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The trip to Ajan Kloss couldn't have been longer

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The trip to Ajan Kloss couldn't have been longer. As soon as the Falcon's landed, I've bounded off. Poe is on my heels.

The first person to walk up to us is D'Acy. "Poe. Wren." She says. "Something's happened."

We push past her. "This can't wait." Finn says.

"We have to see the General." Poe says. I pause and glance at D'Acy. She seems to understand.

Before she can nod, I turn and follow my group.

"She's gone." D'Acy says to our retreating backs. I pause again. There's tears running down my face now.

"Chewie...." Finn says quietly.

Chewie falls to his knees howling. I fall to mine sobbing. I hold my head in my hands.

There's protective arms around my shoulders. They're drawing me in, holding me. I can barely see anything through my tears. It's just a wave of water.

But this time, the waves don't stop.


I sit in the main room of our base on Ajan Kloss. Everyone gives me a wide berth. I don't mind. I don't care.

I also don't feel anything. I stopped crying a couple hours ago. Now I'm just numb. I want to see her. See my mother. But I don't know if I can.

"Kijimi? How?" A familiar voice says. My head snaps up and I see Poe and D'Acy conversing.

"A blast from a Star Destroyer."

Poe turns in my direction. There's tears in his eyes.

"A ship from the new Sith fleet. Out of the Unknowns." D'Acy continues.

"The Emperor sent a ship from Exegol. Does that mean every ship in the fleet-" Beaumont starts.

"Has planet killing weapons." I speak up. All eyes shift to me. "Of course they do."

Poe nods and a tear falls down his cheek. "All of them." Pause. "This is how he finishes it."

There's a loud high pitched squeaking coming from the radio. I see Rose and Lula lean over it.

"Listen." Rose says. She adjusts the knob and volume. "It's on every frequency."

I stand up and walk over to the two girls. I lean over Lula's shoulder.

It's in an alien language that Beaumont knows. "The Resistance is dead. The Sith flame will burn. All worlds surrender or die." He translates. "The Final Order begins."

"Leia made you acting General Poe. What now?" Lula asks.

Poe is silent for a moment. Then, he turns on his heel and leaves. All eyes turn to me.

"Leia was like a mom to him. He just needs time." I say. "We all do."

Everyone nods and walks off. I can feel the tension from them still left behind. I sigh and rub my eyes. Another tear slips down my cheek. I wipe at it angrily.

Someone places a hand on my shoulder. I turn and see...Uncle Lando?

I stand up quickly and hug him tightly. He lets out an oof before hugging me back.

"Hey kid." He says.

"Hey Uncle Lando. You made it." I say. I pull away and wipe at my eyes.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world. Hey, what happened to your jaw?" He asks. I turn my head towards him, jutting my chin out. Uncle Lando touches the bruise and I wince.

"We were uh...captured by the First Order. I mouthed off. Didn't go to well." I chuckle sadly.

Uncle Lando pats my shoulder. "Just like your father."

I smile. "No ones ever told me that. It's just assumed. Everybody always says I look like my m-mother. There's never anything about my father."

Uncle Lando nods. "Then I'll be first. Now come on. Your boyfriend needs help."

I'm about to follow him when I pause. "How did you...-"

Uncle Lando smiles. "Not only do you remind me of your father, but you and him? You're Leia and Han."

A sad smile creeps onto my face and I follow Uncle Lando to where they're keeping my mother. Poe's back is turned to the door, and his elbows are on his knees, fingers folded. He doesn't notice us yet.

"I got tell you, I don't really to do this." He pauses and swallows. "What you did." Another pause. "I'm not ready."

"Neither were we." Uncle Lando says. Poe looks over his shoulder and catches sight of us. "Luke, Han, Leia, me. Who's ever ready?"

Poe stands up. His eyes drift to me.

"How'd you do it?" He asks. "Defeat an Empire with almost nothing."

"We had each other. That's how we won."

I step forward. "And that's how we're gonna win." I reach my hand out and Poe takes it. I squeeze his hand three times. Our silent i love you.

"If we're gonna win with each other, then I need you by my side. Wren. I need you. I can't do this without you."

I close my eyes and smile. "Poe. If you're asking me to be General with's not gonna happen."

Poe's face falls. "Why not?"

"My place isn't here on the ground. It's up in the sky. That's my home. That's my work. Not politics. Not leading. My X-wing and the stars."

Poe pauses and slowly nods in understanding.

"Besides," I continue. "I was never any good at that. But I know someone who is." I quirk an eyebrow up and Poe catches my drift.

"Finn." He whispers. I nod.

Uncle Lando laughs. "I'll leave you two be."

I turn and face him. "Thank you.

Uncle Lando ruffles by hair. "No problem kid. I'll see you around."

"You're not leaving are you?" I ask.

"Nope. Not for a long time. Somebody's gotta keep you in check." He says. I laugh softly then turn back to Poe.

"I hope you understand."

"I do." Poe says, leaning down. "I really do. And that's why you're going to be the new Black Leader."

I step back. "You're not being serious right? Poe, that's your job. You love that position!"

Poe laughs and pulls me toward him again. "But guess who I love more?"

I roll my eyes. "You're so cheesy."

It's silent for a moment. Then-

"You're being serious. I'm the new Black Leader?"

Poe leans down and kisses me for a second before pulling away. "You're the new Black Leader."

I throw my arms around his neck and hug him, a laugh slipping out of my throat. Oh, only if my mother were here to see this.

As Poe picks me and hugs, I glance over his shoulder. I smile sadly.

My mother is here to see this. And she's proud.


only a couple more chapters to goooo

word count: 1100

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