New Ninja Team

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Tova was once again dreaming, this time she was in a sea of white, a blizzard was swirling all around her but surprisingly it didn't effect her. Tova could see clearly, looking around she was in a white abyss. The only sound she can hear was the howling of the wind, her head snapped when she heard a call, Tova walked forward following the call. Tova walked for what felt like miles before she felt herself stepping into water, she looked down seeing her feet on top of what look like a sea of endless water. Tova continue onward as the call grew louder. Tova had to cover her face when the storm grew larger, she paused as the wind blew harder at her, "Wha?" She asked. The call that lead her here grew faint, Tova opened her eyes, "No, wait. Who are you?" She asked. She felt her body lifting from the sea, she begin to panic when she felt herself be thrown back, "Ahhh!" She hollered as she flew.

Tova opened her eyes as she was being shaken awake by Kakashi. She was breathing hard while staring at his duel colored eyes, "Tova, what happened?" He asked with worry, he cuffed her face wiping away the sweat that was falling, "The room grew cold and it began to snow." He explained. Tova looked around seeing that indeed they had their own winter wonderland, she sigh wiping her eyes, "I'm sorry love. I don't know what happened." She softly said. Kakashi continue to stare at her with worry, "Maybe, we should go to the Hokage just to see if he know anything." Kakashi suggested. Tova shook her head, "No, i'm ok. It was just a dream." She reassured once again with a tired smile. Kakashi nod his head, "Ok, if you think anything is wrong you let me know ok." He said as he pulled her do him. 

Tova sigh with contentment, "I will, thank you for waking me." She smiled. Kakashi kissed his girlfriend on her head, "Of course. Snow was always my favorite element, but not the cold." He said with suave while eyeing his love, Tova blushed hitting his chest, "Ok Casanova." Tova eyes grew large as she looked at the clock, "Kakashi! Aren't you suppose to meet with your team and the Hokage?" She asked while sitting up from the bed, Kakashi let out a groan throwing his pillow over his head, "Yeah, but my girlfriend was having trouble sleeping and I just had to-" He was cut off by ice forming under his back than him sliding on an ice slide straight to the bathroom, "You will not be late on the kids first day!" Tova ordered. Kakashi laid on the cold ice slide staring at the ceiling of the bathroom of his girlfriend apartment, "Out of all the girls, you had to fall for the one that can force you out of bed." He mumbled to himself, "What was that!?" Tova asked. "Nothing. Nothing." Kakashi said with his eyes closed.

Tova sigh as she looked out her window while eating her breakfast, Kakashi left late as always to meet with his potential new team. She was absentmindedly stirring her breakfast while thinking about her strange dream, she didn't understand what any of it meant. Than waking up to a winter wonderland was another thing that was worrying her, never before has she had problems with her powers. Tova looked at her mushy breakfast, "What was that, what do it mean?" She asked herself with a sigh. "I guess i'm not eating breakfast today." She walked to her kitchen sink putting her dishes inside, she than smiled thinking, 'Maybe i'll take a walk.' Tova grab her key putting it inside her small pouch. It's been a while since she had some time off, she was greeted by some of the village people and her old students. Tova sigh seeing all the new Genins with their teams doing small missions or being introduce to their teams for the first time. Tova always enjoyed this time of the year.

"I hope Shikamaru is doing ok." She said while staring up at the sky with a smile, she knew her little brother was more than ok. He was part of the second generation of the Ino-Shika-Cho squad. Her father may not show it to his son but he was proud of Shikamaru, the two always had a strange relationship. Tova remember with her Shikaku was always around and helping her, he was there to train her and to teach her everything she needed to know at the right ages. For some reason with Shikamaru he was more stand-offish with him, Tova didn't understand why the switch neither did Yoshino. It was like Shikaku was waiting on something or avoiding his son completely when it came to his ninja training. Tova was there to teach her brother all that she know just like Shikaku did with her, but Tova can only do so much same with Yoshino, Shikamaru need his father for things that Tova and Yoshino couldn't help him with. Tova knew Shikaku would die for his son hands down, but Shikaku was still focus on helping her whenever she asked. Because of that, she didn't want to go to him with her current problem. If it was even called a problem. Tova closed her eyes feeling a headache coming on, 'Stop think about it.' She told herself.

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