New Family Member

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Tova tossed around in her bed when she heard Shikamaru crying for what seem like the 99th time that night. She placed her pillow over her head hoping to block out the cries. She smiled thinking she found the right solution to her problem, closing her eyes she felt herself drifting off back to sleep. Her eyes widen some ice shooting out her around when Shikakmaru cries grew louder, almost like he knew she was trying to block him out and felt very disrespected. Tova can hear Shikaku and Yoshino trying to clam their new baby. It's been like this almost every night since Shikamaru been born, Tova wasn't impress with him. She didn't have many experiences with babies, beside when Inoichi and Choza bring their children and things just get to much for the young girl. So far all babies were the same, they cry, they eat, than they sleep. The whole cycle start over again, yeah Tova was officially not a fan of babies.

She didn't mind Ino who was Inoichi daughter or Choji who was Choza son, because they went home with their families. Shikamaru on the other hand was stuck here with her. Tova didn't try to bond with her little brother, when they brought him home she ran to her room closing her door. Shikaku and Yoshino tried to bring the siblings together but Tova was to stubborn and refuse to even interact with the young baby.

Tova had fears that one day Shikaku and Yoshino would want her to leave. She feared that Shikamaru would get all their attention and she would be forgotten. She can already see Yoshino spending every waking moment with the baby, Shikaku taking over when Yoshino needed a break. Tova felt she was on edge every waking moment of day due to her own mind coming up with false senerios, she doesn't know it but she was concerning Shikaku and Yoshino. Tova teachers were telling them that her grades were slipping, she use to be the smartest student in her generation and it wasn't like her to just do half work.  Yoshino being the smart woman that she is have notice that Tova been standoffish with both her and Shikaku but most of all Shikamaru. She had hope the two would have the best siblings relationship, her and Shikaku talked about how they bond the two but Tova just wasn't responsive.

One day while Yoshino was in the kitchen finishing up cooking dinner for her family, she looked over smiling at Shikaku and Shikamaru playing on the table. Cutting her eyes she notice that Tova was watching with a sad expression on her face, she had her books in front of her studying. The young girl frown at the father and son than looked down at her papers drawing circles instead of answers. Yoshino frown than got a determine look, she threw down the spoon followed by her apron turning around to her family and announce, "Shikaku I want to go on a date!" Shikaku and Shikamaru both stared at the woman, "Wha?" Shikaku asked with confusion. Tova also was confuse at the random announcement, Yoshino nod her head with her hands on her hips, "Yep, Date night now." She walked over taking her son from her husband and placing the baby on Tova lap. "You babysit, his bottle is ready just give it to him when he's hungry. Let's go dear Husband." Yoshino grab Shikaku arm dragging him to the door where she was continuing to gather their things.

Tova stood up with her little brother in her arms trying to find words to stop the woman from leaving her with the baby. "Wait, mom I-" She was running behind the married couple as they got closer to the front door, Shikamaru the whole time was sucking on his pacifier looking up at the older girl enjoying the ride. "You'll be fine dear. I just want a date with Shikaku we'll be back in two hours love you." Yoshino kissed both Tova and Shikamaru on their foreheads before disappearing with her husband out the compound. Tova stood on the porch holding her brother in one arm the other reaching out to the couple, Shikamaru only continue to look at her like he accomplished something in his short life. Tova sigh than looked down at the baby that she was now in charge of, Shikamaru sucked on the pacifier the small object moving up and down. She looked back out the compound wishing Yoshino and Shikaku would come back, the wind picked up around the siblings. Tova knew it was cold for her brother and walked back inside with him, "Well, I guess it's just me and you." She mumbled as she closed the door. She walked over to his blanket that Shikaku laid out for him, placing him on his stomach so he can play with his toys.

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