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This is a converted imagine off of Tumblr. All credit goes to owner/ writer.

This da link of the original imagine: https://welldamnshawn.tumblr.com/post/157140455906/im-not-going-to-apologise-for-this-not-anymore



Camila's POV

It was Friday night, also known as the one night per week that Shawn was completely and utterly mine for the night with no distractions. No phones, family or friends, just me, Shawn and the movie that one of us picked out. Tonight it was 'It's a Boy Girl Thing' that I found in the large collection of movies that we had gotten over the years of having this tradition.

"Shawn have you got the popcorn yet?" I called from where I put the disk into the DVD player.

"It just finished" he called back and soon enough he walked into the lounge room with a bowl of buttery popcorn. I grab the blanket from off the couch and I sit on the couch waiting for Shawn to join me. He sits down next to me, so close that our arms are pressed against each other and I turn, raising my eyebrow at him.

"Can I not sit down?" he questions me with a smirk and I can't help but laugh.

"You know what I'm going to say," I mumble reaching for the remote to press play as the menu for the movie appears. I met Shawn 5 years ago in high school and since then we have been inseparable.

"Sorry," Shawn says although I can tell he's anything but as he leaves an inch between us. He's made his intentions very clear about our friendship about 7 months ago, he wants to be more than friends.

The only thing is that I was too scared that if we did have a relationship, what if we broke up? I wasn't willing to risk our friendship for something that may or may not work out.

Of course that was the rational side of me talking. The other half told me to stuff the consequences and go straight for it. I mean, Shawn was my best friend, we were like two peas in a pod, partners in crime. He meant the world to me and I would do just about anything for him, but that tiny voice in my head kept saying what if I stuff it up?

"I missed you," Shawn says, turning his head to look at, biting his lip gently.

"I missed you too" I whisper, feeling my heart speed up at his simple words. He cracks a smile at me, warping one arm around my shoulders and knowing that he's not going to take my excuses to try and push him away anymore I let him.


It was around three quarters through the movie when I felt Shawn's gaze burning into the side of my head. I looked up to see his gaze but instead found his lips against mine and his hand resting gently on my cheek holding me there.

Feeling like I was frozen to the spot I stayed completely still as his warm lips pressed gently against mine. Shawn was kissing me. Kissing me. Slowly I started to move my lips against his and my hands somehow found my way into his hair.

When his tongue softly swiped my bottom lip, I snapped out of it. Pushing him off me , I stood up.

"What was that?" I growl at him, sending him a glare.

"That?" he says, matching my glare. "That was me kissing you," his words sent a shiver down my spine and it was as if he knew exactly what to say to make my anger disappear.

"Why would you do that Shawn? We're friends! Just friends." I say crossing my arms over my chest.

"Please you and I both know that neither of us want to be just friends anymore," Shawn says standing up and taking a step so he was inches away from me.

"I-I.. well.." I stammer trying to find words but frankly my mind is blank.

"I'm sick of having you push me away every time I try to come closer to you, to show you how I feel" Shawn says, his eyes never leaving mine. "I love having you as my best friend, you're always the one I can count on when things are tough but I can't continue to hide the way I feel about you,"

My mouth feels dry and I wait for him to continue, knowing that he's been keeping this bottled up for a while. "I want to be able to buy you flowers just because, be the one to hold you when you sleep, introduce you to my parents as my girlfriend instead of just the girl who I wish I could be dating but she's too busy trying to only be my friend," he says running his hands through his hair frustratedly.

"But do you know what I really hate?" he pauses and the movie's dialogue fills the silence. "I hate having to say 'I'm sorry' after every time I try to get you to notice how badly I want to be the one for you," Shawn takes another small step forward so that our foreheads are almost touching. "You know what?" he asks me a small smirk appearing on his face.

"What?" I say breathlessly. His speech got my mind whirling and my stomach a forest of butterflies. "I'm not going to apologize for this. Not anymore"

And with that final note I'm not sure whether it was him or me who closed the gap between us and pressed my lips upon his, my hands against the smooth fabric of his t-shirt that covers his shoulders. His arm wrapped around my back pulling me impossibly closer as I wound my fingers through his soft hair.

I pull back to get air and my eyes find his. "Do I have to apologize for that?" Shawn says teasingly.

"Forget the apologies" I smirk back before pulling him to me once again, my doubts about us completely diminished.


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