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Tova was sitting in her office staring at Shikamaru picture with more worry, "You better be safe Shikamaru." She mumbled. Her door flew open making her jump in surprise spotting Kakashi, "Tova!" He sternly said after he closed the door, "Kakashi. Welcome back." She said some of the stress leaving her face, she ran around her dest hugging him tightly, "You're back." She whispered. Kakashi huge her tight seeing the stress on her face, "I'm home Tova." He reassured. "I know." She smiled at him, Kakashi cuffed her face rubbing the stress lines. "Between you, father and Shikamaru being gone I was just worried. Now with this Sasuke thing." She rambled. Kakashi kissed her holding her face to his, pulling away he rested his forehead against hers, "Didn't I tell you to not worry. Now look at you." He teased. Tova laugh gently wiping her eyes, "I know. I can't help it, things are just scary for me right now." She said. "What's been gong on? Why haven't everyone returned by now?" Kakashi asked.

Tova sigh pulling away, "I don't know. I'm tempted to go search for them myself by Lady Hokage need me here. She sent the Sand Shinobis to help know we are just sitting ducks." She answered as she grab scrolls from her desk. Kakashi watched seeing the pile, "Tova, I need to run errands. Come with me." He didn't wait for her answer, he grab her hand dragging her out of the office. He snatched the scrolls from her handing them off to another Shinobi, "Here, deliver these to Lady Hokage." He ordered as if he ran the place. Tova blinked as she was pulled away from the building. Kakashi released her hand summing his Nindogs. Tova finally found her voice, "Hold on love what?" She begin. "We are going to run errands babe. That's all." Kakashi answered. 

Tova felt another wave of emotions over take her, "Ok." She said. Kakashi smiled nodding his head. They heard a howl coming from the distance, "Come on." Kakashi said as he took off, Tova followed behind knowing Pakkun and his pack found the boys. Kakashi did some fancy flips hoping to impress his girl, it did hearing her laugh at him made everything that much better, "Show off." Tova said with a giggle. Kakashi smiled, both soon spotted Pakkun, "Oh, there you are." The Nindog said. "Are you sure it's them?" Kakashi asked. Pakkun nod his head, "We better pick up the pace. I have a bad feeling about this." Pakkun looked to Tova and slowed down, "Tova! Hey! Long time no see." He excitedly said. Tova smiled down at the small pup, "Hey Pakkun. You've been good?" She asked while rubbing his head as they ran. Pakkun wagged his tail, "Oh Yeah! How about you how did you like-" Kakashi threw him a look causing the pup to quiet, he looked to her finger not spotting the ring is master brought her, "How do I like what Pakkun?" Tova asked. 

Pakkun cleared his throat, "How did you like seeing Kakashi back." He said with a slight laugh. Tova smiled at him than look to Kakashi who seemed like he wanted to hide from the conversation, "I love it actually. I don't have to worry now that he's back safe and sound. Now i'm just waiting for the other two men to come back home than i'll be good." Tova answered giving Kakashi a love sick look. Pakkun gagged silently at them, "Well that's good Tova." He said. Tova laugh petting him again, "Come on Pakkun!" Kakashi ordered. "Of course sorry Kakashi." Pakkun said while taking the lead once again.

Tova and Kakashi made it to the river where they found Naruto body, the rain was picking up along with the wind. "Are we to late?" Kakashi mumbled. Tova sigh seeing they young boy batter body, "Naruto" Pakkun said as he ran to the boy. He begin to sniff around the body stopping at his head, "How did it come to this?" He asked. Kakashi didn't say anything only walked over to him, Tova frowned knowing this was hitting him pretty hard. Kakashi bend down seeing the headband laying beside him, "It's Sasukes." Pakkun told him. Kakashi didn't say anything, he picked up the fallen headband placing the item on Naruto chest, he stared at the boy feeling more guilt build. "I was to late. Forgive me Naruto." He quietly said. Tova looked around the area, than she stared at the two statues with wonder, she couldn't help but feel like she's living in a history book. 

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