Kakashi and Orochimaru

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Kakashi snapped out of his thoughts when Sasuke battle was over. Kakashi quickly teleported behind his student before he collapsed backwards, "Come on get up Sasuke, we need to seal that curse mark." He quietly told him. Sasuke gave him a resistant look, "But I want to watch the preliminary. I want to see who will make it." He whined. Kakashi shook his head, "No, we need to take care of this now. I already been lenient on you now let's go." Kakashi sternly told him. Sasuke let out a sigh, he was too tired to argue with his Sensei. 

Kakashi lead Sasuke under the the arena so he can seal the curse mark that Orochimaru left on the boy neck. When Kakashi was done with the sealing, the rest of Sasuke engird was zapped from the young Shinobi. Sasuke collapsed from the pain, and fatigue. Kakashi stared at his student, "This Curse Sealing Jutsu is only as strong as you are. It derives its power from the strength of your will, if that will ever weakens, if you ever feel doubt about yourself the curse will  be unleashed in all its fury." Kakashi let out a chuckle, "You really are to weak to argue." Kakashi eyes widen hearing a voice from his past, "My, how you've grown." Orochimaru said with a smile.

Kakashi turned around slowly as he continue, "To think you've become strong enough to perform the Curse Sealing Jutsu." Kakashi glared at the man, "You. Orochimaru" He simply said. Orochimaru smiled at the young man, "Long time no see, Kakashi." he smirked. Kakashi stared at the man not once letting his guard down, 'So, he really is back. Tova do have a reason to worry.' Kakashi thought. Orochimaru smirk seeing the younger man on high guard, "No offense Kakashi but I didn't come to see you. My business is with that boy behind you." Orochimaru said. Kakashi glare deepened, "What do you want with Sasuke?" He growled. Orochimaru stared at Kakashi and notice something about him, "You acquired something new. How I envy your good fortune." Kakashi was thrown back by the statement, "I don't believe you had it the last time we met." Orochimaru continues.

"The gift, the Sharingan in your left eye. It's only fair that I should want it too. The Uchiha power." Orochimaru smirk once again seeing the surprise look on Kakashi face, "What's your game?" Kakashi asked. Orochimaru let out a chuckle at the question, "The Sound Village that everyone's curious about? It's mine you see I created it." He answered with smugness, Kakashi glared at him, "I think you understand without my saying any more." Orochimaru smirked. Kakashi let out his own sarcastic laugh, "You and your wild-eyed ambition." He sparkly said. Orochimaru only smiled, "As always, but to play the game as you put it I need pieces on the chessboard willing pawns to do my bidding." He stared keeping an eye on the Copy Cat Ninja, "And Sasuke is one of your pawns?" Kakashi asked, knowing it's not just as simple as that, and he was right. "Oh not a pawn. He's far more valuable piece than that. But as for the others, well you know how it is in the game of chess." Orochimaru jested with a knowing smile. "Pieces must be sacrifice."

Orochimaru took a few steps towards Kakashi. Kakashi decided he was done playing around with him, "Stop! Don't come any closer." He warned while firing up his Lighting Blade, "I don't care if you are one of the Sannin, the Three Shinobi of Legends. I swear, take one more step towards Sasuke and one of us will die here." Kakashi growled with calm anger. Orochimaru  stared at him before letting out a crazed laugh, "Funny is it?" Kakashi asked. "Poor Kakashi, do you think the seal will hold? Do you think you can keep him from what he truly desires?" Orochimaru  asked as if it was such an obvious answer, "You know i'm right. A heart like his hungers for only one thing. He will not be denied, no matter what obstacles you put in his path. He's an Avenger isn't he?" Orochimaru  continue. 

"Just like your pretty little Dragon." Orochimaru smiled seeing the deadly look overcome Kakashi face. "What?" He asked. "Oh, she didn't tell you eh? Well not surprising, I was there along with my Sound Ninjas wiping out her village. I was about to take her when that Nara fellow found her first, but don't worry I know how to wait for my next move. She and Sasuke are both the same, they want revenge on their families and nothing will stop them from achieving their goals." Kakashi hatred stare intesnify, "You think you can take advantage of that?" He growled. "Not Sasuke." Kakashi whispered. "You can't not stop it, at some point both he and the pretty dragon will come to me. One in search for power, the other, well I think that's telling all my moves doesn't it." Orochimaru teased as he walked away, "Unless of course you carry out your threat to kill me. Now is your chance, take it if you dare." Orochimaru growled to the younger man. 

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