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My X-wing lands and I tear my helmet off, leaving it in my cockpit

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My X-wing lands and I tear my helmet off, leaving it in my cockpit. The first person to greet me is Chewie.

He picks me up from the steps and wraps me in a hug, swinging my legs around. I let out a laugh and hug him.

I love you Wren. He growls out.

"I love you too you big, fluffy, Wookiee." I say with a smile. Chewie places me down and runs off, probably going to find someone else to smother in a hug.

I easily spot Finn in the crowd, but I don't approach him yet. I see him looking around and I know he's looking for Poe.

I see my boyfriend nodding at Zorii. She nods back and then walks off, Babu Frik on her shoulder.

Another glance and I see D'Acy with her wife. Chewie's holding Rose. And then Maz calls him over. She offers him my fathers war medal. The Wookiee takes it in his paws and then he and Maz share a long look.

I see Poe and Finn find each other. They both point at each other before pulling in for a hug. Poe has one hand around Finn's neck and Finn has his arm around Poe's back. I let out a sad smile. Best friends.

Then, Poe turns around. Our eyes find each other's easily.

I speed down to him, eager to be with him again. Once we're close enough, he wraps me in a hug. We hold onto each other for what seems like eternity.

Poe pulls away and presses a kiss to my lips. "You were amazing out there."

"Easy for you to say." I giggle. "You should've seen yourself."

Poe leans down and presses his forehead to mine. We stare into each other eyes. "I love you Wren."

"And I love you Poe."

There's the sound of an X-wing touching down. I glance up and see Uncle Luke's old X-wing on the grass of Ajan Kloss.

Then, I turn and see Uncle Lando talking to Jannah.

Finn walks up to Poe and I. "Have you seen Rey?" He asks worriedly. I shake my head.

"We'll go find her Finn. She's alright." Poe says. The three of us walk around, looking for the familiar three buns.

Poe sees her first and stops walking. I see her second, and Finn sees her last. I can see Rey getting teary eyed, and sniffling.

I smile at her and walk forward, the boys following me. We wrap each other in a tight hug. Everyone's close, and everyone's crying.

Tears slip down my cheeks as we continue to hug. Everyone around us is celebrating. Chewie is cheering. Connix and Rose are talking and hugging.

At last, the four of us pull away. I look around at each of their smiling faces, taking time to remember their every feature.

My best friends. My very best friends.


Rey asked me if I wanted to come to Tatooine with her. She was going to bury Uncle Luke and my mother's sabers. I didn't even know my mother was a Force user, let alone that she had a lightsaber.

And now, the two of us are standing in front of Uncle Luke's old home. It's small. Nothing that I expected.

Rey kneels down in the sand. She lays out a cloth and places Luke's saber on it. Before she can place my moms on, I stop her.

"May I?" I ask.

Rey nods and hands me the lightsaber. It feels weird in my hand, nothing compared to a good old blaster.

I press the saber to my chest, knowing it's probably the last thing I'll touch of my mothers.

I kneel on the sand, cradling the saber for almost a minute. Then, I place it right next to Luke's.

Rey folds the cloth over the two weapons and holds out her hand. The cloth begins to sink into the sand, and after a minute, you couldn't even tell the sabers were there.

Rey and I both stand up, brushing sand from our knees. The scavenger pulls out her newly crafted saber and holds it in front of her. She turns a dial, and a long, golden blade pops out.

The two of us stare at it for a second before an animal noise makes us both glance up. Rey shuts off her saber and clips it to her belt.

An old woman stands in front of us, clutching the leash of an animal I've never seen before.

"There's been no one for so long." The old woman croaks. "Who are you?"

"I'm Wren Solo."

"I'm Rey."

The old woman narrows her eyes. "Rey who?"

The scavenger pauses. She turns her head to the left and looks out at the sand dunes, past me.

I know what she's seeing because I can feel them. It's the Force ghosts of my mother and Uncle Luke. Their presence wraps me up in a hug. Rey and I smile at the same time.

I turn back to the old woman. "She's Rey Solo."

Rey's eyes widen and she looks at me.

"Welcome to the family little sis." I say. I pull Rey in for a hug and she hugs me back immediately.

The old woman nods and continues on, dragging the creature after her.

Rey and I stand by Luke's house for a few moments more before heading back to the Falcon. BB-8 and BB-12 wait for us expectantly.

Before I climb up the Falcons ramp, the sunset catches my eye. I stare at the twin suns that are slowly lowering themselves.

For some reason, tears prick my eyes.

I feel a weight around both my shoulders. Glancing around, I see no one. But I know better.

"Hey kid." My dad says. He materializes beside me. He smiles at me and I offer him a watery smile.

"I love you so much baby." My mother says. She pulls her white hood down, revealing her grey hair in two buns.

Next is Ben. He steps in front of me and holds out his arms. I reach forward and hug him tightly.

Rey steps off the Falcons ramp and sees the scene. She walks over and my family welcomes her with open arms.

Everyone stands hugging as the suns set.

Once they do, my dad pulls away.

"I never thought I'd be saying this," He starts. "But may the Force be with you. Always."

Rey and I smile at him. One by one, each of our family members disappears.

I sigh sadly and rub the tears off of my face. "I'm ready to go home."

"Me too."

As the Falcon takes off from Tatooine, I can't help but smile.

May the Force be with you. Always.


word count: 1130

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