Unexpected Visitors

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Kakashi sigh as he watched two very suspicious ninjas walking around the village, he followed them to the nearest Dongo stand. "Hey Kakashi!" Asuma greeted with a wave, Kakashi smiled towards the not so secret lovers, "Well, you two seem cozy." Kakashi jest. Kurenai blushed turning away while Asuma didn't deny. "Idoit, Anko just asked me to pick up some rice dumplings for her." Kurenai mumbled. "What are you doing here, aside from catching up with your reading?" Asuma asked. Kakashi smiled to them, "Oh, I just needed to buy something to put on a grave." He than averted his eyes to the stand, "Plus i'm meeting somebody here. I'm waiting on Sasuke." He causally said. Asuma and Kurenai got what he was saying, "It's not like you to be waiting on somebody. Is it for Obito?" Asuma asked as he too watched the two strangers. "Yeah, kind of." Kakashi answers back. 

The group heard a cup being placed on the table, "Kakashi? It's not like you to show up early. What gives?" Sasuke said as he walked up to his Sensei. Kakashi looked to the young boy as he answered, "Well, sometimes I do." Kakashi smugly answered. Sasuke see where they were standing and and gave a frown,"Can we eat somewhere else. I don't really have a sweet tooth." He said. It wasn't long before the two mystery Shinobi disappeared. Asuma and Kurenai followed after the rouge ninjas, Sasuke looked at the group with confusion than looked behind Kakashi only to find empty seats. He than stared at his teacher with suspicions.

Tova sigh as she help clean the Nara Clan territory, Kakashi was suppose to take her on a small date today but lately he seem more protective than usual as well as Shikaku. Tova been trying to ask him what's wrong but he only smile telling her it was nothing. Tova let it go, but something in her is making her uncomfortable."Hey! Tova. Come on, stop day dreaming and help! We need some ice over here." Shikamaru hollered. Tova glared at her little brother, "After all the times you glaze at the clouds now you're tell me I can't do it." She growled. Shikamaru swallowed averting his eyes, "Come on sis, I really need your help with this wall." he mumbled. Tova smiled nodding her head, "Alright, i'm coming." She bend down kissing Shikamaru head before he had a chance to run. "Awe come on with that!" He hollered as he chased her.

Shikaku watched from the shaded tree staring at his children. To anyone watching they can see the stress on his face along with the worry, Shikaku remember the conversation he had with Kakashi not that long ago. "Shikaku? You're ok?" Yoshino asked with worry. Shikaku stared at his wife nodding his head, "I'm fine just thinking." He simple answered. Yoshino offered him some ice water, complementary to Tova ice. "Thanks." He said. Yoshino smiled at him nodding her head, "Your welcome. Are you sure everything is ok? No one is in danger are they?" She asked while eyeing her husband. Shikaku stared at his wife before answering that important question. 

Shikaku sigh as he waited for Kakashi to meet him on the roof top of a random building. He was watching the clouds without a care, thinking about nothing in particular, "Shikaku." Kakashi greeted. Shikaku turned lazily around nodding to the younger man, "Kakashi." He simply greeted back. Shikaku leaned his back on the railing crossing his arms, he eyed the younger man waiting to see what he wanted to meet with him about. He had a feeling he finally grew some balls, and was going to ask for permission to ask for Tova hand after so long of dating her. Shikaku smiled thinking that was what this meeting was about, but his smile quickly turned to a frown as soon as Kakashi spoke, "I have reasons to believe that Tova is in danger." Kakashi quickly said. Shikaku straighten his stance eyeing the man in front of him, "What did you just say?" He calmly growled. Kakashi sigh seeing the normally poised man become a very scary ninja in just under a second, "Have you ever heard of the Akatsuki?" He asked. 

Shikaku nod his head, "Of course, what about them Kakashi?" He asked. "Jiraiya believe they are up to something." Kakashi began, Shikaku listened intently to what he had to say with narrow eyes, "Recently the group started splitting up, Orochimaru went off on his own while the others pared up and dispersed through different areas, searching for new jutsu to master and other things as well." Kakashi stared at Shikaku knew exactly how this story was going to end, "And one of these things they're looking for is the Nine Tailed Fox?" Shikaku asked. Kakashi only shrugged his shoulders, "Jiraiya said it's only a possibility, but it do make sense." He answered. "It make senses, after all the Nine Tailed Fox has an incredible amount of charka." 

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