Dragon Showdown

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Today was the day Naruto left the village with Jiraya for the next couple of years, Tova watched as he and Jiraya walked out of the village from her office. Tova smiled when Kakashi stood beside her watching as well, "You're ok?" She asked. Kakashi sigh nodding his head, "Yeah, it's good he's going. This just mean we all have go get stronger as well, when he gets back. Naruto may be stronger than all of us, excluding you of course." Kakashi smiled at her. Tova shook her head at him, "Ok Kakashi." She said. She went to turn off her light on the desk than grabbing their bags, throwing Kakashi his. "Welp, let's head out." Tova ordered as she grab her office keys, Kakashi put on his bag walking pass her watching as she locked up her office. "Are you sure this will be ok?" He asked while holding her hand down the halls, "Yep, Lady Tsunade is already aware we will be gone a few weeks to a month at the latest." Tova reassured with squeezing his hand.

Kakashi stayed quiet as they walked out the gates, "So this place where going to, what is it like?" He asked. Tova smiled thinking about her birth place and seeing Xego again, "It's beautiful Kakashi, it's cold which is why I told you to bring something warm." Tova eyed him when he didn't listen and is just wearing a scarf, Kakashi pulled her close kissing her on the cheek. "I love you." He whispered to her. Tova still eyed him but smiled non the less, "Love you too. But trust me, you will love it. Like I told you, a few weeks here will be months in there." Tova explained, "Xego is a great teacher, he can't wait to train with us." Tova smiled while Kakashi laugh nervously, 'I think he's been looking forward to this for a while.' Kakashi thought. "Well, that's good. Lady Tsunade wasn't to happy to have both of us gone for a while, but hearing that time moves differently it make this worth the time." Kakashi said. Tova nod her head in agreement.

Tova and Kakashi made their way to the very end of the forest, Kakashi looked around recognizing the area. "This is it?" He asked. Tova smiled as she lifted her hand, "This is it." Tova let out her powers, Kakashi felt cold heavy wind blow as a barrier was lifted. His eyes widen seeing the abandon village, "What?" He asked. Tova nod her head, "Come on love." Tova grab his arm pulling him to the entrance. Kakashi felt his breath hike when the bitter cold hit him, Tova pulled out his heavy coat from her bag and handed it to him. Kakashi grab it pulling it on, "Thanks." He said. He stared at her seeing she was walking as if she was cruising on the beach, "How are you not cold?" He asked, but already knowing the answer.

Tova threw him a teasing smile, "Talent." She simply stated. Kakashi stared behind him still seeing the forest behind them, "Is it going to close?" He asked. Tova shook her head, "From this side no, to others it will only appear as a forest like you saw." She explained. Kakashi looked around the abandon village seeing that most things was made from ice and something ancient, "You're right Tova, this is amazing." Kakashi softy said looking around trying to vision how this village looked in its hay day. "It was." Tova softly said. Kakashi pulled her close to him holding her tightly, "Me, Shikaku, and Shikamaru would come here every summer to train when we were younger. We have great times, I remember Shikamaru would have a ball flying with me. Dad did too but he would never admit it." Tova said with a smile. "I wanted to bring you here for so long, but Xego said it wasn't the time." Kakashi stared at her with a raised eyebrow, "What changed?" He asked. 

Tova smiled staring at him, she than lifted her left hand showing off her engagement ring. Kakashi blushed but understanding, "I see." Tova nod her head, "Xego wanted to make sure he could trust you." Kakashi kissed her on top of her head, "I would never hurt you or Xego. Just know that." He told her. "I know." Tova wrap her arm around his waist, "Don't worry about the cold, you will get use to it. Where we going it's Xego special training ground, it's warmer than out here." Tova explained. Kakashi continue to look around the now ghost town, "I would love a tour when we are not training." Kakashi told her. Tova smiled happy that he's taking a liking to her home, "I would love that." She whispered. 

Kakashi observed her seeing her face glow since they entered her old home, she look so at home. Kakashi looked around as well and he can understand why, "We're here." Tova told him. Kakashi found himself by large doors that looked frozen over a hundred times, Tova put her hand on the handles opening the door. "After you." Tova held her hand out with a smirk, Kakashi nod his head eyeing the entrance. He took a step forward entering the area, Tova was right it was a lot warmer here. Tova entered behind him allowing him to observe everything around them, she was quiet but holding his hand. "There's nothing here." Kakashi stated. 

Tova hid her smile, "Keep going." She told him. It wasn't long before Kakashi eyes widen and he stopped dead in his tracks holding Tova hand tightly. Tova smiled at him than looked to Xego in all his glory. "Tova." Kakashi whispered. "Hm?" Tova leaned her head on his arm with a smile eyeing him, "There's a big, really big dragon." Kakashi stuttered. "Kakashi." Xego greeted walking over to the couple, Kakashi eyes followed upwards to Xego large form. Kakashi felt as though Xego was staring into his very soul and know all his secrets he has suppress, "Welcome Kakashi Hatake. I hope you're ready to train, this won't be easy." Xego stated lowering his head to his level. Kakashi nod his head, "Yes sir." Tova smiled to Xego who nod his large head, "Welcome back little dragon." Xego greeted.

"Hello Xego. Thank you for having us, we really need some training. Things have been tense and we need a place to just let it all out." Tova explained as she took Kakashi belongings, "Come on, i'll show you were we will be staying." Tova pushed the still wide eyed Kakashi to their living quarters. Once Tova closed the door to their living space she giggled, "Dragon got your tongue Kakashi?" She asked. Kakashi pushed her to the nearby wall eyeing her, "I know Xego was big, but you failed to mention he was huge." He whispered. Tova smiled nodding her head, "His smaller form was all I can summon, once I get stronger he can be this size when I do summon. I just need training." Tova told him with her hand on his chest, Kakashi eyed his fiancé and couldn't believe she was still needing to get stronger.

He let out a sigh, "This is going to be really interesting." Tova nod her head, "Xego is a great trainer, he can help you with anything." Tova said. Kakashi believed the black dragon can really help him get stronger, he saw the result with Tova in a short time. "Now that we're here, make yourself at home. We won't be going anywhere anytime soon." Tova smiled at Kakashi wrapping her arms around him, "Are you excited to get married?" She gently asked. Kakashi wrap his arms around her, "Of course, when do you want to?" He asked. Tova thought about it than smiled, "How about when Naruto get back. We need to have him around, he's apart of your life and team. It's ashamed Sasuke can't be here but." Tova paused thinking about the Uchiha. 

Kakashi lifted her head up, leaning close. "Ok, in two years you will be my wife." He said against her lips. Tova smiled kissing him, Kakashi moaned against her lips pulling her close to his body. They pulled away hearing Xego roar for them, Tova smiled while rolling her eyes, "He's like my father." She whispered with a laugh. Kakashi snuck in another kiss before pulling away, "I love you. And thank you for this." He whispered. Tova blushed hearing the endearment, "I love you too. No need to thank me, I just want to help." She whispered. Kakashi chuckled, "Welp, let's get this training stared." Kakashi sigh. Tova laugh skipping out the room, "Watch and see, you will be stronger than ever before with Xego help." Tova gushed while spinning around with dramatics, Kakashi chuckled at her closing the door and entering the training grounds where Xego was waiting with his intense stare.

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