thirty five

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For the next few weeks, Poe is sent on reconnaissance missions and I'm stuck doing political work for my mother

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For the next few weeks, Poe is sent on reconnaissance missions and I'm stuck doing political work for my mother. She says it's a way for us to get closer, but I know what it really is. A punishment for the planet stunt Poe and I pulled.

Someone taps my shoulder. I glance up and see Lula.

I spin my chair around and lean backwards. "What's up?"

"The squadron is coming back. Poe found them, the black squadron." Lula says excitedly.

I jump up. The black squadron is back. My squadron is back. And so is Poe.

"When are they landing?" I ask.

Lula glances backwards. "Right"

I push past her and sprint towards the large, grassy clearing.

There's already four X-wing landed. A group of people has gathered, waiting for the pilots to jump down. As they do, a loud chorus of cheers is given.

Once my fellow squadron mates push through the crowd, I offer them a nod. They smile back before heading to the barn for debriefing.

At last, Poe pushes through. I run forward and hug him tightly.

"You know how long you were gone?" I ask him. My voice is muffled by his gear.

He presses a kiss to the top of my head. "Too long."

I pull away and nod. I reach down and intertwine my fingers with his. "Come one. You have a debriefing to get to. And then, you have to tell me how the mission went."

Poe stops suddenly.

"Actually," He starts. "I have something for the two of us to do. Now that General has more pilots, I need to go help a friend. I was hoping you'd come with."

"I'm listening." I say. A friend? Wonder who.

"Remember right before we left for Jakku? When I would be gone for a couple days? And I told everyone BB-8 was on rent?"

I pause before nodding my head. "I vaguely remember. You had that pink droid. CB-23 wasn't it?"

"Yes. I'll tell you more about it later, but I have to go to debriefing." Poe kisses me on the lips, softly. He squeezes my hand three times and then walks off.

I sigh and after a minute, follow him.

I sit back down in front of a monitor and continue with my work. My eyes burn from the constant attention to the screen.

Someone touches my shoulder briefly and I turn. It's Poe. He's changed into something more comfortable.

"Hey." I say, rubbing my eyes.

"What're you doing?" He asks, pulling up the chair next to me.

"Oh know. Stuff for politics. My mom said it was 'a way for the two of us to get closer'. I think it's just punishment for the planet stunt." I shrug and check one final thing off my list.

"So. What were you talking about? Before your debrief?"

"When I was gone, I was with this kid. His name is Kazuda Xiono. He was a spy for the Resistance."

"Huh." I say.

"Yeah. He commed me during my reconnaissance and retrieval mission. He said he needed help. Didn't specify why though."

I lean back in my chair, nearly tipping it over. "Did you talk to my mom?"

Poe shakes his head. "Not yet. Wanted to run it by you first."

I shrug. "I'd go. Doesn't seem too hard to me. Go in, help the kid, get out. Plus, it'll get me away from mom."

Poe smiles. "How'd I know you'd say that?" He asks.

"Because you know me soo well Dameron." I say with a slight smile.

Poe laughs and runs a hand through his hair. "So you're in?"

"I'm in."

"Alright. I'm going to go run it by your mom."

"I'll be in my stall. Come and get me when you're done."

We both stand up and head our separate ways.

I push open the stall door and catch sight of BB-12 sitting on my bed.

"How did you get up there?" I ask.

BB-12 beeps out something along the lines of I have my ways.

I laugh. "I'm sure you do buddy. Now, I've got a mission for us."

BB-12 rolls off my bed and lands on the floor with a thunk.

"Poe and I are going to someplace to help this kid. He and Poe are friends. You in?"

Heck yeah! BB-12 beeps out excitedly. He rolls around my feet in a circle.

"Shh. Don't fry a circuit! I don't want anybody knowing." I say, kneeling down. BB-12 quiets his beeps considerably.

"Alright cool. I've gotta pack. Assuming mom says yes." I stand back up and find a small satchel that was thrown into the corner. I dust it off and place it, open, on my bed.

I search through the one dresser I've been given. Inside are all my clothes that I currently own.

I pack about three days worth of clothes, a water canteen, a few credits, and a spare blaster. I'm zipping up the satchel when someone burst through my stall door. I turn.

"General said yes." Poe says excitedly. He looks like he could be bouncing around.

"Ok. I'm already packed. When do we leave?"

"As soon as possible. I'll meet you by the X-wings in five minutes." Poe says before turning and running out of my stall.

I chuckle quietly. "Come on BB let's go." I say, jerking my head towards the outside.

My droid and I make our way outside, encountering no one.

Rose still hasn't woken up, which means Finn is still with her. Our doctor says that's it's just a waiting game now. Rose is perfectly healthy. Rey is probably with Wedge or somewhere in the jungle. Lula is working, as is Connix. There's really nobody else at base that cares where I am.

I step beside my ship and throw the satchel inside. BB-12 hoists himself up. I lean against my X-wing, waiting patiently for Poe.

After a minute I see him running across the grassy field.

"Ready?" He asks me once he's in ear shot. I nod and adjust the bullet cuff around my ankle.

I hop into my ship, flicking it on and prepping it for take off.

Once I'm in the sky, everything seems alright. Like I could do anything I wanted.

Poe and I jump to lightspeed at the same time. The bright blur of stars is comforting as the two of us speed towards our destination.


This chapter really sucks im sorry

word count: 1094

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