fifty three

694 28 2

Everyone gathers in the common area

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Everyone gathers in the common area. Poe begins to speak.

"We've decoded the intel from our First Order spy. And it confirms the worst." He pauses and shakes his head. "Somehow Palpatine returned."

Everyone begins to mutter and talk amongst themselves. I stand still. I knew this was what was going to happen. Nothing is ever easy for us.

I pull Ahsoka's cloak around me tighter.

"Wait. Do we believe this?" Rose asks. She stands next to Finn and Connix.

General Ackbar's son Aftab speaks up. "It cannot be! The Emperor is dead!"

"Dark science. Cloning." Someone says. "Secrets only the Sith knew."

"He's been planning his revenge. His followers have been building something for years. The largest fleet the galaxy's ever known. He calls it the-"

"Final Order." I say. Everyone's eyes turn to me. I shrink into my cloak.

"How did she know that?" Someone asks.

"I-uh...lucky guess?" I say nervously. People shrug and Poe continues to talk again.

"I'm 16 hours, attacks on all free worlds begin." He says. In the back, Chewie lets out an unhappy growl.

"The Emperor and his fleet have been hiding in the Unknown Regions. On a world called Exegol."

It's silent. I glance up over at Rey. She looks scared but...not surprised.

R2D2 begins to rock and chirp nervously. C3PO tries to calm him down. "Exegol does not appear on any star chart. But the legends describe it as the hidden world of the Sith." The golden droid says.

Rey straightens up and dash's towards her corner she's set up for training.

"There's always been whispers." Beaumont says. "Of his hunger to cheat death."

"So Palpatine's been out there all this time. Pulling the strings." I say. My mother walks up to Poe and I.

"Always. In the shadows. From the very beginning." My mother says. She folds her hands over her stomach.

"If we want to stop him, we must find him." Maz says. She's the newest addition to the Resistance, and probably the most honored. Besides my mother of course. As she talks, all eyes turn to her. "We must find Exegol."

There's a moment of silence. Then- "General."

I tear my eyes away from Maz to Rey standing there, clutching a book in her hands. "Can I speak with you?" She asks.

My mother sighs, nods, and walks over to Rey. The Jedi leads my mom to her corner where they both mutter to each other. They're too far away to hear anything.

Poe waves his hand and everyone slowly turns and leaves.

"How did you know it was called the Final Order?" Poe asks me.

"I-I'm not sure. You were talking and then it just popped into my head. But I swear I've never heard of it before." I say, nervously twisting the cloaks fabric.

Poe sighs and crosses his arms. "Do you you think it could be your connection with your brother?" He asks.

I shake my head. "I'm not sure. Maybe? But ever since Ahsoka d-died he hasn't contacted me." I say. My voice naturally shakes at the word dies, but then smoothes over.

Poe nods and glances over at Rey and my mother. "I wonder what they're talking about."

"If I had to guess, Rey probably found a way to get to Exegol through her weird Jedi texts. And now, my mother is offering up the Falcon." I say sourly.

Poe lets out a short laugh. "You're very overprotective of that ship. I'm surprised you're not mad that I lightspeed skipped."

"You got us home. You're alive. That's all that matters."

"But what if I got us home, and you weren't alive?" Poe asks. He pulls me towards him.

I shrug. "I have my priorities. You have yours."

"Not to be rude, but you should rethink your priorities."

I rove my eyes over his face hungrily. "I'll think about it." I whisper. Poe leans down and kisses me.

I pull away after a second. "You're being very touchy and needy. Not that I don't like it, but what's wrong?"

Poe sighs and reaches up to twist his necklace chain. "With Palpatine back, I don't know how long either of us will survive. I want this time with you."

"Poe," I say softly. I place my hand on his cheek, and he leans into my touch. "Neither of us is going to die. I promise."

Poe smiles up at me. "You better not Birdy."

"Oh shove it Dameron." I say, sticking my tongue out at him. Before he can say anything else, my mother walks over to us.

"Rey knows how to get to Exegol." She says.

"Ha ha!" I say, pointing at Poe. "I was right! And, let me guess, she's going to go by herself and she's taking the Falcon."

"I-yes." My mother looks taken aback.

I cross my arms, my victory dissipated for a second. "She's not taking the Falcon by herself. I'm coming with."

"I'm going if Wren is. And I bet Finn just wants to go with Rey." Poe says.

"Poe. Wren. I don't think that's such a good idea. I'm already risking Rey, I don't want to risk anyone else."

"Well that's tough mom. We'll take Chewie, BB-8, BB-12, and C3PO. They're all responsible adults. Especially 3PO." I say.

My mother opens her mouth to say something else, then decides against it. "Please be careful. I can't lose any of you." She says.

I step forward and place my hand on my moms arm. "We'll be fine mom. Trust us."

"You will. I do. Now go. Pack. You leave tomorrow." She says. Then she walks off, leaving Poe and I alone.

I turn to him gleefully. "What'd I tell you? I knew Rey found Exegol."

Poe holds up his hands in mock surrender. "Alright, alright. I'm sorry Birdy." He says with a grin.

The two of us walk towards our rooms to pack.

"This is going to be dangerous isn't it?" I ask Poe.

He nods. "Everything always is."


this chapter was boring im sorry

word count: 1019

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