Arising Problems

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Tova let out a yawn early in the morning as she was walking to work, she held her tea in her hand leisure walking taking notes from her brother and father. Just as she passed the hospital a spike of charka burst in the air causing her to look up, letting out a gasp she spot Naruto and Sasuke about to attack one another with powerful moves. "What the?" She ask as she watch, her eyes widen seeing them being thrown into two water storages, her eyes widen when a tsunami was about to come crashing down from Naruto impact. Tova moved out of the way just in time to avoid being drowned, "Thank Naruto." She mumbled. She spotted Kakashi on the roof with his team and decided to continue on her way to work, "I hope everything is ok Kakashi." She mumbled. She gave the hospital one more glance before walking off.

Tova was walking around her office organizing missions and assigning them to teams when a knock was head on her window. Tova lifted her head from the bookshelf seeing Kakashi waving at her, she smiled putting away the scroll she was holding before opening the window to let him in. "Hey, I saw what happened." She told him. Kakashi let out a sigh before closing the window, "Yeah." He simple said. Tova can see on his face he's a little worried regarding the situation, she pulled his hand so he was close to her. "Hold on." She whispered. Kakashi watched as she waved her hand along the prirometer of the room, he watched as light frost covered the walls than sealing in solid ice like a crystal. "It's a sound proof technique that Xego taught me, no one will hear what's going on." Tova told him with a smile. 

Kakashi was impress, "Huh, and who is this Xego?" He asked. Tova giggled shaking her head, "You'll meet him, one day." She simply stated, "Now, what happen up there? Why were the boys trying to kill one another?" She asked. Kakashi stared at his girlfriend feeling more comfortable talking now that nosey ears won't hear, he let out a tired sigh, "Well, let's just say so much for teamwork." He started. Tova nod her head listening, "Jiraiya taught Naruto the Rasengan, he and Sasuke was sparring I guess but those move were too powerful for just a training match." Kakashi said as he leaned against the window. Tova leaned against her desk crossing her arms, "I still feel like he's to young for that Jutsu." Kakashi stated. Tova gave him a look of disbelief, "Kakashi, isn't that calling the kettle black." She said. Kakashi eyed her than looked out the window, "Jiraiya said the same thing. I guess it's because its Naruto." 

Tova smiled, "Ok, so that bad blood gotten worst between them." She thought while holding her chin in deep thought. "It's nothing we haven't seen before. To Naruto Sasuke is a comrade and a rival at the same time. In fact it's the competition between them that keeps him going, that's why he won't stand for it when Sasuke tries to belittle him." Kakashi leaned his head on the window while Tova allowed him to take his time, "He's been dogging Sasuke's steps every inch of the way, since their first days at the academy. As far as Naruto is concerned, what I and even Jiraiya thinks don't matter to him. There's only one person who's approval he really cares about, and that's Sasuke." Tova nod her head, already knowing first hand about Naruto and his view on Sasuke.

"On the other hand it's hard for Sasuke to watch Naruto strength and skills develop at such an astonishing rate. Naruto clearly have come along so fast that Sasuke must feel idled." Tova inserted. Kakashi nod his head, "Exactly. Naruto has something powerful driving him on, but Sasuke does as well." Tova knew that, "His hatred for Itachi, is also driving him too fast." She let out a sigh thinking about the older Uchiha, "Sasuke can't acknowledge Naruto abilities, he's afraid if he does acknowledge them he some how diminishes his own." Kakashi let out another tired sigh, "It can be hard work maintaining a rivalry." He finished. Tova stared at him before walking over, Kakashi watched as she came closer. She wrap her arms around him pulling him close, Kakashi held her just as tightly burying his face in her neck. "Well, that's not a very health rivalry to have, but I think someone need a stern talking to." She whispered to him. Kakashi pulled away nodding his head, "You're right. I'll be back later to pick you up ok." He said. Tova nod her head feeling her heart pound like it always does with Kakashi. They shared one last kiss before he left out the window.

Tova wrote the last mission down on the scroll for an Anbu team to disperse. "There, done and done." She said with a smile, she looked out the window seeing how late it was, "Kakashi must be outside by now. I hope everything with Sasuke worked out." She said to herself. She turned off the light in her office and closing the door. She was heading to the Anbu drop-off while thinking about Team 7, she stumbled seeing Danzo standing by the drop-off instead of the regular Anbu member. Tova took a deep breath as she continue, "Sir Danzo." She greeted. Danzo eyed the young woman with a smile, "Ms. Tova, hello. It's been awhile." He said. "You have that scroll?" He asked while holding out his hand, Tova nod her head taking the scroll from her bag handing it to him. He quickly grab her wrist tightly making Tova glare at him using her strength to pull away resisting the urge to punch the man in his face, "Don't touch me." She growled. 

Danzo lifted his hand in false innocence, "My apologize Ms. Tova. I didn't mean to frighten you." He said with a closed eye smile. Tova swallowed every disrespectful thing she wanted to say to him, "That's fine, i'm just not a fan of strangers touching me. Have a good day." She walked off quickly, wanting to get away from him as fast as possible. She kept her guard up as she exited the Anbu headquarter, Danzo watched with an intriguing smile, "Yes little Tova. Have a good day." He whispered while clenching the scroll with excitement.

Kakashi waited for Tova to arrive outside the Hokage office, he turned around hearing the door open. He was about to greet Tova only to find her in a state, "What's wrong?" He asked with worry. Tova quickly walked to him grabbing his arm away from the building, "Tova?" He asked in surprise as she pulled him along with surprising strength, Tova stopped out of earshot, "Danzo was at the drop-off." She quietly said as she took a seat on a rock holding her wrist. Kakashi ears perked hearing that unexpected name, "Danzo, what the hell was he doing there?" He asked. Tova shrugged her shoulders, "I wonder that as well." She showed him her wrist causing them both to gasp at the bruise that was forming, "He grab me, for what I don't know." She said. Kakashi touched her wrist carefully growing anger forming in his body, "I don't what that was about. I'm sure it's nothing nice." Tova growled. Kakashi pulled her wrist to his lips kissing it softly, "As long as you didn't use your powers you should be ok. That's probably what he was looking for." He said. Tova let out a sigh, "He was definitely  searching for something. As long as i've work here he never leaves his space." Tova mumbled.

Kakashi lifted her up, taking her work bag from her, "Let's go, what ever Danzo wants it can't be good i'm sure." He quietly said. Tova nod her head, Kakashi held her hand as he lead her home, "If he touches me again, i'll kill him." Tova growled with anger. Kakashi chuckled hearing this girlfriend threat, "I don't think it's a good idea to kill the Anbu Commander, you will be in a heap of trouble." He teased. Tova huffed at him waving him off, "No one will miss him." She casually said. Kakashi smiled staring at her, than he looked down at her wrist where the bruise was getting worst, 'That is, if I don't kill him first.' He thought with his own anger seeing his girlfriend hurt. 'What do he want? Does he know about her powers? Let's hope not.' Kakashi continue on listening to Tova threats regarding the Anbu leader.

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