Nine Tail Beast

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Tova was sleeping soundly after studying for her final test. It wasn't long before her eyes snapped open sensing something was nearing, her instincts were telling her something was coming just like it did all those years ago when the sound invaded her hidden village. Tova felt herself breathing hard, eyes wide as her room was beginning to cover to in frost from her panic, the temperature dropping was enough to wake Shikaku and Yoshino from their sleep. Shikaku walked in seeing his daughter in a panic and the room slowly becoming a winter wonderland, "Tova, what's wrong?" He asked ordering his stubborn wife to wait outside, "Something is coming. I can feel it." Tova quietly said as she looked out the window, Shikaku looked out as well not sensing anything but he knew that Tova had better senses from time to time and decided to follow her warning. "Yoshino, gather the clan. Take them to the bunkers and make sure everyone is safe." Shikaku ordered. Yoshino rub her stomach in slight fear, "Tova, are you sure something is on its way?" She asked. 

Tova looked to her mother nodding her head, "I think so mother. I can't explain it, but something inside me is telling me danger is on it's way. I just don't understand what it is." Tova explained. Shikaku firmly nod his head, "Alright. Come on Yoshino, I need to make sure you're safe. Tova get dress, just incase we need everyone on the frontlines." Shikaku quietly ordered taking the leadership position. Tova nod her head, she looked back out the clam night as the breeze begin to pick up, "What's happening? What's coming?" She asked. It wasn't long before everyone in the Hidden Leaf found out what was heading their way, to cause the biggest life changing event in everyone lives.

Shikaku left to warn the Hokage that something was approaching the village that may put lives at risk. Tova helped Yoshino move the clan to the bunkers for safety, when everyone was safe Tova turned to Yoshino, "Mother you go down as well." She said. Yoshino gasp grabbing Tova wrist with strength that the young Ninja was surprise she possess, "No! Tova. You come with us as well." She firmly said. Tova and Yoshino along with the rest of the village all looked when a large crash was heard before tremendous chakra was released causing everyone body to freeze with fear. "It's the Nine Tail!" People were shouting in panic. The Nara clan moved farther down the bunkers in fear, Tova turned staring at her mother, "I need you safe mother and the baby. I need to find father, I have to make sure people are safe. Please, I promise i'll make it back." Tova firmly said. Yoshino had tears in her eyes as she looked at the young lady before, to her she was still just a child trying to find her way in the world so it was hard for Yoshino to let go. "Ok, but you better come back missy or I swear i'll drag you back from the dead and kill you myself you understand." Yoshino threaten. She than pulled Tova close to her hugging her tightly, trying to be strong, "You got this. I know your strong, stronger than anyone in this village. I love you and I want you meet your brother." Yoshino whispered to her. 

Tova pulled away with a smirk, "You're admitting it's a boy?" She asked. Yoshino wipe her tears away, "No." She cried. A roar was heard followed screams from the citizens of the village, Tova looked out nodding her head. "I have to go now mother. I love you, stay safe. The clan is depending on you." Tova hugged her mother one last time before running off into battle. Yoshino, clenched her frozen necklace that Tova gave her when she was very young, it was in a shape of her dragon form. Tova gave it to her for her birthday along with Shikaku, "Stay safe Tova." She whispered before closing the doors, that will keep her and the rest of the clan safe.

Order was given to the Anbu to stay behind and protect the citizens of the village. They were not allowed to get involved with the Nine Tails unless absolute. Right now it was all hands on deck, every ninja available no matter the rank excluding Genins was out defending the village from the beast. Kakashi watched as the beast was destroying the village like it was playing with its doll house and throwing a tantrum. Kakashi kept his eye out for one person in particular, he felt his heart beat fast as he stood guard  watching. Wishing he was able to help defend the village. He was searching for Tova, or even Shikaku just to see if his old friend was safe and most importantly alive. 

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