Dedicated To You

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This is a converted imagine off of Tumblr. All credit goes to owner/ writer.

This da link of the original imagine:


Camila's POV

All around me the crowd was chanting. Shawn, Shawn, Shawn, Shawn. I couldn't stop smiling as I thought about how proud I was of my boyfriend. He's worked so hard to be where he is now, and to hear his fans chanting his name to get him to come on stage made my smile broaden.

I had joined him on tour recently and tonight was my first show since I've arrived. I may have freaked out only a little when Shawn gave me a pass to enter the crowd and see it from the fans view rather than backstage. I liked it better in the crowd anyway, I felt like I could truly admire Shawn and his talent.

Another 15 minutes have passed since the opening act had left and I was extremely excited. The lights began to dim and the crowd roared, becoming even louder. Joining in with the enthusiastic atmosphere I jumped along with everyone else.

Suddenly a figure walked onstage, the crowd reacting by raising the volume, and I felt giddy with what would happen next. A beat began on the drums and the lights flashed shining onto Shawn.

Shawn began humming and right away the fans joined in singing Mercy with him. It was amazing watching him sing along with the audience and how they sang back to him.

Then his gaze flicked over to my area of the small arena where I told him I would be, I watched as he searched trying to find me. It was useless trying to attract his attention when all the other girls around me were trying to do the same thing.

Overhead the lights flashed, illuminating the audience and his eyes snapped to me, his face breaking out in a massive grin, momentarily stuffing up his lyrics.

I laughed when he seemed to not remember where he was up to, eyes still connected to mine. Just that you're honest with me, the fans sing and he catches back up, belting out the lyrics. Shawn winks at me before turning his attention to his guitar.

I nodded my head to the beat as the chorus began. a tap on my shoulder caught my attention. I turned my head and it wasn't hard to see who did it when we were all close together. A girl a few inches taller than me stared straight at me.

"Did you see that? He stared at you for like a good 5 minutes" She yells over the music. Her eyes turn cold as she takes in who I am.

"Oh.. Really?" I say smiling." I didn't realise," I mumble the last bit turning back to the front. Our relationship had been going strong for around 9 months now and we had succeeded in keeping it on the down low.

Eventually however, Shawn and I got tired of keeping our feelings secret and we didn't exactly show the world we were together but we weren't hiding it either.

When I looked back at the stage Shawn was almost finished singing his first song. When he caught my gaze again he tugged his ear- our sign for asking 'are you okay?'. I nod my head once and smile, causing him to smile back.

The last note sounded and screams filled the arena. Once it settled down to a low hum, Shawn spoke.

"Hey guys," the sound was almost deafening but I couldn't complain when I too screamed with them.

"How's everyone feeling tonight?" Shawn asks, trying to rev the crowd up.

"Okay so tonight, it's a special night tonight," he pauses to listen to the fans. "Not only am I playing in the beautiful city of Sydney, Australia," the screams grow louder. "Let me just tell you how stoked I am to be here" he laughs. I shake my head at his failed accent as an Australian.

"Shh, shh" He says trying to quiet the crowd again, the grin still spread on his face. "So you guys may not know this but I also have someone very special in the audience tonight" cue the screaming to intensify, "and well, Camila, I dedicate this song to you,"

I groan, of course he would do this. Earlier tonight Shawn and I were chatting about what songs he was putting on the set list.

"Dedicate Lights On to me" I joke, flicking his nose gently.

"You want me to?" Shawn says laughing.

"Of course, get on stage and be all like, CamilaI wrote this amazing song for you and I'm going to sing it to you with my beautiful, talented voice that should hopefully make everyone in the room faint from how good it sounds," I say lowering my voice to replicate his.

"I'll do it" he says, his fingers twirling my hair as his arm rests across my shoulders.

"Really?" I ask, surprised that he's actually going along with it.

"You mentioned it and I think it's an awesome idea," Shawn chuckles at my regretful expression.

"I was just joking, when you think about it, it's kinda embarrassing," I say, my cheeks growing hot.

'Nah nah, you can't take it back now, I'm doing it," He says, a mischievous sparkle in his eyes.

"I wasn't being serious," I whined, sending him my best puppy dog eyes.

"Too late"

The guitar begins and I raise my eyes back to Shawn. You didn't. I mouth to him, not sure if he will understand me. He grins. I did. He mouths back.

I chuckle, I guess I am having a song dedicated to me after all.

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