A Ninja Mission

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Tova was having another one of her dreams, this time she was walking around the same white abyss. The blizzard was just as intense like the last time she visited this dream, she felt her bare feet touch the ice cold water. Looking down she couldn't even see her own reflection despite the water being crystal clear, the cold water didn't bother her like it never does but she can still feel just that bit of cold. Tova stared ahead taking a deep breath, she continue on her journey to who know where, the call that's been bothering her was louder this time. The storm raged more brutally than ever before, Tova covered her eyes but marched forward. This time she didn't want to miss what ever it was calling out to her, "Hello?" She asked. The call rang out becking her forward, "Who is this?" She asked once again. The storm blew harder against her, "I can hear you." A voice said. Tova paused eyes widen, "Huh?" She tilted her head in confusion, "I can hear you child." It said just as gently as the wind blowing in her ear.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Tova asked. The storm calmed allowing the young woman to lower her arm from her face, she can see an outline of a body in front of her. "Where are we?" Tova asked while walking forward. The only sound she heard was just the familiar call, the silhouette  didn't move from its location. It only stood, just as still like a statue. Tova felt herself being pulled forward, the closer she was getting it seem like the figure was moving farther and farther away from her. "Wait!" Tova shouted. She didn't know why but she didn't want to miss out what it was that was standing there, her curiosity was getting the better of her and her judgement. Tova felt herself being picked up, "No, no, no." She said to herself. "You're not ready." The voice said. Tova reached out her hand, "No! Please I want to know who you are!" She shouted. "You are not ready." The voice echoed. 

Tova shoot up from her bed breathing hard, looking around her room. Her room was covered in snow, the snow almost reached her door knob it was so high. Tova moved her hair out her face than rub her eyes, "What is going on?" She mumbled to herself, looking at the clock it was only 4am in the morning. Tova groan in frustration, it's been a while since she had proper sleep. The dream, if that's what you want to call it has been happening more frequently lately. Tova also began to notice that her powers were getting stronger as the years gone by, she lifted her hands to her face staring at them. Clenching her fist she growled, "What is this? What's is going on?" She asked herself. She covered her face with her hands letting out a sigh, "I guess i'm not going back to sleep." She mumbled while throwing her covers off her body and getting ready for her day. 

Tova let out a yawn as she walked to the Hokage office, today she was assigning missions to the village Ninjas. She loved ranking the missions and assigning them accordingly, she worked close with Inoichi from time to time when it came to the most important missions. Tova loved spending time with her father teammate, she loved hearing the stories of when they were young and what trouble the trio got into together. Tova smiled thinking about the blonde man and her family, "I should go see them today. I think I should tell father what's been happening." Tova said to herself as she took a sip of her morning tea. Turning her head she spotted the bridge that she like to stand by and just stare at the water, walking over she leaned against the bridge staring at her reflection. She let out a sigh thinking about the clear water that she been seeing in her dreams, than something happened that caught her off guard. The call that she's been hearing, she just heard it outside of her dram. 

Tova lifted her head staring at the direction of the village gates with confusion. Shaking her head she figured that she was hearing things 'No, you're just hearing things' Tova thought. Turning around to head to work the call called out again to her, Tova spun around looking around with her eyes. with suspicion. Only a few people were out this early, most were shop owners getting ready for their busy day. Her mind was so occupied that she didn't notice Shikamaru coming up behind her tapping her on her shoulder, Tova jumped causing ice to form where her hands were holding onto the bridge. Shikamaru also jumped causing Tova to look down at her little brother, "Shikamaru? What are you doing here?" She asked while trying to move her hands but finding them stuck, "My team is going on a mission and we were meeting at the Hokage office. You ok?" He asked while eyeing the ice. Tova nod her head finally releasing her hands from her ice, "Yeah, I was just heading to work. Want to lead me there?" She asked with a smile. Shikamaru nod his head leading the way with his hands in his pockets. 

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