Nara Dinner

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Tova sigh while holding her head on her family kitchen table, Yoshino put down the last of their dinner with a worried look to her daughter. Shikaku and Shikamaru stared at the young woman who seem to want to pull her hair out. Yoshino cleared her throat gently hoping to get her quiet daughter to talk, "Tova dear?" Yoshino stated. "Yes mother?" Tova mumbled back. 

Yoshino gave her husband a look, "Tova. What's going on?" Shikaku asked. Shikamaru stared at his sister waiting for her answer. Shikamaru knew something was wrong right away when she entered the home and didn't give him affection like she always do, even Shikaku was surprise at Tova lack of affection. She walked in like a zombie sat down at the table with her head in her hands and didn't move. 

Tova sigh looking at her family, knowing things will hit the fan, "Promise not to be worry ok." She asked. The Nara family nod their head allowing her to continue, "Master Jiraiya thinks the Akatsuki will be making their move soon. He warned that my life may be in danger, just like Naruto. But he isn't sure." Tova tried to quickly reassure but to no avail. "What!" Yoshino hollered with anger while glaring at her daughter. Tova sigh laying her head on her arms, she begin explaining everything to her family what Jiraiya told her only hours before.

Shikaku listened intently hanging onto every word his daughter was saying, "So, do Jiraiya feel it's happening soon?" He asked. Tova shrugged her shoulders, "He's not sure, but he knows they are on the move as of late. He just isn't sure why, or what they need Naruto and I for. Xego isn't to worried but you never know." Tova answered. Shikaku sigh leaning back in his chair going over the details in his head, "So, this organization is a huge problem. I've heard of them, it's hard to keep an eye on them for long. With the little information we do have, that can still help us in the long run." Shikamaru stared at his father, "So what can we do?" He asked his dad.

Tova grab his arm, "You are not doing anything little brother. You are going to stay and be safe, I don't want your life in danger." Tova sternly told him. Shikamaru stared at her like she just told him something very stupid, and she did. "Tova. I'm not just going to stand around while these people are threatening you and Naruto. You are my sister, i'm gong to be there to help." Shikamaru told her. Yoshino smiled at her son, "Your brother is right. You can't do this on your own, we don't even know how or what they are gong to try and do. You're going to need all the help you get right Shikaku?" Yoshino asked with worry in her voice.

Shikaku didn't answer his family, "Let's take this slow and smart. We need more information and clearly on what they could possible want. What does Kakashi has to say?" He asked. Tova sigh, "He's busy testing Naruto and Sakura right now, we haven't had a chance to talk. I'm sure Jiraiya told him by now." Tova let go of Shikamaru arm rubbing her face with stress. "Im trying not to have this bother me but." Tova paused with her hand covering her eyes. Shikamaru grab her hand gently holding it in his, Tova stared at her little brother. "Don't worry Tova, we are all here for you. So don't cut us out, don't cut me out ok." Shikamaru smiled at his sister. 

Tova stared at her little brother, she knew he would want to try everything in his power to protect her. Tova wouldn't allow him to do that for her, she would rather be dead than to have her brother life end before it began. Shikaku stared at his children, he can see in Tova eyes that she was thinking the same as he was. Before he allow her to face danger, he will try everything in his power to make sure she will live, he knew someday someone will try and use her gift and secret for their own gain. Shikaku was ready for something like this all her life, "Shikamaru. You know I can't do that, I want you and father to be safe. I don't want neither one of you involved if they chose to come for me. If the village is in danger that is your main priority." Tova sternly told her younger brother.

Shikamaru was about to argue when his father spoke up, "Your sister is right Shikamaru." He simply said. Shikamaru turned his head at to his father, "But dad!" He hollered. Shikaku raised his hand, "She's right, if the village is in danger that is all of our priority." He began. Shikaku stared at his two children with a look only a father can give, "Tova." He said. Tova nod her head, "You are my daughter, just know if something were to happen your brother and I will help without question understand." Shikaku ordered. 

Tova startad t her father and brother, both having stern glare. She turned to her mother only to find her too not giving, siding with her husband and son. Tova sigh with a small smile, "Fine. You win." She said. She smiled at her family than at her little brother, she pulled his head towards her kissing him on his forehead. "Since when you became such a man?" She giggled. Shikamaru sigh pushing her away, "Yeah what ever, troublesome woman." He mumbled wiping his forehead. Tova laugh along with her mother, "Now, how about something lighter. Let's talk about the final touches of your wedding dear." Yoshino began while finally starting dinner.

Shikaku and Shikamaru stared at the two ladies of the family while they discuss Tova wedding, "Dad. What's the plan?" Shikamaru quietly asked. Shikaku only sigh, "Let me gather as much as I can on this Akatsuki. From there, i'm afraid we just have to play it by ear for now son." Shikaku answered. Shikamaru nod his head and began eating his dinner.

Shikaku stared at Tova who laugh at something Yoshino was saying, 'I know you Tova. You aren't giving up that easily, I know you will some how stop both me and Shikamaru from getting involved.' Shikaku thought. "Shikaku." Xego said to him. Shikaku tilted his head, 'Hm?' He answered. "I think it would be more wise to focus on the bigger picture here with the Akatsuki. I know you want to protect Tova, but something bigger need to be taken care of here. She's just a small part of their bigger plan, this village will need your guidance at this moment." Xego explained. 'What are you saying?' Shikaku asked him while eating as if everything was fine. "I'm saying, your position is needed else where. I know Tova is your daughter, but this whole thing isn't sitting well with me. I will try my best to protect Tova, all i'm asking is for you to find away to protect the bigger picture." Xego explained.

'What is the bigger picture?' Shikaku asked him. Xego stayed silent, "Even i'm not sure, but I do know this is much bigger than what any of us may be ready for. Something else is working behind the scenes here, let's focus on that." Shikaku sigh, 'If something happens to my girl.' He threatens. Xego nod his head, "I understand."

"Dad." Tova waved her hand in front of his face, Shikaku blinked. "Huh?" He asked. Tova giggled, "I was saying, we need to get your final fitting fo your tux. You too Shikamaru." Tova said. Father and son both widen their eyes, "I thought we were done with this!" They complained. Yoshino shook her head, "Not even close boys." She sassed.

Tova laugh along with her family, she stared at her father and brother. 'Thank you Xego.' Tova thought. Xego growled softly to her, "You know your father is going to kill me." He stated with slight fear. Tova sigh, 'I know, but I don't want them hurt because of me.' Tova said to him with a sad smile. "Tova, I hope you have a plan." Xego growled, "Just know, I will protect you as well." He told her. Tova shook her head, 'No, you protect my family and village if needed. Promise me Xego.' Xego turned his head in her subconscious, "Fine." He simply grumbled like a stubborn child. Tova smiled, "Don't worry, Kakashi will go with you two as well."

A/N: So, we are going to focus on the lead up to Tova and Kakashi wedding. While all of this is happening Gaara is fighting his battle, by the time everyone find out about his death. Time will pass, mainly because I can't watch him die it hurts to much for me. 

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