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Ochi's ship glides into hangar 12 of the Destroyer

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Ochi's ship glides into hangar 12 of the Destroyer. Two stormtroopers march up to the ramp of the ship.

"Credentials and manifest." One says. Everyone shoots at them and they fall to the floor with a scream.

I rush out into the hangar, taking out as many troopers as I can.

"You four stay there!" Rey yells to the droids.

"Happily!" 3PO says. He's confused as to what we're doing and nobodies filled him in.

"Which way?" Poe asks Finn, his blaster still up and out.

"Uh, no idea." Finn says, looking around. "Follow me."

All three of us sprint after Finn. We creep around corners and through small spaces. Finally, we get to these slots in the wall. Everyone slips into one as a group of troopers marches past us.

I quiet my breathing, praying they won't hear us. Once they've passed, everyone peeks out. Finn moves first, sprinting to another corner. We all follow quietly.

As every one checks the different hallways, a door behind us opens. I bite my lip and take the lead, walking quickly to where I think they're holding Chewie.

Two stormtroopers rush up to me and point there guns at me. I hold my hands up, my blaster hanging loosely.

"Drop your weapons!" One yells.

Rey steps in front of me and waves her hand in front of the stormtroopers.

"It's ok that we're here." She says. Her voice is soothing.

"It's ok that you're here." A trooper repeats. They both lower their guns.

"It's good." One murmurs happily.

"You're relived that we're here." Rey waves her hand again.

"Thank goodness you're here."

"Welcome guys." Both troopers sound laid back and happy. I smile to myself.

"Does she do that to us?" Poe asks Finn. I turn and roll my eyes at him, and he gives me a smirk back.

"We're looking for a prisoner and his belongings." Rey says. The troopers point us in the right direction and we all take off running again.

A door in front of us automatically opens and we all rush in, blasters out.

"The cameras." Rey says. We all nod and shoot at the four cameras in the room. They explode in blasts of glass.

"They said Chewie's this way." I say, creeping down a hallway. There's a closed door with a button pad and I walk forward, pressing in what the trooper said was the code.

The button pad blinks green and the door opens with a whoosh. I let out a sigh of relief and pull my blaster up again.

"Rey come on." Finn says. I turn and see that the Jedi has walked off.

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