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This is a converted imagine off of Tumblr. All credit goes to owner/ writer.

This da link of the original imagine:


They walk out of the planetarium with flushed cheeks and warm, beating hearts, giggles falling from their lips. Their eyes twinkle with a bright light, evidence of the joy that floats between them.

Camila stuffs her hands into her pockets, looking at him with a smile that he remains unaware of. "Oh my, that's exactly like you trying to speak in French on our first date, remember?" laughs Camila, her grin widening and making her cheeks appear fuller. A part of him wants to reach out and pinch cause God damn, no one can look this adorable when they are laughing so much. He enjoys the way her lips remain in a smile and eyes still linger on him well after the joke has been made.

A bulbous want to kiss her crashes over him. He had on their first date – it was a move that they both agreed none of them usually would make but silently they both never wanted to go on a first date ever again. A date with her, over and over again, is all he wants.

"To be fair, I think baguette avec du fromage is a rather impressive phrase," defends Shawn, his hands digging into his pockets to tame the urge to reach out, grab her face and kiss her in a frenzy. He digs four half-moons into his palms, his desperation translating into a beam on his face. Usually, she would be creeped out with how widely one would smile at her, however, here, now, she finds it endearing. Probably, it is because she is sporting the same grin.

"You're a baguette avec du fromage," Camila teases rather poorly.

His eyes crinkle and he looks at her, tilting his head to the side in wonder. "How so?"

"You're white as fuck from the inside, but your little Portuguese gives the hint of tan on the outside," she argues, taking a step towards him.

He hums in response, taking a step forward, too, until their knees buck into each other, and he has to tip his head forward just a little to reach her eyes. Her hands mirror his, dug into her pockets as well. The wind sweeps through her hair, helping it feather down her back. The glimmer in her eyes only intensifies and a look at her lips assures Shawn that no one has ever looked so kissable.

All he really wants to do is run his hands over her thighs and over her stomach, under the short-sleeved blouse she wears. He wants to drop his mouth to hers and taste her chocolate lips until forever becomes too much – call Shawn absolutely crazy but he knows forever with her is not enough for him.

Shawn wonders if Camila feels like this too. It is only their sixth date and Shawn has already begun to send her 'good morning <3' texts and she Snaps him almost every hour, which he replies to immediately and without hesitation. Hell, forget that Shawn has already begun to think of forever with her when they have only just started.

He is glad that there is a mutual understanding that the pair of them want this to work – Shawn now goes to bars and fully embraces his lack of flirting skills because he knows he has her. And if his desperation is not shown enough, Shawn once cancelled plans with his friends so he could take Camila out on a date.

The date had been spontaneous and apparently, her new job has been rather demanding. He picked her up from her workplace and took her to a park, pulling out a fine bottle of red wine and various gourmet foods that could only be classified as Tim's. If anything, Shawn is grateful that he gets to talk to someone as wondrous as her. That was their fourth date and Shawn deems it the best – and that is saying something because he ranks all of his dates with her as an infinite out of ten. He still cannot get the image of her tipping her head back and laughing as the moonlight hit her cheekbones perfectly.

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