Land of Birds

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Tova was sitting in her office staring at her engagement ring with a large goofy smile, she sigh lovingly before going back to assigning missions for everyone. She had to pick up a lot of slack, Tsunade told her she had a mission to go on in the Land of Birds. Tova was familiar with that part of the map, but it was so far from the village that she never really visited it so this would be her first time so far away from home. Tova was excited for this journey, it was a simply mission that tracks down a ghost. Tova loved the supernatural, it was her guilty pleasure, Kakashi wasn't a fan when ever she bring home books and old scrolls regarding the afterlife but Tova just couldn't help herself. When she read the scroll she took the mission immediately even with the small payout. Tsunade didn't want her to leave on the mission, due to the pile stacking up in the office. Tova realizes that this Hokage wasn't as organize as Sarutobi. 

Tova stamp the last scroll sighing in relief, "Ok, this should be good. At least until I get back from the mission. Hopefully Lady Tsunade doesn't make a huge mess while i'm gone." Tova said to herself with a smile, she bend down grabbing her traveling bag and headband that she tied on her arm. She closed her office locking it with her key, Genma was walking passed already for the scrolls, "Thank you Genma, this should hold until I get back." Tova smiled at the man. Genma nod his head saluting her, "Yes Ms. Tova. I'll handle them with care, you can count on me." He smiled causing Tova to laugh just as he did when they were in the academy, "Thank you Sir. Genma. I'll see you soon." Tova begin to walk away until he grab her wrist, "Be safe Tova." He gently said with worry on his face. Tova smiled giving him a thumbs up, "It's only a ghost, what can go wrong?" She asked before walking off heading out for her mission. Genma shook his head at his old friend, "Only you would want a mission chasing a ghost, literally." He mumbled. Walking off with the scrolls he stared out the window, "Kakashi isn't going to be pleased your gone when he get back." He let out a breath hoping he would be off that day.

Tova saw that she had time before she had to leave for her mission and decided to find something to eat before her travels. She spotted a familiar blonde hair boy eating ramen at his favorite stand, "Can I join you?" She asked with a smile. Naruto slurp down his meal with wide eyes, "Tova Sensei!" He hollered with ramen in his mouth, he quickly swallowed his meal smiling at the young woman, "Of course. I don't mind you joining." Naruto smiled and blushed as she sat right next to him, he spotted her bag as she put it on the chair next to her, "You're leaving Sensei?" He asked. Tova ordered her meal nodding her head, "Yes, only for a few weeks hopefully. I'm escorting someone who should be meeting me soon." Tova smiled at the owner than begin to eat. Naruto nod his head, "So, who are you escorting? Where are you going?" He curiously asked. "To the Land of Birds." She answered. "I never heard of that place before. Are you escorting a Lord or Princess?" Naruto once again asked. "No, just a friend of one I believe of a Lord. Still just as equally important." Tova and Naruto felt someone watching them, Tova turned her head seeing a man drooling as he stared at the food. She than heard his stomach give out the biggest roar she ever heard.

"Hey, who is that guy?" Naruto asked the owner of the Ramen Shop, "Whoever he is, he's been lurking there for a while." The Owner whispered back to him. Tova went back to eating but still sensing the man watching them like a hawk, the man irritated Naruto enough for him to jump from his seat in annoyance, "Hey! How are we suppose to swallow our ramen with you staring at us like that! If you're hungry go order you some!" Naruto hollered. Tova giggled as she finishes her meal, "Who said i'm hungry?" The man asked, his stomach answered for him, "You're stomach." Tova answered smiling at the young boy. The stranger blushed feeling embarrass in front of the beautiful woman. "Well come and eat than." Naruto said quickly ordering him another bowel as well as the stranger.

Tova and Naruto both eyes widen seeing how much the man can put down, "Wow, you sure can eat." Tova told him while blinking at him. "It's good huh? Want another bowel?" The owner asked. "Oh yeah please." It wasn't long for Naruto poor frog money pouch to get flat, "Oh yeah you wasn't hungry huh? So tell me about yourself whats your name?" He asked. Tova stared at the man as well waiting for answer, "I come from the Land of Birds, my name is Chishima." Chishima smiled at the two Ninjas. Tova eyes widen hearing he's from he village that hired her, "You're from the Land of Birds. Hello, my name is Tova Nara. I will be escorting you Chishima." Tova greeted with a welcoming smile, Chishima blushed hearing that the beautiful woman will be his hired Ninja, "Ye-yes ma'am. Hello and nice to meet you too." Chishima stuttered. 

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