twenty seven

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Poe's plan is dangerous and just a little bit idiotic

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Poe's plan is dangerous and just a little bit idiotic. I stand next to him as I watch Resistance soldiers run out of the base and into ditches. They will be our ground fire. I can hear them yelling at each other.

"On me! On me!"

"Move! Move!"

"Go back! Gather your weapons!"

"Get over here!"

"Hold your fire!"

Poe and I turn away as the last stragglers run outside. We walk towards the beat up ski speeders. They're old and rusty, but we have to work with what we got.

Before I climb in, I give both BB-8 and BB-12 pats on the head. They beep in sadness.

I begin to climb up the ladder to my speeder when I feel a light touch on the small of my back.

I turn and drop back to the ground. I glance up at Poe.

"I'm going to be ok." I say. I reach for his hand. "We're going to be ok."

Poe nods. "Just be careful out there."

"I always am." I say with a smile. "Oh! I nearly forgot. You probably want your jacket back." I say, letting go of his hand and sliding it off of my shoulders.

Poe shakes his head and pushes it back on. "If you like it, you keep it."

"But it's yours?" I say.

Poe grins. "What's mine is yours." He presses a kiss to my lips. I stand there for a second, hungrily drinking him in before he steps back.

"I'll see you later." Poe says with a wink. He walks off with BB-8 whirring at his feet. I sigh, and climb into the ski speeder cockpit.

I power up the ship and slid on the old headphones Poe gave us. They're old technology, nothing like the small comlinks we have today. These headphones are big and bulky.

I adjust the microphone in front of my mouth.

I can hear Poe's voice crackle over the mic.

"Alright. Speeders, power up. When you're ready just fly forward. The hatches are motion activated." He says.

I hear speeders all around me fire up and skid forward. At just the last second, the hatch opens and then they're gone.

I take a deep breath and press the gas pedal, sending the speeder forward. It jerks slightly and I pull on the wheel, hard, forcing it back into position.

I hold my breath as I get close to the door. Right before I smash into it, the hatch opens and then I'm falling.

I swallow a scream and pull the green toggle on the right of me. The mono-ski lowers and then I hit the ground, spraying up red dust.

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