thirty nine

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The trip to Coruscant is awkward

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The trip to Coruscant is awkward. Poe and I both pilot the ship, me trying to avoid him as much as possible, and him trying to talk to me.

Finally, he gives up and settles back in his seat angrily. At that exact moment I want nothing more than to hug him, squeeze his hand three times, and then steal his jacket because I'm cold.

I'm not quite sure what the hand squeezing means, all I know is that it's become our thing. And his jacket is leather, warm, and it's black in color with a small red Resistance patch on his shoulder.

Forces. If only he knew how much I want to kiss him. How much I want to sit in his lap and run my fingers through his curly hair. How much I want to-

Chewie walks into the cockpit cutting off my thoughts. He glances at Poe's feet on the dashboard and growls.

Poe swings his feet off of the ship. "Alright, alright. Don't lose your fur."

I stand up and stretch. "I'm going to take a nap." I say to Chewie. "Tell me when we get to Coruscant."

The Wookiee nods and I walk off. I barely catch a glimpse off Poe. He's looking at me sadly.

I rub my temples, and walk over to Rey and Finn. They're both talking excitedly.

After I heard that Rose was awake, we all rushed to see her. The doctors made us leave after a minute, but Connix promised to stay with her. Now, Finn is more alive than I've seen him in days,

"Hey guys." I mumble tiredly. I stumble over to the couch before collapsing.

"You ok?" Rey asks me.

My close on their own accord. "Yup. Just uh"


Someone is shaking me awake. I sit up quickly, and bang my forehead against theirs.

"Ow!" The person says, leaning away from me. I rub the last bits of sleep out of my eyes.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Rey. Instinct." I say. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I've dealt with worse." She says, offering me a weak smile. The two of us have both confessed our connection with Ben. Rey says that hers has been cut. Which is odd because mine hasn't.

I absentmindedly touch the scar on my stomach. "Where are we?"

Rey beckons me to the cockpit. "Come see."

I follow the scavenger and am hit with a wall of bright lights. I squeeze my eyes shut.

"Forces that's bright." I mutter, blinking quickly. "We must be on Coruscant."

"I hate this planet." Poe mutters darkly. He guides the Falcon into a docking bay. BB-8 and BB-12 beep at the five of us in the cockpit.

"BB-12 remember the number. Docking bay 9." I say, walking over to the ramp. BB-12 beeps at me and I smile down at the droid.

Chewie lowers the Falcons ramp, and I step onto it. The breeze blowing cools my burning skin.

Someone places a hand on my shoulder. I turn and see Finn.

"Are you ever going to talk to Poe?" He asks.

I sigh and fiddle with the hem of my shirt. "Yes. No. I don't know. This is complicated. He kept a really big secret from me."

Finn tilts his head. "What kind of secret."

"Whoa their trooper. We may be fighting but I'm not throwing him under the X-wing."

"Alright, alright." Finn laughs.

There's a few seconds of silence.

"Is he-is he doing ok?" I whisper to Finn.

The former stormtrooper throws me a grin. "Ask him yourself pilot."

I punch his shoulder lightly.

"Ow!" Finn says with a laugh.

"I'll do it again." I threaten.

"Hey! What's going on out here!" Rey says. She's standing at the top of the ramp, hands on her hips.

Finn and I both point towards each other. "They started it."

Rey rolls her eyes. "Quit messing around. We have a Jedi to find." She says.

She walks off the ramp and our group follows, except for Chewie.

"Chewie stay here and watch the Falcon. We should be in and out alright?" I say.

The Wookiee nods and hugs me tightly. I hug him back.

"Be careful." I say before pulling away and rejoining Finn, Poe, and Rey. BB-8 and BB-12 take the lead.

At first, we wander around Coruscant. It is pretty here, even if the lights burn my eyes.

Finally I say- "This tactic isn't working. What did we think, we'll spot someone walking down the street with a lightsaber?" I shake my head and let out a frustrated groan.

"Wren's right." Poe says. "But we can't split up. Maybe we should ask around?"

Rey shakes her head. "People will suspect us. And there's got to be First Order spies around here."

Our group veers into a side alley. I lean against the wall, sliding down it until I'm sitting on the concrete.

"Forces this is dumb! How did mom even expect us to find this Jedi?" I say, running my hands through my hair.

"Wait, wait, wait." Finn says. "What if we pretend we're First Order spies? Then we could get information and nobody would question us!" He says excitedly.

I stand up. "That's...actually a really good idea Finn."

Rey and Poe both nod. The two droids beeps in agreement.

"Alright. We go into bars and restaurants, asking about some Jedi. If anybody questions us, threaten them." I say with a shrug.

Our group filters back into the crowded sidewalk, filled with a new sense of purpose. We haven't walked four steps when somebody runs into me.

We both go sprawling backwards. I land on my back and the person lands on top of me.

"Oomph!" I let out a groan. The person rolls off of me quickly.

"Sorry, sorry!" They say. They hold out their hand, offering to help me up. I take it.

"Are you ok?" I ask the person. They're shrouded in shadows. They're wearing a big, bulky coat. Every inch of them is swathed in fabric. I catch a glut of something silver when they turn to me.

"Me? I'm fine." The person says.

"Hey! There she is!" Someone yells. I turn and see two stormtroopers running towards me.

The person lets out a yelp and pushes past me. They begin to run, and the troopers follow.

I glance back at our group.

"I think I may have just found that Jedi." I say.

I sprint after the troopers and the mystery person.


I annoy the crap out of my friends with Star Wars and i kinda feel bad

word count: 1112

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