Three Makes A Family [11]: Eight Months

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This is a converted imagine off of Tumblr. All credit goes to owner/ writer.


"Shawn, turn to the left a little!" Josiah yelled from across the field, pointing in the way he wanted Shawn to move.

"My feet or my body?" Shawn yelled back, waiting impatiently to be told how to stand.


He sighs, turning to the left, stopping when he hears the yells and cheers for him to stay still. He's not even facing Camila and his son now.

Camila is looking mighty gorgeous, flower crown adorning her loose beach wavy hair, her belly on display from the maternity dress she purchased for this photo shoot specifically.

"Stop with the 'tude Mister," Camila mumbles, posing with her back to Shawn.

"I don't have a 'tude, I just don't like this shot," He whispers back.

"Well you will when you see it."

"This is the first photo shoot you've let me be apart of, I'd like some shots of me and that belly!" He turns his head, looking down to Camila.

Josiah is just snapping as many photos as he can, catching candids of the both of them.

"You will!" Camila smiles, glowing in his eyes.

"Now?" He turns his body fully towards her.

"What do you want to do?" She waves her arms a little. "Got any ideas?"

"Yeah," He smiles, biting his lip. "Josiah!" He calls, still staring into her eyes. "Come closer!"

Josiah moves closer, catching Shawn's drift as he drops to his knees in front of her belly, hands cradling the large bump.

"That's my baby," He smiles up at Camila.

"That's yours," She nods.

"I made that,"

"Yes you did," Camila giggles, causing Shawn to blush, creating the cutest, softest photo Josiah's ever taken.

Shawn leans his forehead against her bump, eyes shut as he takes in the realization that he made a baby, and he's gonna be holding this baby within less than a month now. He presses his lips to her skin, causing Camila to jump at the contact, but smile, hands carding through his curls.

"These are perfect," Josiah coos, taking a glance down at the recent shots. "Okay, wanna go back to the house and do the last few there? Get some inside backdrops?"

"Yes! That sounds perfect. And actually Josiah, we had one specific one we wanted to do." Camila smiles, taking Shawn's hand as he leads her back to the cars.

"Okay, what was it?"

"We got these like special made stickers, to put on my belly, to reveal the name."

Josiah, stops, gasping. "I'm gonna be the first to know the name?"

"Yeah, you just can't post or say anything til we tell our parents." Shawn smiles.

"Of course, thank you so much for trusting me with this."


"You're gorgeous," Shawn smiles, looking through the few pictures Josiah has sent, tearing up at that one special one.

"I love how he finished that one first," Camila giggles, taking a seat next to Shawn, resting her head on his shoulder, looking at his laptop that sits nicely on his thick thighs.

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