thirty four

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As Poe and I walk farther onto the planet, our droids get more and more nervous

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As Poe and I walk farther onto the planet, our droids get more and more nervous.

I think we should turn back. Like half an hour ago. BB-12 says.

Poe turns to the black and gold ball with a raised eyebrow. "If you're so scared, then go back BB."

BB-12 beeps out an excuse about how he's too small and he would get lost.

"Then be quiet before I-" Poe is cut off by a distant roar. Immediately, my hand jumps to my blaster.

"Poe." I warn. The pilot has his own blaster out, pointing it at trees and rocks. "I think we should leave. Now."

Poe swings his blaster around one more time for good measure. "Yeah, you're right."

The four of us begin to run back to the X-wings. Our feet sink into the soft ground, making it hard to go faster.

The roar we heard from before is definitely closer.

BB-8 beeps as the X-wings come into view.

"Go fire them up!" I yell at the droids. They do as I say, the X-wings lighting up.

I throw a glance over my shoulder. There's a dark, looming figure standing over Poe and I.

I let out a scream and fire my blaster at the shadow. Poe turns as well, and now we're both facing this creature.

The thing lets out a roar and swipes a paw at us. I get a good look at it while I'm dodging its attacks.

The creature is white and furry. It has four eyes set on top of its head. Its hands are large with glistening sliver claws. As it bares its teeth at us, I catch a glimpse of his teeth. Razor sharp and covered in blood.

"What is that?" I ask Poe.

He dodges the claws coming at him. "I'm not sure. All I know is that it's big and it's mean."

Our blasters hit the creature but barely do any damage. If anything, it seems to be getting angrier.

"Poe this isn't working!" I yell, barely missing a large paw.

"I know, I kn-" Poe, being momentarily distracted, gets knocked over by the creature. I let out a strangled scream.

I turn my attention towards the creature. I fire shot after shot. The blasts do nothing.

"BB-12!" I yell behind me. "Get my X-wing guns ready!"

Behind me, I hear the machinery power up. I just hope my droid has the same idea I do.

"On my mark!"

I shoot the creature one more time, then drop to the ground.

"Now!" I yell.

BB-12 unloads my X-wings gun on the creature. It roars and curls in on itself before finally collapsing into a smoking heap.

I jump up with a relieved cheer. I hear BB-12 and BB-8 chirp at each other excitedly.

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