United Love

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Kakashi grunted as he landed on his back with a hard thud, his body sliding on the snowy ground than stopping just short near the ocean. Xego smirk wagging his tail with lazy switches, "Are you done Kakashi?" He asked with a smirk. Kakashi sat up rubbing his face, "No, just getting warmed up." He huffed while standing on shaking legs. Xego nod his head standing up ready for Kakashi next move, "Thank, let's get going." Kakashi glared at him with his Sharingan glowing, his face was full of sweat as his body was feeling like it was ready to give up on him. Kakashi have to admit, Xego knew how to train your stamina and endurance. He was the perfect balance of harsh training with a gently approach, Kakashi quickly grew to know that Xego know what he was doing when it came to knowledge and power. Kakashi pushed his Sharingan to levels he thought he would never see.

He also quickly learned that Tova was right about the time here, to them it felt like months has passed by. According to Xego it's really only been a couple of days outside of this world, Kakashi could never wrap his head around the time difference but Tova reassured him it wasn't worth him understanding. Kakashi charged at Xego with all his might and power, the big dragon gracefully dodge his attacks. It always surprise him how a creature like Xego, that was so big be so graceful and move with ease. Kakashi tried to hit him with all the tricks he knows but Xego always pushed him to his limit physically and mentally. 

Kakashi once again was thrown far and hard across the ground by just Xego tail. "I think we are done here." Xego told him. Kakashi nod his head in pain from the hit, "You're right." Kakashi finally gave in with a huff of air. Xego turned around walking away from him, "See you tomorrow Kakashi." He called before flying away to who know where. Kakashi watched from his place on the ground as Xego flew away, he smiled seeing the black dragon fly. He always love watching Xego and Tova training. Xego wanted to work on Tova Sage Form, especially in her dragon form. For whatever reason she couldn't control herself with those two forms, Xego asked Kakashi for help in case Tova went out of control. When it first happen, Kakashi was fearful for Tova. The look in her eyes he would never forget, that wasn't Tova, it was something different. 

Kakashi always knew Tova was strong and powerful, but seeing how far she's come amazed him. Once Tova was out of Sage Mode she felt really down at not being able to control it fully, that didn't stop her til this day she practice and she was getting better. 

Kakashi closed his eyes relaxing in the fresh snow, another surprise to him was the fact he was getting use to the cold weather. It was still to cold for him, but it just add to his training and force him to endure it. It wasn't long before he felt Tova nearing him, he opened his eye seeing her flying down to him. Kakashi sat up watching his love fly in the air with such grace, he wasn't sure where she went to train but she didn't want him or Xego in harm way. 

Once Tova landed she changed into her human form with a smile, Kakashi stood up smiling back at her. "You look beat up." She commented as she put her hand on his chest. Kakashi stared at her as well seeing how much she clearly was training, he placed his hand on her cheek caressing it gently. "You looked better as well." He teased. Tova laugh walking away from him grabbing his hand pulling him along with her, "Come on lover boy." She laughed. Kakashi smiled allowing her to pull him. She lead him to a hot spring that they use to wash up and just relax in, it was their favorite place. Kakashi fell in love with it when Tova showed it to him the first time he trained.

He can see their clothes was already ready for them when they finish, "You had this planned?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. Tova only smiled at him letting go of his hand, "Maybe." She said with smugness. Kakashi stared to take off his training clothes and weights that Xego provided for both he and Tova. He let out a sigh of relief feeling the weights leave his body, he eyed Tova as she too took off her weights and clothes. She smirked at him seeing him watching, "Enjoying yourself?" She asked while walking over to him running her finger over his naked chest, Kakashi heart was beating fast as her finger felt like a hot knife gliding down his body. Tova moved closer to him with a smile. "What's the matter Kakashi? Cat's got your tongue?" She whispered along his lips.

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