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Tova been training what felt like months, she can fell changes have happen to her as she's training. She notice that she couldn't control her Sage form, somedays she can sustain it others she can't even get in the form. Xego told her it may take her years to master it so to not worry, Tova decided to work on her Ice powers. The large dragon taught her how to fight in her dragon form, for Tova it was the easiest way for her to fight. Between her parents and Shikaku help training with Xego was a snitch. During their training something happen that it even took Xego off guard.

While training in her dragon form Tova asked if it was possible for her to enter her sage form as well. Xego thought about it and shrugged his shoulders, "Well, let's see." He simply said. Tova nod her head, she closed her eyes concentrating on gathering her charka, it was the first time she ever tried anything in her current form. Tova felt herself grow stronger, her body stayed the same but the same markings ran down her entire body. Xego eyed his pupil, his eyes narrowed sensing something was wrong, "Tova!" He hollered. Tova didn't answer, instead she opened her eyes staring at Xego like she didn't recognize him. Xego growled knowing this wasn't the same young dragon that's he's been training what felt like months, "Tova, snap out of it!" He called. 

Tova let out a roar causing ice spears to shoot out towards Xego. The black dragon dodge the large spears with ease, "Tova!" He hollered with worry. Tova growled than swipe her tail along the snowy ground, the ice formed into multiple large Kunai . Xego dodge throwing his own ice at her, Tova dodge flying high in the air. Xego followed keeping his eyes on her, his own eyes changed colors as his charka covered his body. He opened his mouth allowing a large energy ball to form, Tova roar at him as she too formed an energy ball. The two collided each dragon pushing one another, Xego had experience over Tova. He charged forward forcing the younger dragon to fall back, he came face to face to her knocking her down with his mighty tail. Tova fell down from the sky with an earth shattering landing.

Xego watched from above with narrow eyes, once the dust settle he spotted Tova back in her human form knocked out. He glided down landing gently, he tucked his nose under her body lifting her up, "I see we still have a long way to go." He softly said.

After that day Xego told Tova what happen, and to not enter that stage until she has mastered the Sage form completely. Tova felt bad letting the power take over her body, it was scary and violating in a sense. Xego promise he will work with her when the time came. "Even now things still surprises me, i'll poke around to see how we can learn to control your powers." He stated with a small smile. He always made Tova feel like she can do anything much like how Shikaku made her feel.

Tova let out a sigh as she sat on a rock thinking about what happen that faithful day. Tova stared at the sky, her mind wondering how long she's been here training with Xego. According to the wise dragon time was different here than it was in the real world, what feels like months can really be days. Tova looked at herself through the icy river, she can see she was indeed ready for a haircut, her hair was far to long for her liking. She can see she gained muscle tone over the course of her training, she looked trim and more battle ready, she can tell she matured as well. With new knowledge that Xego been teaching her she just felt more powerful. Tova mind wonder to the exam, 'It should be starting soon.' She thought. She looked over her shoulder hearing Xego making his way to her, "I believe it's time for you to return young one." He stated.

Tova turned fully to him with wide eyes, "What!? Already!?" She shouted. Xego let out laughter that shook the surrounding tundra, "I'm afraid so little one. You can now work on everything in your own time, I gave you the tools now it's up to you if you want to use them and make them sharper." Xego explained. Tova sigh nodding her head, "I do miss my family." She than stared at the dragon that become important to her as well, "I'll miss you as well Xego Sensei." She softly stated. Xego waved her off, "You'll see me again i'm sure. Don't forget you can also summon me when absolutely needed. Even so, i'm here for you young Tova." Xego nuzzled his pupil, Tova smiled wrapping her arms around his nose, "I know, but still i'll miss you so much." Tova gave him one last squeeze before pulling away with a smile, Xego smiled down to her nudging his head to the exit, "Now go young one. Tell that boy of yours I said to always keep you safe." Xego growled. Tova laugh nodding her head, "Of course. Thank You Xego and goodbye!" Tova bowed before running off. Xego watch her go with his own smile, "I'm sure i'll see you soon enough."

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