You Bring Me Home

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This is a converted imagine off of Tumblr. All credit goes to owner/ writer.

This da link of the original imagine:


Everyone knows and loves Camila. Everyone knows and loves Camila for knowing how to handle things so well. Everyone knows and loves Camila for making Shawn the happiest man alive.

Mostly, everyone knows and loves Camila for knowing how to handle Shawn when he isn't the happiest man alive.

She currently remains unaware of the fact that in this moment, Shawn longs to be the happiest man alive, once again. Camila is sitting in the dressing room, munching on a muffin she took from the batch she made for her boyfriend. Camila flips the page of her textbook and grabs her highlighter.

She doesn't know how long it will take her to make it through the next section, but Camila hopes it is before they have to leave for the next stop of the festival run. It's her mid-term winter break and it's reading week – although people treat 'reading week' as a week off, Camila's ass cannot handle that.

Camila, thus, isn't listening to any music, believing it will distract her. So, the only noise that she lets distract her is the ones travelling down the hallways from the main arena area, where Shawn and his band are rehearsing and running through important dates.

She has almost made it through the second paragraph when she hears a loud yell. It's one at first but then it's a mixture of voices. . they're arguing. And it isn't the usual arguments that they have. It sounds worse. There's someone actually on the verge of yelling.

It's Shawn.

"I don't fucking get why it's so important!" she hears her boyfriend almost yell, his voice coming closer.

Camila jolts in her seat. She curses when her hand shoots out and sends the muffin tumbling over the desk and right into the bin beside it. She dusts off her hands on her jeans and immediately stands up, wanting to push away all her boyfriend's worries.

"Shawn, if you could just listen – Shawn!" Camila hears when she makes it to the doorway.

Just as her body steps afoot in the hallway, Shawn runs past her and Camila is taken aback.

She has seen her boyfriend upset – they have had their fair share of arguments. However, there is rarely something his team can do to piss him off.

Her eyes stay locked on her boyfriend who is running away.

"Shawn!" Camila calls, her voice desperate and laced with hope, wishing that her voice can bring him back to Earth in the split second he is in her vicinity.

He ignores her, dashing away.

Camila steps further into the hallways and attempts to dissect the situation quickly. "What is it?"

"Press got added to the schedule and it . . " Andrew begins to explain. Brian is standing a little closer to Camila, hands on his sides.

Camila sighs, "Andrew, he works so hard –" Deal with this later. "Fix this. Please? I'm going to Shawn, he's more important than all of this," she breathes out, hooking a thumb over her shoulder to where Shawn ran off to.

Turning, Camila begins to sprint, hoping to find her boyfriend very quickly. "Shawn!" she desperately calls out, not wanting to be away from him.

She runs down the path that leads outside and she sees his body push open the EXIT door as she takes a turn. "Hun!" Camila yells, picking up her pace.

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