fifty four

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Poe and I walk up to the Falcon as Rey pulls out the fuel reserve cord

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Poe and I walk up to the Falcon as Rey pulls out the fuel reserve cord. She throws it the the ground and closes the hatch.

"So you got her up and running?" Poe asks, hauling our bags onto the ship. Rey turns around and throws a confused glance at the bags.

"You were right before." She says, walking towards us. "I'm gonna pick up Luke's search for Exegol. I'm gonna start where his trail went cold. The Forbidden Desert of Pasaana."

I take my bags from Poe. "Yeah. We know. We're going with you." I say with a smile. I walk onto the Falcon and drop my bags in a nearby corner. Then, I walk off, preparing to help Finn.

BB-12 and BB-8 trail after me.

"Chewie, you get that compressor fixed?" Poe asks the Wookiee. Chewie growls out a yes.

Rey shakes her head to clear the shock. "I need to go alone." She says to Finn.

"Yeah. Alone with friends." Finn says as if this is obvious.

"It's too dangerous Finn." Rey whispers.

"We go together." The former trooper says. Chewie growls in agreement. BB-8 and BB-12 also beep in agreement.

"I whole heartedly agree." C3PO announces. I turn and smile at the golden droid. Our whole group turns to look at Rey again. She lets out a happy scoff and smiles.

"Besides," I tease. "Someone's gotta make sure you keep the Falcon safe."

Rey scrunches her nose at me happily and leans down to help pick up bags. We all do the same. Once everything is on board, Rey turns and walks out into the forest.

Poe walks up to me, holding a scarf in his hands. "Help?" He asks. I smile at him and take the scarf from his hands. Standing on my tip toes, I wrap it around his neck twice.

I settle back down on my feet and Poe grins at me. "Thanks."

"No problem." I say, reaching up and ruffling his hair. "Now go get Rey. It's time to go."

"Make sure you say goodbye to your mom." Poe says before walking off. I nod and wrap Ahsoka's cloak around me tighter.

"Maybe I will." I whisper to myself. I watch Rey and Poe chat for a second before they both begin to walk towards the Falcon. Rey veers off and walks towards my mother. Poe grabs my hand and we slowly walk up the ramp.

I'm about to step onto the Falcon when I make the decision. I turn around and sprint back to my mother, passing Rey. Before my mom even realizes what's happening, I've wrapped her in a hug.

My mom pauses for a second before hugging me back.

"Mom...I-I love you." I say to her, not pulling away.

"I love you too Wren."

"Mom, I'm so sorry for the past couple of years, I-"

My mom pulls away making me pause. "You've always been my babygirl. Even when we were fighting." She reaches forward and tucks a loose piece of hair behind my ear. "I love you so much baby." She says.

Mom reaches forward and brings my forehead to her lips. I close my eyes, reveling in this moment.

When my mom pulls away, I can still feel the kiss. It's right between my eyebrows. Mom squeezes my hand.

"I love you so much mama."

"I love you too. Now go." She says. I pause before turning and trudging back up the ramp.

Poe waits for me at the top. "Ready?" He asks. I nod and wave at the Resistance members. They all wave back and I see Lula staring at me sadly.

I offer her a weak wink before turning my back on the open ramp and heading to the cockpit. I press the ramp button closed.

Poe and I walk to the cockpit, and I settle in the pilots chair with Chewie in the copilots. The Falcon takes off, and we soar above the treetops of Ajan Kloss. The ship rustles the leaves, making it look like a sea of green.

Chewie growls something to me and I smile, feeling Finn, Poe, and Rey settle in the seats behind us.

"It is." I say. I turn to the dashboard and input the coordinates for Pasaana. The Falcon jumps to lightspeed and I hear my friends get up and leave the cockpit. I turn around, expecting to see Poe, but he's gone.

I cock my head to the side. That's odd. He'd never pass up on the chance to watch us fly. I turn back around and stare into the long, blue tunnel of lightspeed.

After a minute, I stand up and pat Chewie's arm. "I'm going to look for Poe. I'll be back. If you want, I can send Rey up to pilot?"

Chewie growls out an ok and I head into the main part of the Falcon to look for the scavenger. We bump into each other in the hallway.

"I'm looking for Poe if you wanna go pilot." I say jerking my thumb towards the cockpit.

"I would like to. Thanks." She says, offering me a small smile. I return it and continue on my hunt for Poe.

I find him sitting by the Dejarik table, his head in his hands. I sit down next to him and rub his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"I don't know. I just have a bad feeling about this."

I nod and stand up. He lifts his head out of his hands, one eyebrow raised.

"Follow me." I order, grabbing his hand. Poe stands up and trails after me as we head over to the medbay. It's the only quiet room in the Falcon.

"Sit." I say, pointing to the bed in the room. Poe does as I say, patiently waiting for me to do something.

I climb on top of him and sit in his lap. He looks down at me with a grin. "What are you doing?"

"Fixing you." I say quietly. I cup his face in my hands, my thumbs skimming underneath his eyes. My hands travel up to his dark curls and I take a handful of them, massaging his scalp.

Poe closes his eyes and drops his head into the crook of my neck. He lets out a heavy sigh of relief. I smile to myself.

"That feels...really good." Poe admits, pulling away. I nod.

"I know. My mother used to do it Ben all the time. And one day I got tired of watching and asked her to do it to me. She sat me in front of our fireplace and combed through my hair. She hasn't done it ever since."

Poe leans down and kisses me softly. "Thank you." He murmurs against my mouth. I'm about to respond when someone clanks through the door.

I whip my head around quickly and see C3PO walking into the medbay.

"Master Wren!" He says. "We are about to land on-oh!" The droid stops talking at the sight of Poe and I. "Well then. I'll be on by way." The golden droid turns and I can hear him muttering something about 'the maker'.

I sigh and slide off of Poe. "I'm sorry."

Poe chuckles and runs a hand through his hair. "You didn't do anything. 3PO just likes to barge in."

I let out a small laugh and offer my hand to Poe. He takes it and we both head up to the cockpit.


wren doesn't see her mom again, im crying-

word count: 1261

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