The Change

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Tova was walking home from school holding her books to her chest, it's been a few years since she stared her studies and finally coming to terms that she wants to become a teacher. She was nervous to tell her mother and father, thinking both of them would bee upset with her. To her surprise they took the news very well. Shikaku vowing he will help her be the best teacher that the Leaf has ever laid on, with that vow came even more mental training for the young girl. Shikaku believing that a strong mind is more important than a strong body, in secret he wanted her to still be strong and to not slack. He's been seeing her charka getting stronger by the day, he keep training her making sure she stay in tip top condition, even as a teacher he wants her to be as strong as she can be. As well as being able to protect herself against who ever my threaten her life.

Tova sigh sadly as she looked up to the setting sky, Shikaku was on a mission that may last for the better part of the year. He and Yoshino got married not to long ago, and the family was growing. Yoshino was pregnant with their first child, Tova wasn't to happy with the news. She was afraid that the two will forget about her now that they have their own child to look after. Another thing that made her soul fill with sadness, was the fact that Kakashi didn't speak to her, after losing his father the two was still close, maybe even closer than ever. He will still come around and help her with her school work and train with her, he was still his same confident self only sadder. Tova would invite him to her place to have dinner and to spend the night so that he wasn't alone, but he always declined saying he needed time to just think.

Tova would than go to his house, where his father committed suicide after being shamed by the village by choosing his teammate over the mission. The two would share small talk, mostly Tova doing the talking while Kakashi would listen as she told him about her lessons. Sometime Rin and Obito will stop by and the group will cheer up Kakashi as much as possible. It wasn't until Obito died followed by Rin did Kakashi cut her off completely and the small dinners ceased.

Tova looked up thinking she spotted him ahead of her, she smiled running hoping to catch him. "Hey! Kakashi!" She hollered with a wave as she ran. Kakashi didn't stop, when she turned the corner he was no where to be found. Tova looked around hoping to see her friend that she miss dearly. She sigh with sadness looking down at her shoes swinging her bag gently, she looked around one last time before moving onward home. The young Anbu watched as the young girl continued on her way with tears filling her eyes. Kakashi followed until she made it home safely, "I'm sorry Tova. It's for the best." He said to himself before disappearing.

Tova didn't understand why he cut her off, she understood that the life of a shinobi wasn't a glamorous one. She feared for Shikaku and Kakashi constantly along with the rest of her friends, but never did she thought Kakashi would abandon her. She tried many time to connect with Kakashi, she even baked him a cake when it was his birthday. She knocked on the door of his home, sensing he was there, but of course he didn't answer. She laid the cake down with a sad sigh, she leaned her forehead on the door with tears rolling down her face, "Happy Birthday." She whispered to him. Kakashi leaned his back on the door with a stoic look on his face, when he sensed her leave he opened the door seeing the beautiful small cake left behind, "Thank you Tova." He softly said as he took the cake inside to celebrate his birthday alone.

When Tova graduated from the Ninja Academy Kakashi was way ahead of her and became a Chunin followed by Jounin and later an Anbu Captain. Tova couldn't be more proud of him and his accomplishment, she remember when they were young children that was his dream, to be strong like his father. Tova frowned, what she wasn't proud of was the fact he was also cold hearted who pushed her away. He seemed to have pushed everyone away, Tova would try to always catch him but like the talented Shinobi that he was. He always slipped threw her fingers.

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