Moving Out

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Tova sigh when she finished packing the last of her belongings, wiping her forehead she looked around her room one last time with a smile. She brought her own apartment from the money that she has saved from her intern days as a teacher, her parents didn't want to her to leave but naturally Tova was ready for her own space. She still small belongings for when she want to stay the night at her parents home so she isn't fully leaving them to their own demise. Shikamaru took it the hardest when he found out she was leaving, after telling him he has a room in her apartment and that he is always welcome he felt just a little better. 

Tova grab her suitcase when something caught her eye, it was the small flower that Kakashi gave her when they were children. Surprisingly it was still frozen after all this time, Tova didn't think it would last for so long but it has. Same as the necklace and small deer that she made for her family, her and Shikaku still wasn't so sure about the full extent of her powers but clearly it was something special. Tova smiled at the little frozen flower deciding that it was better here safe at her parents house. She looked around the room that help her grow into the young woman that she is today, she felt little sadness about leaving but she had to remind herself that she can always come back and she isn't leaving the village. With that mindset finally left her room, walking down the hall she spotted her family already waiting to say their farewell.

"Well, I finally have everything." Tova announced with a smile. Yoshino smiled back at her, "Wow that was fast." She said. Tova nod her head as she looked at her father and brother who seem very upset with the situation, "Yeah, I only had a few things left to pack." Tova answered. Yoshino pulled her into a hug, "Ok, well tomorrow we can grocery shop so that your place is filled with food. I can't have you starving on me." Yoshino smiled rubbing her daughter arm. Tova nod her head at her mother, "Sounds like a plan." She than looked to the mopping males of the family, "I'm heading out Father, Shikamaru." She announced. Yoshino rolled her eyes at the two, "Oh, get over it you two. She's only staying down the street." She said with her hands on her hips. The two males huffed at the females of the family acting like spoiled children. Tova and Yoshino gave each other a look, "I can't believe you're making live with these two by myself." Yoshino mumbled. 

"Did you say something?" Shikaku asked his wife. "No dear." Yoshino answered with a sarcastic smile. Tova shook her head at her family, she put down her suitcase walking over to her father and little brother. She pulled Shikamaru into a hug, crushing him into her chest, "I'll see you later little brother. Don't forget, you are always welcome ok." Tova said kissing him on his cheek. Shikamaru turned red nodding his head, he returned the hug tightly. Tova smiled at her growing brother, she can tell he will be taller than her in no time. It hurt sometimes to see him growing up before her eyes. The siblings pulled away smiling towards one another, Tova eyed her father with a smile. She walked to him giving him a hug, Shikaku held her tightly to him.

He was very proud of his daughter, she has come such a long way and accomplish so many things. She grew into a beautiful young woman inside and out, still he can't help but to feel fearful for her. She was strong he knew, but being a father you will always fear for your children when they leave the protection of the nest. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to let me know." He told her as they pulled away. Tova nod her head already hearing the same lecture a few time before, "I know father. You will be the first to know." Tova dramatically rolled her eyes, "I can take care of myself. I'm a big girl you know." She joked. Shikaku grumbled in annoyance, "Just humor me ok." Tova nod her head at him, "Ok, I love you." She hugged him one last time. Shikaku smiled down at her kissing her head, "Love you too." 

Tova waved at her family as she left the compound, heading to her apartment that was literally only 20min away. She wasn't ready to completely leave her home, she knew she wanted to stay close to them for comfort sake. Her mother already bring dinner to her at least four times out of the week, either Shikamaru will drop it off and than stay the night with her, or Yoshino will drop it off just to gossip with her daughter. Tova didn't mind, her mother was one of the best cooks in the world. She still have dishes frozen in her freezer if she ever worked late at the Hokage office or the Ninja Academy.

As she was walking she felt a presence behind her Tova smiled behind her seeing her boyfriend, "Hello." She greeted. "Hey." Kakashi lean down giving her a kiss on the cheek, he stood beside her taking her hand in his. "This is the last stuff?" He asked. "Yep, it's official. I'm on my own." Tova smiled at him. Kakashi nod his head, "Hows the students going for you?" Tova asked. "So far, so bad. It's amazing how selfish some get when they see only two bells is available to them." Kakashi huffs in disappointment. "It's fear, and some they just want to please their family." Tova answered. "You should see the last group that I had, they were willing to kill each other for these bells." Kakashi stood behind her as she opened her apartment door. The couple walked in with Tova sitting down her bag, "Do you want dinner? My mom cooked it." Tova asked. Kakashi nod his head, "Sure." 

"So, did the students kill themselves?" Tova asked with a smile, Kakashi rub his head in annoyance. "No, I stopped them before they even had a chance. I wonder if this is what Minato experience with me and my team." He quietly asked while looking out her kitchen window. Tova smiled sadly to herself, "I'm sure at first he did. Than he seen something that made him have faith in all of you. He was very perceptive, more so than i'm sure he allowed us to realize." Tova answered quietly. Kakashi smiled at his love, "You're right." He than went back to looking out the window. 

Tova put down the food in front of them, "At least you will get a bit of a break. Do you have any ideas who your next team will be?" She asked. Kakashi nod his head, "If things go well and everyone pass I believe I will have Sasuke Uchiha I know first hand." Kakashi took a bite of the food seeing stars like he always do when eating Yoshino meals. Tova nod her head as she chewed, "Make sense. He will need some guidance when it comes to his Sharingan, what better person than the famous Copy Cat Ninja." She said with a coy smile. Kakashi leaned close to her, "Don't start something you can't finish woman." He growled to her. Tova shook her head at him, "Kakashi, we're talking about your students." She smiled. Kakashi put down his spoon, standing over his girlfriend. Tova let out a squeal when he threw her over his shoulder, "Well, now I want to talk about something else." Kakashi ran to her bedroom with Tova laughing, "Oh Kakashi."

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