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It's been a few months since Tova, Shikaku, and Yoshino have become a small family. Tova was now officially a citizen of the Hidden Leaf Village, and a member of the Nara Clan. Shikaku asked if she wanted his last name while filling out the paperwork, Tova nod her head crying with happiness making the Shadow Ninja almost shad a tear from her happiness. Tova never would've thought he would do something like that, she always see children without parents not getting a second chance, and here she is with someone who wanted to do just that. "You know, you're the second person i'm giving my to." Shikaku said with a smile while putting 'Nara' on her new I.D. Card. Tova smiled at him while kicking her feet on the chair, "I guess I better get use to it. In a few months Yoshino will be next huh?" Shikaku said with a sheepish smile. Tova nod her head while looking out the window of her new home.

The Hokage and Anbu never found her village when they went back to search for it. Inoichi and Choza went with the force thinking they lost their minds, when they returned it was like nothing was ever there. The forest was still intact with out a single ember mark. Shikaku couldn't even come up with a logical explanation for the disappearance of the village when they asked him to join the search. That night he asked Tova about her village, the young girl only shrugged her shoulders, "I don't remember." She simple said. Shikaku wasn't sure if he should believe her or not but he didn't push the issue. 'Maybe that's a good thing.' He thought.

Once things settle down and the family got use their new dynamic things were beginning to get back to normal. Shikaku thought it would be a good idea to sign up Tova at the Ninja Academy. Yoshino thought it was a good idea considering the girl didn't go outside and play with the other kids her age, it seem when ever she go outside she gets shy and fearful, or just simply standoffish by nature. When they asked her if she wanted to join Ninja Academy Tova nod her head, "I want to join, I want to protect you and Yoshino." She declared with determination. Shikaku smiled rubbing her hair with a laugh, "That's my job. It's my job to protect my two ladies, but I can use some help when i'm away on missions." He decided to bargain. Tova nod her head, standing on the couch so she was eye level with the sitting young man, "Deal." She said holding out her hand to him. Shikaku nod his head firmly taking her tiny hand in his, "Deal."

Yoshino shook her head at the two while washing dishes, "First, how about we train. I want to know what level you're at." Shikaku said while walking to the backyard of his compound. Tova smiled, it's been so long since she practice her Ninja techniques. Her parents just started her training when the invasion happened. Tova shook her head wanting to get rid of the images that was beginning to form. 'I have a new family now.' She told herself as she looked at the young man and woman. 

Shikaku turned around with his hands across his chest staring at the small girl before him, "Alright little Fawn, come at me with everything you got." He said. Yoshino sat down on the porch to watch. "Go Tova!" She cheered. Tova cheeks grew warm at the cheer then got serious. Shikaku 'hmm'd' seeing the serious look take over her face. It wasn't long before she charged at him, Shikaku easily blocked her attacks with one hand. He threw a swift kick at her knocking her to the ground. Tova easily got back up, using the momentum to make her fly back to him. Shikaku nod his head impress with her quick action, he can see she didn't know any hand signs, so far she was only using taijutsu with him. Even so, he can see her chakra levels and can tell she is very strong for a child her age. When Tova threw a kick at him, he grab her ankle tossing her as lightly as he can back on the ground. Tova let out a breath, "Come on little Fawn, I know you're stronger than that." He simply said.

Tova stood up wiping her mouth, Yoshino smiling at her with encouragement. Tova stared at the man and woman that she care very deeply for, the couple that gave her a second chance, that allowed her to be apart of their family, the two that if they find out what she really is may not want her. Shikaku and Yoshino can see Tova is thinking really hard about something, "What's wrong?" Yoshino asked. Tova stared at the two then looked to the ground at her dirty shoes, "I don't want to hurt you." She said. Shikaku almost laugh but held it in when he saw Yoshino glaring at him, "Don't worry little Fawn, you won't hurt me or Yoshino. I can take a hit." Shikaku cockily said. Tova shook her head, "No, when you see what I can do. You won't want me anymore." She whispered. Shikaku frowned then walked over to the small girl, he used his finger to lift up her chin, "Liston Tova, you are apart of my family. Nothing you do will ever cause me to dislike you." He firm stated while looking into her eyes. Tova can see he was telling her the truth and nod her head. She held out her small pinkie, "Promise, you never break pinkie promises." She said. Shikaku nod his head curling his pinkie with hers, "Promise." He then kissed her hand sealing the deal. Yoshino felt herself wanting to cry by the touching moment between the two.

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