Cursed Warrior

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After a grueling long week travel Tova and Chishima finally made it to the Land of Birds, Tova can tell that Chishima was completely wiped from the long travel but other than that he held up well. Not long after they arrive whistles were being blown around them, "What's going on?" Tova asked as she looked around in confusion, she looked up spotting a figure floating in the air, "That thing can fly?" She asked. Chishima was shock as well spotting the ghost for the first time, "Clad all in white, with a helmet and a halberd in its hand wearing the mask of an evil demon." Chishima listed with wide eyes," That's the cursed demon." Tova felt excitement at the prospect that this may not be a while goose chase, "Stay here Chishima, i'm gong to find out what's going on with this ghost." Tova told him, she quickly jumped on the roofs at blinding speed. Chishima eyes widen even more at her skills, "She's amazing." He mumbled to himself.

Tova chased after the ghost all the way to an abandon shrine. The ghost disappeared while Tova looked around the area, she made hand signs summing Xego. "Young Tova, what's the matter?" His deep voice greeted. Tova smiled at him, seeing him much smaller than his normal size, he was about the size of a small snake, "Xego, can you sense anything around here?" She asked. Xego sniffed the area, "I can sense a human, but not a living human." He answered her. Tova stared at the shrine, "This is real?" She asked. Xego flew on top of her head resting there, "You still believe in this ghost stuff?" He asked her. Tova ignored him as the ghost made his appearance, it stood in front of her with its glowing yellow eyes. "Alright, let's see if this is real or a trick than." Tova smiled as she threw her weapons towards the ghost body.

Her Kunais stuck on the ghost armor but nothing affected it. She than form a snow ball hitting the ghost helmet right off, "Score!" She hollered. Xego eyes were wide seeing the armor still up and moving on its own, "Huh Tova." He said to her, trying to keep her focus at the fact the body was still moving without a head, Tova charged at the armor hitting it with a hard kick. The armor crashed on the ground, falling apart. She stared down it finding it completely empty, she held an arm armor holding it close. "It's really empty." She quietly said to Xego. The black dragon shivered involuntary, his eyes widen just a bit more, "But it can't be. It's a real life ghost!" He cried while clenching her hair with his claws. "Ouch! Xego!" Tova cried. "Sorry Little Dragon. Not to use to this ghost business." He calmly said. Tova eyed the armor with a serious stare, 'So, this mission just got more interesting.' She thought with narrow eyes. 

Tova sat in a room where Moso was suppose to be meeting her, "Does Moso really live here? I expected more luxury." Tova mumbled. "Hush Tova, you're being rude." Xego whispered to her from inside her shirt. Chishima smiled towards her, "I know, but Lord Moso is a frugal man." He simply explained. It wasn't long before Tova heard laughter coming from outside, "Well now isn't that funny. More luxury huh." Moso laughed greeted her. "Lord Moso." Chishima bowed respectfully to his Lord. Tova bowed back, "Sorry Lord Moso, I was just taken back by the simplicity of your home." Tova said. Moso only laugh more, "No need to apologize, it's nice to hear outsider opinions." Moso waved off. Tova sat up smiling at him as well as Chishima, "Please make yourself comfortable, I take it your the village from the leaf?" Moso asked. 

Tova nod her head as Chishima introduce her to him, "I guess you saw the ghost as well?" Moso than asked. "Yes, I saw the ghost last night." Tova answered with confidence. "You shouldn't just assume." Xego mumbled to her. Tova pretended she didn't hear him in front of the two men, "Please, we do ask for your help. This ghost is causing lots of chaos during our fragile time, we just received a new Lord of the land and we need all the peace we can get. Please I beg of you, help us." Moso bowed towards her causing Tova to feel uncomfortable that a Lord was bowing in her presence. "I will try all I can my Lord." Tova bowed back to him, giving an excited look.

Tova sat down at a local chicken wing stand ready to dig in, "Here are your chicken wings." The owner said. "Dig in." "You don't have to tell me twice." Tova said as she took a bite of her lunch, "Moso seem like a good guy, even if he is a little stingy on the money." Tova said to Chishima who watch her eat with a smile, "Oh yes he is. He even allowed me to come a page." He told her with pride in his voice. Tova was munching on her chicken wings with a smile nodding her head, Xego poked her on her stomach causing the young woman to choke, "I see." She answered while wiping her mouth with a small blush of embarrassment, "Your current Feudal Lord Sagi. I would like to meet him." She said. Chishima shook his head, "I'm sorry but Lord Sagi, he's not meeting anyone at this time." He told her. Tova leaned close causing the younger boy to blush at the closeness, "Come on, you two are childhood friends correct? Help a girl out please." Tova smiled at him with charm that the young man couldn't refuse, "I think I know how we can possibly meet with him." Chishima finally gave in. Tova pulled away, "Thank you." Xego let out a sigh, 'Every man weakness is a woman, but also their strengths.' He thought while shaking his head at his pupil.

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