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For the sake of this imagine, let's pretend Camila has dimples o_o


Camila is sitting in the back of the Uber, staring down at her phone with furrowed eyebrows as she is examining her boyfriend's latest Instagram post. It's a selfie they took a few days ago, but he only posted it this morning. Shawn took the photo with his front camera, Camila standing between him and the phone, both of them smiling at the camera widely. Her hair is tugged behind her ears while Shawn is nuzzling his nose into it lovingly. It's a cute couple picture and Camila would also totally love it if only she hadn't seen the capture.

"I could disappear in those dimples" he wrote and it might sound innocent and funny in a cute way to anyone, for some reason it's making her insecure.

Camila is aware of the two massive dimples she has on her cheeks every time her lips curl into a smile, she's had them since she was a baby and this is probably one of the most noticeable things on her face. It is what caught Shawn's eyes when they met for the first time and he thought it's the most adorable thing he has ever seen and he loves teasing his now girlfriend about it, not even knowing it's making her feel uncomfortable sometimes.

Even though everyone comments on how cute they are, all that gets stuck in her head is that people are commenting on them. And Camila doesn't like having too much attention, but now millions of people are staring at her dimples because Shawn just made them notice it if they haven't already.

Locking her phone Camila promises something to herself. No more smiling. Those dimples gotta stay hidden.

Arriving to Shawn's hotel she gets out of the car and heads right in. Standing in the all mirror elevator she stares at herself as she is taking in her serious face that she intends to keep for at least until the end of the day.

"Babe?" Camila calls out walking into her boyfriend's hotel suit. She hears a quiet piano playing in the background somewhere and the water running in the bathroom. It stops when she shuts the door behind her walking in further and a few moments later a shirtless Shawn walks out, tapping his face with a towel.

"Hey Beautiful," he welcomes her, his eyes lighting up immediately when he sees his favorite person on Earth.

Walking closer he leans down for a quick kiss and Camila almost lets a smile curl up on her lips, but then she remembers her promise and holds it back.

Shawn leaning back notices something is off, but he just can't put his finger on it. He narrows his eyes on her, but decides not to mention anything. Maybe she is just tired.

"So, where do you want to go?" he asks walking into his bedroom as Camila follows him and flops down on his bed while he is looking for a shirt to wear.

"I don't know. Do you have something in mind?"

"I thought maybe we could give that sushi place another try, you could watch me mess up the food with the chopstick," he chuckles thinking back at the last time they had sushi.

He is definitely not good with the chopsticks, last time it took him an hour to figure out how to eat his dinner with them and at the end he just gave up and used a fork. Camila has laughed so much that evening and now the thought is making her grin again, but her face quickly straightens again.

Shawn is standing in front of her, he stops and stares at her as she is clearly avoiding to look at him. Now he knows something is up and he is not taking this bullshit. He wants to see Camila smile so he makes one more attempt at it.

"Or we could go to that grill place where they have that amazing barbeque sauce and I could pour it all over me and I would stand there, barbeque sauce on my titties..."

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