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This is a converted imagine off of Tumblr. All credit goes to owner/ writer.

This da link of the original imagine:

This one actually took me like two days 👀👀


Camila's POV

When I first started dating Shawn and his career I recalled hating his meetings.

They are always so long, so boring, so time wasting. There is never a point or reason to be there, other than the fact that it's his name on the billboards they wanna put up.

I usually am the one annoyed more than him, considering they make him go and sit through 3 hours of nonsense to not even listen to his ideas.

But over time, now that we're married, I've come to realize that these meetings are fun, and Shawn and I start to feel like we're back in high school, listening to some pointless lecture.

We both are trying to pick on the other while not getting caught by Andrew and it gives me that feeling of being 16 in a math class.

We both have done so much in meetings that I've started to repeat my favorite things.

Today I'm in LA, sitting in a rolling chair at the corner, while Shawn sits next to me at the end of the table.

His chin is in his hand, eyes blinking slowly as he listens to the team drone on and on about what to do for tour dates.

He looks at me slowly, noticing my chair has wheels when he looks down at my crossed legs.

He leans over, making it look like a stretch, grabbing the arm of my chair and pulling me closer to his non rolling chair.

I gasp at the movement, jumping and almost dropping my book as I look at him with wide eyes.

He smirks, letting his hand slip over my thigh and rest there.

"Hi," He mouths.

"Hi," I mouth back.

He goes back to pretending to listen, thumb now rubbing circles on my thigh.

I start reading again, getting about a half of a page through before Shawn's leaning over and whispering in my ear.

"Let me see your purse,"

I look at him confused, he just nods his head to my purse on the floor by the table.

I slowly lean down, grabbing it and handing it to him. He starts quietly rummaging through, handing me my pink pen. He then takes my blue pen out and my sticky notes.

I smirk as he sets my purse down and starts writing on a sticky note.

Talk to me!

He moves his hand, watching Andrew, but sticking the note to my book. I read it quickly and giggle as I grab the pad of sticky notes.

What do you wanna talk about?

I stick it to his thigh, patting his leg softly and looking back to my book. Soon there is another note stuck to my book.

Write me cute love notes

I giggle, looking at his smirk. 

You have to write me love notes too then

He chuckles, playing it off as a cough when a few people look over at the two of us.

I write you love notes all the time, have you ever listened to my albums?

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