The Return

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Tova walked along the village edge with even more worry, it's been way to long and Team 7 hasn't return. Tova looked to the scroll that she was responsible for over and over and it should've been just a simple escort, drop off than return to the village. Tova sigh as she threw down the scroll in frustration, "You know, the Hokage will get you for ruining that scroll." Inoichi joked. Tova ignored him as she eyed  the surrounding forest, "I know, but don't you think it's weird that Team 7 hasn't return yet. I know I read that scroll a thousand times, they should've been back a month ago." Tova said with worry. Inoichi sigh standing beside the younger woman also eyeing the forest, "If they don't show up by the end of the week we'll send someone out to find them." He reassured. Tova let out a sigh nodding her head, "Come on, Lord Hokage wanted me to get you. He need you to register the visiting Ninja that's coming for the upcoming Chunin Exam." Inoichi explained to her, he put his hand on her shoulders guiding her away from the forest edge, "Don't worry Tova. Worrying will cause wrinkles." Inoichi laugh when Tova glared at him, "What is with you and Shikamaru?" She asked while walking away. Inoichi rub his head, "Well, I thought it was funny." He mumbled. Soon a snowball was thrown at his face, Inoichi was one of a few people that knew about her powers. "Very funny Tova." He mumbled with ice in his mouth.

Tova was reading a book in her kitchen, she closed her eyes giving up on the story. It was hard to concentrate when she was so worried about Team 7, "I need to go outside, maybe taking a walk will help." Tova said to herself. She grab her jacket walking outside, closing her door she let out another sigh. Walking through the village she can see everyone getting ready for the Leaf to host the Chunin Exam. It was going to help The Leaf Village economically with all the villages coming together for this important day. The vendors were bustling with excitement at the prospect of making decent money this year. Tova smiled but couldn't help but to also feel overwhelmed, no matter how much she looked at the scroll, no matter how much the Hokage told her not to worry. She couldn't help but to feel she may have read the request wrong.

Tova continue to walk absentmindedly through the village with her head in deep thought when she bumped into someone. Tova immediately looked up to apologize only for her throat to close up, Kakashi raised his hand with a casual wave, "Hey." He said. Tova only stared at him, "Kakashi?" She asked slowly. Kakashi closed his eyes hearing her voice for the first time in so long, "You act like you seen a ghost." He said with a laugh. Tova smiled before throwing herself at him, "Kakashi! Where have you been? What took you so long?" She asked a million and more questions. Kakashi held her tighter to him, "I know, i'll explain everything to you. Let's go home ok." He whispered in her ears. Tova nod her head, Kakashi wrap his arm around her shoulders leading her to his home for a much needed catch up.

Once Kakashi was done telling her about his team journey and how Naruto has a very important bridge named after him, Tova couldn't help but to feel amazed. "Wow." She said after the tale. Kakashi sigh nodding his head as he took a sip of his tea, "Yep, in the end this was a good lesson for us all." He simply said. Tova looked down at her cup, "I should've been observant." She quietly said. Kakashi sigh knowing how she was going to feel once he told her, "It's not your fault Tova. Tazuna tricked us all, none of us could've known this was the plan the whole time." Kakashi reassured. Tova rub her face, "I know, but still. You all could've been killed." She mumbled into her hands. Kakashi sigh pulling her from her chair and onto his lap, "Listen Tova. You did nothing wrong, this was just a mix up between someone who didn't have the money for proper protection. Tazuna had to do what he could, the rest was up to Team 7. We all agreed to help him  and look, now that village can live in peace." Kakashi explained.

Tova smiled at him, she pulled him into a kiss cuffing his face. Pulling away Tova stared into his eyes, cuffing his left eye. "With three inexperienced Genins and a bridge builder, you truly are amazing Kakashi." She gently told him. Kakashi let out a tired sigh, "Yeah but it wasn't easy. Naruto seal loosen and I feared the Nine Tail was going to escape, but Naruto had control over it surprisingly." Kakashi said as he thought about everything that happen, "Than when Sasuke awaken his Sharingan that also put things into perspective." Tova nod her head against his chest as he held her tighter to him, "Which one are you going to train for the Chunin Exams?" She asked. "I think Sasuke, he need someone to train him on his Sharingan. I can only do so much but still, i'm better than nothing." Kakashi sigh once again. Tova stared at him with concern, "You ok Kakashi?" She asked.

