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*Poe's POV*

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*Poe's POV*

My X-wing lands and I push open it's glass top. In the back BB-8 beeps. I slip off my helmet and hand it to the mechanic standing next to my ship.

"What?" I ask BB.

He lets out another series of beeps.

"Wren X-wing landed back?" I turn around and stare at my droid. "What? Did you fry a chip or something?" I ask.

BB rolls his head around, and beeps at me angrily. I look around to see what he is pointing to and suppress a gasp. A familiar white and black X-wing has landed.

My mouth drops open and I quickly get out of my ship. I drop to the ground, and don't wait for BB-8 to lower himself down.

I elbow people away from me, and run with my hand on my thigh holster.

Her X-wing top pops open, and she gets out, smiling at everyone. Her eyes scan the crowd as I run to the base of her ship.

Our eyes lock, and she steps down the ladder carefully, trying not to slip.

As soon as her feet touch the ground, I've enveloped her in a hug.

I can hear her breath catch in her throat before she hugs me back. I turn my head and press a kiss to her cheek.

"Hi Birdy. Did you miss me?" I ask her in a whisper.

"Of course! Plus, do I have a story for you." She says with a laugh. I grin down at her.

"This ought to be good." I say. An officer comes up behind me and taps my shoulder. I turn around.

"Commander Dameron. General Organa has requested your presence in the bridge." She says. I give her a nod and turn back to Wren.

"You ready to go see your mom?" I playfully tease her.

"Actually, are you ready to go see my mom? She's kinda pissed at you."

"I know. I'll just charm my way out of it. Per usual." I wink at Wren and she rolls her eyes.


*Wren's POV*

Somewhere along the way Poe got rid of his white vest and gear, leaving him in only his orange jumpsuit. Not going to lie, he could pull it off.

We entered the bridge and an explosion of cheers lights up. Poe smiles, soaking up the glory. I lightly smack him.

"Dameron, quit that." I hiss at him. He grins down at me.

We arrive in front of my mother's office. Poe's grin has become a smirk. I lightly tap on my mother's door, and she opens it.

She leads us inside and leaves the door open.

I step to the side, knowing this cat fight is in between my mother and Poe. I have no part in it.

Leia steps up to Poe and slaps him across the face.

I clap a hand to my mouth, whether to keep from gasping or laughing, I'm not sure.

"You're demoted." She says. Her mouth is set in a firm line. Leia begins to push past Poe but he steps in front of her.

"What? Wait! We took down a dreadnought!" He says.

"At what cost?"

"If you start an attack, you follow through." Poe says, as if this is common knowledge.

"Poe get your head out of your cockpit. There are things you cannot solve by jumping into an X-wing and blowing something up! I need you to learn that." My mother slightly shakes her head and tries to walk past Poe again. She nearly succeeds before he reaches out and grabs her arm.

"There were heroes on that mission." He says. His tone has become somber.

"Dead heroes. No leaders."

My mom leaves her office and Poe stands there stunned.

I step into his line of sight. I'm not sure how to approach this situation. With a joke? With a serious line? Poe did just get demoted after all.

Instead, I decide on stepping forward. I reach for his hand, and he gives it to me. I intertwine our fingers and stare at them. How have I never noticed how well they fit together. In all the years I've known Poe, and only now-

"I don't know what to say. How to approach you." I say suddenly, the words tumbling out of my mouth. I close my mouth quickly, not wanting anything else to spill out.

Poe glances up at me. I peek at his eyes, and I realize he's asking for an explanation.

"How do I comfort you?" I ask. "With a joke? Do I be serious? Usually, there's clues. When it's the nickname time, that's joking. When it's first name basis, that's serious. But here? Now? I'm the Generals daughter. Do you even want to see me? I-I just...." I trail off, and let out a frustrated groan. "I feel useless." I whisper.

Poe looks down at our hands, and squeezes mine one, two, three times. Then, he looks up at me, and smiles.

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"I'll tell you when you're ready." He replies. A mischievous glint is in his eyes. I can tell he's still upset about earlier, but for now, the game is on.

"Hmm. I'm ready now." I say. Poe shakes his head.

"And Wren? You're not useless. You're far from it." He says. I glance up at him.


I lean in to kiss him when someone knocks on the door.

I sigh, and pull away from Poe. I open the door, and find Finn on the other side.

My face lights up and I lean in to hug him before I realize that Finn's protective suit is punctured and spouting liquid.

"Finn! It's's so good to see you!" I say. I glance him up and down. I open my mouth to say something, but Poe beats me to it.

"Finn did you walk all the way up here naked?"


Chapter three for tonight! Also, when theses chapters are posted, it'll probably have been weeks since I wrote these authors notes sooo...

word count: 1015

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