The Big Day

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It was the night before the wedding, Tova and Kakashi decided to not see one another until the big day. Plus Yoshino thought it would be cute to build the anticipation for the young couple, who were they to argue with the headstrong woman. Tova was resting in her room watching the moon thinking about her fiancé and what he was doing at the moment, she smiled while looking at her ring. "This is the last day of you being by yourself." She smiled at her ring. Xego sigh from her bed rolling his eyes, "Really? You're talking to your ring?" He sleepy asked. Tova laugh quietly nodding her head, "Don't judge me Xego." She whispered. Xego grunted at the young dragon, "Kids." He mumbled. 

Tova shook her head, "I"ll be back. I'm going to make some tea." She grab her sweater throwing it over her shoulder, Xego yawned stretching his smaller body, "I'll come too." He jumped from the bed following behind her. Tova smiled down at him, she picked him putting him around her neck. Xego didn't mind he rested in the warm sweater with a sigh. 

Tova walked to the stove putting the tea pot on the burner waiting for the water to boil, the two heard someone clear their throat. Tova smiled seeing her father in the doorway, "Hey dad." Tova quietly said. Shikaku smiled at her walking over to the cupboard grabbing two cups, "Hey, couldn't sleep?" He asked. Tova shook her head with a small smile, Xego grunted jumping from her shoulder landing on the counter, "Not at all, she's been talking to her ring all night." He smirked. Tova glared at her mentor, "I think he asked me Xego." Xego laugh along with Shikaku. "Don't worry dear. It's normal, you're about to be Mrs. Hatake in less than ten hours." Shikaku took over the tea making pushing his daughter to the table.

Tova thanked him when he handed her the cup, "I know, i'm excited more so than nervous. I'm marrying my best friend and the love of my life." Tova gushed. Xego faked gagged while Shikaku shook his head. "Young love, I think your mother had the same thoughts before our wedding." He quietly said. Tova leaned on the table with a teased smile, "So, were you nervous?" She asked. Shikaku blushed lightly as Xego laugh at the man face, "Just a little. It's a change, bringing someone into your life and knowing that person is depending on you for safety and for love." Shikaku began, "Of course us men know you ladies can take care of yourselves but still, we don't won't to see you get hurt by us or by some other force." Shikaku tried to explain.

Tova grab his hands rubbing her thumb over them, "I get it father." Tova sigh staring at her father, "What?" He asked. "Nothing, just grateful for you and mother. I'm grateful for you both to take me in and offering me a chance." Shikaku rolled his eyes, he's been hearing her say that since she's been little. "I told you before Tova. No thanks needed." He said. Tova sigh at her father, "Dad." She whined. Xego stared at the older Nara waiting for his reply, "No whining, i'm just saying I love you Tova with all my heart. I would do the same thing a hundred times over." Shikaku told her the same answer for years. Tova stood up from her chair hugging him tightly, Shikaku smiled hugging her arm that was around his neck, he kissed her cheek, "Let's get some sleep, I think a tired bride is not something Kakashi wants." Shikaku mumbled. Tova nod her head pulling away, "Thanks dad." She smiled at the man that meant everything to her, "Anytime baby. Let's head to sleep."

Tova was in her bed once again trying to get some sleep when she heard something stretching at her window. Opening her eyes she spotted Pakkun at the window, Tova smiled reaching over opening the window, "Hey Pakkun." She said. Pakkun nod his head, "Hey bride to be, I have something from lover boy." He said showing her a small piece paper. Tova smiled thinking him, Pakkun rested by her side while Tova petted him lightly on his head. Xego grumbled in his sleep tighten his body, Tova smiled at what he wrote, 'Can't sleep, excited to finally get my bride.' He simple wrote. Tova folded the paper putting it by the frozen flower that was on her nightstand. She created a heart shaped ice sickle with their initial carved in, she handed it to Pakkun to give to Kakashi, "Thank you Pakkun, tell him I can't wait to get a husband." Tova smiled. Pakkun shook his head at the young woman, "Young love. So beautiful yet sicking." He said before leaping out the window.

The day has finally come, Kakashi was making last minutes touches to himself when Guy came in with a smile, "Kakashi, we are now ready." He said. Kakashi took a deep breath nodding his head, "I'm ready." He said. Guy smiled at his friend, he took out some flowers for him, "For you and Tova. From my team and myself." Kakashi took the flowers with a smile, "She will love them." He said. "Thanks Guy." Guy rub his head sheepishly, "Alright let's go! I'm ready for this wonderful day!" Guy shouted with excitement. Kakashi didn't say anything only walked out allowing Guy to be his usual self, just for today.

Kakashi waited at the alter for his bride to be, he looked out to the crowd seeing a lot of his close friends and students smiling at him and watching the doors to open. He see Naruto and Sakura giving him thumbs up with their goofy smiles a long with Yoshino who was holding a camera, he can see Xego around her neck looking like a beautiful necklace He can see Shikamaru standing on by Guy and Yamato waiting for his sister like the rest of the men. Shikamaru nod his head, Kakashi sigh when he heard the traditional music play, everyone straighten up waiting to see Tova. 

Kakashi held his breath when he finally spotted her walking along side Shikaku, he couldn't believe how beautiful she was. Kakashi swear there was no other woman alive in this world that can match her grace and beauty, Tova smiled at him which caused Kakashi heart to stop. Kakashi felt Guy slapping him with his own goofy smile and tears down his face, "She beautiful Kakashi." He whispered. Kakashi nod his head agreeing full heartedly, Shikaku finally made to the end of the aile handing off Tova to him. He slapped Kakashi on his shoulder before sitting down next to Yoshino who was crying like a baby.

Tova and Kakashi smiled at one another holding hands, Tsunade smelled at the two as she went about marrying them. The two answered the questions, giving their speech about how much they love one another and promising to be there thick and thin no matter what. Tsunade looked out in the crowd holding her arms out, "I now pronounce you both Mr. and Mrs. Hatake! Kakashi kiss your bride." She said with a smile. Kakashi smiled leaning down to kiss Tova. The crowd waited in anticipation hoping to see his face, everyone brought out their camera ready for the occasion. As soon as the newlywed couple lean forward, Akamaru and some cats Nin came running diverting the attention. "Akamaru!" Soon screams were heard as the animals ran around the guest causing havoc.

The couple shared their kiss, with only Yoshino capturing the photo of their first kiss, Shikaku shook his head once the chaos was over. Everyone look at the married couple seeing Kakashi mask back on in place, "Awe man! Seriously!" Naruto and Sakura whined with useless cameras now on their laps. Kakashi and Tova laugh at the crowd, they stared at one another with love in both of their eyes, "We're married." Tova whispered. Kakashi nod his head pulling her close to him, "We are, and i'm so happy." He whispered to her.

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