Wearing Nothing

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I know what you're thinking 😅


Camila's POV

I'm sitting on the edge of my bed in my fluffy robe, picking the dirt from under my nails while eyeing my wardrobe. The clothes are hanging nicely in there, I honestly have way more clothes than I would probably need, but right now I really feel like I want to burn the whole thing.
I let out a heavy sigh and standing up I walk over to the wardrobe and just close the doors before returning into the bathroom. I decide it's better to give myself some more time before picking out my outfit. I start doing my makeup and hair, but I fix my robe every time it loosens around my waist, showing a bit more from my body.

I'm almost done with my hair when I hear the front door open.

"I'm here babe!" I hear Shawn's voice and I stick my head out of the bathroom.

"In here," I smile at him. He has his iconic black skinny jeans on with a floral printed shirt, looking like the hot God that he is. He kicks his shoes off and joins me in my not too big bathroom as I curl my last strand of hair.

He is standing behind me, smiling at me in the mirror, eyeing me with his hazel eyes.

"What?" I ask feeling myself blushing.

"Nothing. You look great," he compliments.

Normally, I would just giggle and thank him, but now I feel my smile fade a bit, though I try to fake it. Today has been one of those days when I feel like shit. When I have a problem with everything, but mostly with myself, and I can't do anything about it, I usually just wait for it to go away.

I can tell Shawn senses something, but he doesn't questions it fortunately. I finish my hair and head back to my room to finally find something to wear. Shawn lies across my bed, watching me stand in front of my wardrobe just staring at it stupidly. I put several options together in my mind, but none of them seems good. I know my hips would look so wide in skinny jeans, or my stomach would stick out too much in my black bodycon dress. I would rather just stay at home in a large hoodie, eat icecream and maybe cry myself into sleep, but that last one is optional just for now.

"Babe? Are you going to get dressed?" he asks after a while and I don't blame him. I've been standing here probably for fifteen minutes with no result.

"Um, yeah. Sure," I say as I feel myself getting more anxious. I can sense his stare on my back and it's not helping. Suddenly I want him to disappear. Not because I don't love him to the Moon and back, but because right at this moment I don't feel like I'm enough for him and I know I'll start questioning our whole relationship in a few minutes probably.

I start going through the clothes making the illusion of trying, but I'm really just pushing the hangers back and forth. I hear him shift behind me and soon he is right behind me, he puts a hand to my arm as he leans to my ear.

"Is everything alright?" he quietly asks, and I feel my throat closing up. I'm fighting the tears back, but he knows me better than that.

Turning me around he cups my face in his hands, forcing me to look at him. A tear rolls down my cheek and he wipes it away with his thumb.

"Hey, don't cry! Just talk to me. What's the matter?"

I sniff a bit, blink the tears away before speaking up.

"I just... I don't want to wear anything. I know I would look bad in everything," I admit.

"Are you kidding me baby?" he smiles at me raising his eyebrows and I just roll my eyes.

"I knew you wouldn't understand," I say pushing his hands away, but he quickly grabs my wrist pulling me back to him.

"I didn't mean it like that," he says looking into my eyes. "I meant it like... Are you kidding me? You literally look perfect and I can't keep my hands off of you. So you wearing nothing is pretty tempting right now."

"You are just saying this to cheer me up," I mumble under my breath. "I put on weight so I have a food baby that's not going away at the end of the day and my hips are wider than a tennis court."

"Okay, you put on weight, so what? I love your curves, they are sexy as hell. And your hips..." His hands slide to my hips squeezing them gently. "They are wide so they can bear with the baby we will be making one day," he grins at me and my eyes widen.

"Oh my God, you can't be serious!" I laugh burying my face in my hands. "How can you talk about babies?!"

"How can I? How can I talk about the future I want with you? Baby, I love you so much, of course I'm thinking about having babies together. And your perfect body will create that baby so I'm loving every inch of it!"

My heart is aching from the cuteness he is flooding me with. How does he always know what to tell me to make me feel better?

I snake my arms around his neck as I push myself against his body.

"I love you too, Shawn," I sigh smiling at him. Leaning down he pecks my lips as his arms are holding me tight.

"I know, but please love yourself too, baby. Just as much as I love you."

I just nod my head tiptoeing so I steal another kiss before we let go of each other. He reaches into my wardrobe and takes a burgundy dress out.

"How about this one?" he asks. Ten minutes ago I wouldn't have even considered this dress, because it's pretty tight, but right now I can't say no to him.

"I'll change into it and we can leave."


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