Three Makes A Family [10]: Mood Swings

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This is a converted imagine off of Tumblr. All credit goes to owner/ writer.


Camila was officially 7 months today. 7 months of carrying this little boy around, feeling him grow and move, hearing his heartbeat and seeing the pictures from the sonograms.

But it was also 7 months of her body completely changing, in some ways good and other ways bad. One of the bad ways being her hormones. Camila had drastic mood changes, and poor Shawn swerved with each one, and she admired his way to calm her in each state, no matter how badly she might have treated him.

Today was one of those days. Camila just felt super emotional, and she didn't know why.

Everything Shawn did just seemed to tick her off, and it wasn't like he was doing anything on purpose but the man was driving her up a wall.

"Could you stop?" Camila snaps, making him freeze where he was.

He was just caressing her belly, feeling his boy kick at his hand, admiring her pregnant beauty.

"Sorry," He mumbled, retracting his hand and setting it limply in his own lap.

"Like I get it, I'm fat and pregnant, don't need to bring attention to it all the time."

Shawn looks over with confused eyes, "You're not fat baby," He whispers, shifting his body to face hers, preparing for a personal confession from her.

"I am, I got that, so please stop touching me." Camila takes his hand, that's traveled on its own to her hair, and push it off.

"Babe," He raised an eyebrow, silently telling that she's being a little dramatic. She rolls her eyes, scooting away from him on the couch and going back to reading her book.

Shawn sighs, knowing that she needs her space and will be asking for cuddles in a few minutes. He pulls his phone out of his pocket, scrolling through twitter, mindlessly wasting his time as he waits for Camila to decide her mood.

Camila sighs loudly, glaring up at him for a moment, making him look over in slight fear.


"You are literally breathing so loud, like I get it you're alive, chill the fuck out."

At this he snorts, "What?" He chuckles.

Her emotions flash as she see he's laughing at her. Camila throws her book on the couch, struggling to get up a bit, but doing so successfully and storming off down the hall.

For whatever reason she decide to turn into the laundry room, convinced he won't find her in there.

Camila stands for a moment, taking deep breaths and calming herself.

And like a ton of bricks she realizes what she has done. She literally yelled at the man for breathing. Breathing!

"I'm literally the worst wife," Camila groan, leaning against the dryer, slowly taking a seat on the ground, covering her face with her hands.

It's a good 2 minutes before Shawn strolls down the hall, halting when he hears her sniffles from inside the laundry room. He slowly opens the door, finding her crying on the floor.

"Baby?" He asks. "What happened? Are you okay?" He rushes to her side, crouching next to her.

Camila look up with teary eyes, "What?"

"Are you hurt? Are you alright? Is he okay?" He rapidly asks questions.

"Fine, we're fine." She assures him.

"Baby, why are you crying then?" He asks softly, brushing the hair that's stuck to her tear tracks away.

"I'm sorry I was a bitch. I really don't know where that came from."

"Babe," He chuckles again, taking a seat next to her, reaching for her hands.

"I'll sleep on the couch if you want me too." Camila mumbles, pointing to the sheets she had pulled from the shelf.

His eyes widen at her proposal. "Stop," He shakes his head, pushing the sheets out of her hands. "Why would I want you to sleep on the couch?" He asks, making Camila cry harder into her hands. "Baby, stop!" He pulls her hands away from her face, making her look at him. "It's okay! Stop crying!"

"I was being a bitch though." Camila frowns.

"No you weren't," He shakes his head. "You were being pregnant." He smiles. "If you think I can't handle you being annoyed at me for breathing too loud then I must really be a wimp in your eyes because, babe, it's okay. You're allowed to tell me that I'm annoying you."

"Do I annoy you?"

"No," He shakes his head.

"Then you shouldn't annoy me!" Camila whines.

"I'm not," He smiles, loving her cute confused face. "I'm annoying our son," He rests a hand on her belly. "And that's what I'm supposed to do, I'm his dad."

At that Camila grins, because it's total bullshit. She was definitely annoyed with Shawn earlier, but she loved his attempt to make her feel better.

"You're gonna be a great dad," Camila whispers, bringing her hand up to caress his face.

Shawn smiles at her mood change, leaning into her hand a little. "Thanks baby," He leans forward, kissing her lips sweetly.

"I mean it, you're gonna be an amazing father."

"You're gonna be an incredible mother, you already are." He blushes as her comments.

"I love you, thank you for putting up with me."

"Putting up with you?" He laughs, "Who says romance is dead?" He teases.

Camila huff, pushing his chest a little and getting a louder laugh out of him.

"Hungry?" He asks, knowing she is, and wanting to make her happy again.

"Starving." Camila nods.

"How about you go back to the couch," he starts to help her up. "And pick out a movie," he pulls Camila to her feet. "And I'll make you a snack and then, if you're comfortable enough, we can cuddle and watch movies all night."

"Really?" Camila pouts.

"Really," He nods. "Tomato with pepper?" He kissed her cheek, before leading her to the living room.

"And pickles with peanut butter?" Camila asks with a sweet smile.

"Coming right up," He nods, making sure she's comfortable before going off to make her snack.

He shakes his head and sighs as he cuts up her tomato, in awe of how fast Camila's emotions changed within 20 minutes. She literally went from annoyed, to pissed, to sad, to in love, to now happy and hungry.

"Baby," He called from the kitchen.

"Mhm?" She answered, looking through Netflix for a movie.

"I love you."

"I love you too Shawn."

"And I love that you're my wife," He grunts softly reaching for the peanut butter. "And I love that you're my baby mama, couldn't have asked for a better partner." He finishes walking back to her.

Camila looks up with teary eyes and pursed lips again.

"No, why are you crying again?"

"I just love you," Camila sobs.

"Baby," He laughs.


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