Kakashi stared at his love, "I thought I wasn't going to ever see you again." He gently told her, "A few times I thought it was the end, but than I remember I needed to come back to you. Otherwise, you may have killed me." He joked. Tova laugh as tears was filling her eyes, "You're right." She cried. Kakashi leaned his forehead against hers, "I'm so happy you're here with me." Tova whispered to him. Kakashi and Tova shared a loving kiss, Kakashi tongue entered her mouth wanting to take all of her in. When you think you won't see your love ones when your life is on the brink, it scares a person. Kakashi has lost so much in his life, he was use to losing people close to him, what he wasn't use to was knowing if something were to happen to him in the land of the Waves. Than Tova would be hurt, never does he want Tova to experience that type of pain, the pain of losing someone close to her. Kakashi feared her being hurt more than losing his life, that was why he fought so hard, that was why he fought with himself to get stronger, so he can come home to the woman that he loves. So that she will smile and not cry like he has multiple times before. They pulled away from each other, both breathing hard, "I needed that." Tova huffed. Kakashi chuckled, "Well, let's continue this shall we." He picked her taking her to his room, "It's been so long since we caught up. I have time off and I want to spend it with you." He huskily flirted. Tova wrap her arms around his neck, "I'm all yours love."

Tova sigh as she traced on Kakashi chest, "Are you going to sign your team for the Chunin Exams this year?" She asked. Kakashi rub her shoulder with his finger tips while looking at his ceiling, "I think I am. They're ready I know it." He simply said. Tova rested her head on him with a smile, "Wow, first year and those kids are doing things so unheard of. Must be a good teacher that trained them." Tova smiled. Kakashi chuckled, "What can I say." He smiled down at her with smugness. Tova laughed at her boyfriend, "Well I know it's going to be a tough couple of weeks, but I will say i'm so excited for the Chunin exams. I love to see how the kids progress." Tova gushed as she laid on her back with a smile, Kakashi rested his arm around her stomach and waist as she begin to play with his fingers. "I also love to see the different villages come together. It be so long that we all see each other, it's good for the kids to see how other villagers and Shinobis live and train." Tova felt excitement build inside her.

Kakashi only stared down at her, "I can see why Lord Hokage put you in charge of everything." He said. Tova blushed, "I know, i've always loved the exam. I loved fighting in it when I was a kid, I loved learning from other villagers and listening to the other Kages. It's something that I feel everybody should take advantage of." Tova let out a sigh, "I know I sound like a dork." She chuckled. Kakashi nod his head agreeing, "I don't expect anything less from the daughter of Shikaku." He simply said, which earned him a pinch on his rib. Kakashi winced at the small pain, "Hey!" He whined. Tova glared at him, "You didn't have to agree you know. As my loving boyfriend I expected some encouragement." Kakashi only lifted her up to him so they were face to face, "I love you Tova Nara you know that. But only you would use this exam to learn knowledge and not try to become a Chunin." He than kissed her lovingly making her moan both of their hearts pounding hard against their chest at the passion they share.

They pulled away both looking like love sick people, "Love you too Kakashi Hatake. Still, i'm so ready for the next couple of weeks. I have a feeling this is going to be a good one, we have a few interesting candidates this year. It's going to rock." Tova gushes to him. Kakashi only sigh closing his eyes, "On that note, i'm going to sleep." He mumbled. Tova let out a small laugh as she also got comfortable, Kakashi pulled her to him sighing with contentment, "Good night." Tova whispered. "Night." Kakashi mumbled. It wasn't long before both feel into a peaceful sleep knowing tomorrow will be the beginning of interesting events.

A/N: I know this was short but I wanted a cute moment with the two. We are about to enter my favorite arc of the series and i'm so excited! Thank you all for reading!💖

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