Hostile Takeover

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Tova walked with Lord Sarutobi, "So Tova, how was training. I'm glad to see you back and well." Sarutobi said with a smile. Tova rub her head with shyness, "Thank You Lord Hokage. Training went well for me, i've learned so much and gotten so much stronger that even I can't believe it." Tova answered with a smile. Sarutobi nod his head listening to the young woman, "I'm happy to hear. I'm sure by now you heard what's been going on correct?" He asked. Tova nod her head, "Just a bit. Even so, it's enough for me to put together what this may mean." She answered. Sarutobi paused in their walk making Tova stare at him in confusion, "Sir?" She asked. Sarutobi sigh while eyeing the strong woman in front of him, "Tova, I must ask you something from you." He began.

Tova nod her head interested in hearing what he had to ask, "Tova, I know you're strong. I always wished to see you go up in rank, but when you decided to head the instructor route I felt it may be for the best." Sarutobi began. Tova eyes widen hearing this information the first time, "Don't misunderstand me, I enjoy you very much Tova. You have talent i've haven't seen in a long time." He turned to her fully with a serious stare, "I have a feeling that we are going into a war Tova. I'm asking, when things get tough I need you to be ready. Don't hide who you are anymore, let yourself live in peace without fear of being turned away." Sarutobi said. Tova looked off to the side hearing that request, "Is it because you really care? Or because of an upcoming war?" She blankly asked.

She remember Shikaku warning her that she could be use as a weapon if someone found out about her powers and her ability. Here it was slapped in her face as clear as day. "Tova!" Sarutobi hollered to her, he can see her face growing blank and didn't like that look on the normally smiling woman face. Tova didn't answer him, only stared out in the forest, "Tova, i'm not asking because of this war. I'm asking because I want people to understand that not everyone that's different means their evil." He began. Tova stared at him wanting him to continue, "I'm asking because in case something happen to me, i'm afraid what will happen with Orochimaru. He's strong Tova, much stronger even than me." He continue explaining. Tova eyes narrowed hearing that, "Is he really that strong Lord Hokage?" She asked.

Sarutobi nod his head, "Tova please don't take what i'm asking as if i'm using you. I'm asking because I know you are about as close to Orochimaru power as we can get. I'm asking to help protect this village from a major threat that's heading our way. I'm asking to help me protect these people Tova." Sarutobi sternly asked. Tova eyed him than look to the ground, "What ever you do, please don't confront Orochimaru yourself. He has plans for you and I don't want you to hand yourself over to him on a sliver platter. I want you to protect those who can't protect themselves." Sarutobi finished.

Tova stared at the man in front of her, not just any man but the leader of the village asking for help. From her, who is just an instructor, a teacher, an office worker. Tova smiled nodding her head, she bowed to him, "I will Lord Hokage. You have my word." She said gently. She was surprise to see him also bowing back, as if they were equal, "Thank You Tova, you are a kind spirit." He said. Tova smiled with bashfulness rubbing her head with a blush, 'Man, wait until I tell Shikamaru.' She gushed. "Shall we continue walking Sir?" She than asked. Sarutobi stood up smiling back at the young  woman, "Yes, let's go. I'm in a mood for good tea, do you know a place?" He asked.

 Tova sigh with boredom as the Hokage assigned her to be on guard due to Hayate mysterious death and who he feel that's behind it. Tova looked around than heard cheers coming from the stadium, she opened her mouth with sadness listening to the excitement, 'Awe man! I'm missing it.' She thought. She heard someone clear their throat behind her, she spotted an Anbu staring at her it seems. Tova shrugged her shoulders going back on guard as she listen to the cheers and the battle behind her. "Man, why couldn't I be on guard watching from the inside." She mumbled in slight annoyance. "This year seems to be the best year and i'm missing everything." She cried. Tova sigh once again shaking her head. 'This is such a drag.' She thought with a frown.

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