arms down sighing while looking around. With her hands on her hips, bodies started to fall all around them like snow. "Well Guy, I think I won." She simply said with a smile as she turned to the competitive man.

Guy and Kakashi watched with wide eyes and mouth slightly open in disbelief. "I knew your girlfriend was strong, but-" Guy swallowed as he looked at his long time friend, Kakashi nod his head as he too was in shock by Tova display of power. "I never thought she was this powerful." Guy finished. Guy posture changed with a smile and a laugh, "I guess so Tova! But still I have more bodies than that put together so therefore I technically win!" Guy burst with joy. Tova glared at him as she pointed her finger towards him, "No fair! You're cheating!" She hollered. Guy waved her off without care, "It's ok Tova. Some of us have to lose sometimes it's just part of youthful life." He smugly said. Tova was about to retaliate until Kakashi step in, "Actually Guy you said Solo love master vs. The couple remember. So if you add my count I say me and Tova beat you fair and square." He smiled. Guy face turned white with a look of total defeat, Tova smiled smugly at him crossing her arms.

Guy let out a sigh shrugging his shoulders, "Fine, but be ready next time. I won't go easy on you two." He playfully growled. Tova laugh nodding her head, "Deal, i'll be waiting Guy." Tova than turned to Kakashi, her smile still on her face. She lifted her hand cuffing his face wiping off the dirt, than fixing his vest lightly, "You look a mess." She teased. Kakashi only smile down at her taking her hand, holding it gently, "You're beautiful." He quietly said. Tova blushed hearing the compliment, "Thank you." She whispered back. Guy cleared his throat dramatically, "It would seem, our enemies are retreating." He said. Kakashi and Tova looked as the Sand and Sound retreated from the village. "Good riddance." Kurenai said. "Come on, let's go check on the Hokage." Guy said. The group leaped on the roof top only to find a grave situation. Everyone stared down at their fallen Hokage. Tova brain couldn't catch up to what she was seeing, she raised her hand to her mouth in shock seeing their leader have fallen trying to protect what he love dearly. Kakashi wrap his arm around her shoulders puling her to him as he too tried to process everything once again. The Hidden Leaf Village lost their Hokage.

Tova tied her head band around her arm as she got ready for Lord Hokage funereal. She let out a sigh than looked out the window, "It's quiet." She said to herself. Kakashi walked out staring at his girlfriend than out the window, "Looks like rain." He simply said as he stood behind her, he put his hand on her waist resting his chin on her shoulder, "You ready?" He asked. Tova nod her head. Kakashi opened the door for her before closing the door and locking it, he and Tova walked in silence where they will be honoring the Hokage. Kakashi held her hand along the way keeping his other in his pocket, they passed Guy who joined them quietly surprisingly. "How Asuma?" Tova asked. Guy sigh looking at the sky, "He's ok, considering." He said. Tova nod her head, holding Kakashi hand tighter. Guy smiled at the two than went back to being silent the rest of the journey.

At the funeral almost every Shinobi was there as well as the whole village. Tova felt rain drops falling before it started to pour, "It's raining." Kurenai said. Asuma stared at the sky nodding his head, "Even the heaven weep." Tova sigh as the elders begin their speech, "We are here to remember and honor not only the third Hokage but all those who sacrificed their life for the village." They began. Tova wasn't really listening to what they were saying, it was the same speech every time when something like this happen with a few new words thrown in. She watched as the children of the Leaf Shinobi placed their flowers down for the fallen, smiling she can see all the children that she help become little adults as they experience their first lost of a Hokage.

Once they were finish Naruto asked Iruka a question, "Iruka Sensei. Why do they do this?" He asked. Iruka sigh before answering, "Well, when someone passes away it's the end. His past, his future, all the drams he once had they disappear along with him." He began, "This is true even if he died honorably in battle. As so many have, as Hayate did. All the ties that bind him to the living are severed all but one. The most important of all, people. Parents, siblings, friends, lovers, the people who were important to him. And these people the ones left behind, are joined together in a great circle by their shared memories of him. It's hard to explain it." Iruka finished.

"I see, sort of. Still, it make me sad." Naruto quietly said. "Imagine how sad it would be if he died for nothing." Kakashi sternly said. Naruto stared at him, "But he left us something priceless, don't worry you'll understand one of these days." Kakashi softly told the young boy. Naruto smiled at him, "Hey give me some credit, that much I get." He said. He than notice Kakashi holding hands with Tova and smiled cheekily at his Sensei, Naruto wiggle his eyebrows at him causing Kakashi to turn his head with his other hand. Tova giggled at them as she and Kakashi begin to take their leave.

Tova let out a sigh when everything was over and the sun peaked threw the clouds, she covered her eyes smiling at the sunshine. "So! Are you Kakashi Sensei girlfriend?" Naruto asked with a wide smile, Sasuke and Sakura joined the little group eyeing their loud mouth teammate. "What are you talking about Naruto?" Sakura asked in annoyance. Naruto giggled while pointing at Tova and Kakashi, "I saw these two holding hands." He whispered like he found the biggest forbidden jutsu. Kakashi let out a sigh as he rub his head while Tova only smiled at them, Sakura eyes widen as she eyed the two adults, "Hold on, you're telling me Kakashi actually has a girlfriend?" She asked. Sasuke only eyed the situation, Naruto nod his head, "Yep! I seen it with my own two eyes!  Right Tova Sensei and Kakashi Sensei." Naruto smiled with wide eyes. Sakura and Sasuke was waiting for them to answer, Tova only stared at Kakashi who was beside her waiting for his answer, Kakashi let out a sigh knowing the cat was out the bag now about his private life. "Yes team, Tova is my girlfriend." He lazily told them.

Naruto cheered while Sakura squealed staring at the couple. Sasuke smirked as he watched, "Oh! Kakashi Sensei! Tova Sensei! I can't believe it, how long have you been dating?" Sakura asked. Tova thought about it than smiled, "Almost seven years I believe." She gently told them. Sakura had hearts in her eyes than look towards Sasuke with a smile, Naruto hugged Tova waist with a laugh. "That's awesome Tova Sensei! Now I know why Shikamaru always ask me about to watch Kakashi Sensei." Tova laugh as kakashi got a dumb look on his face, "Alright everyone, now that you know about Tova and I let's all go home. Naruto please let go of her." Kakashi said as he pulled his student away from his girlfriend. "Bye everyone." Tova waved as she and Kakashi headed in the opposite direction. Team Seven watched as Kakashi grab Tova hand as they walked on, Naruto and Sakura had tears in their eyes seeing them together, "You know, it's kind of cute." Naruto cried while sniffing. Sasuke nudged his team ready to leave this love fest, "Come on." He mumbled while walking away, Naruto and Sakura followed each having small conversations. 

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