Three Makes A Family [9]: Curls And Freckles

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This is a converted imagine off of Tumblr. All credit goes to owner/ writer.

This da link of the original imagine:          


After Camila's 6 month check up, and new sonogram pictures, it really kind of hit her that she was making a human right now.

Like, this is a human that is gonna come out of her, with a little nose, arms and legs and shit.

Laying in bed, it's like the heaviness of this whole process dawns on her, Camila sits up quickly, catching Shawn off guard. He thought she'd fallen asleep next to him, since she's gone quiet while he was playing.

"Fucking shit," He brings a hand up to his chest. "Baby," He takes a deep breath. "You scared me."

"Sorry," Camila looks at him with wide eyes.

"What?" He asks, taking in the look on her face and becoming instantly concerned. "What's wrong? Are you okay? Is our baby boy okay?"

"We're fine," Camila waves him off. "I'm just being weird."

"What? What's going on?" He sets his guitar down, crawling closer towards her.

"I'm having a baby," She blurt, looking over at him and his raised eyebrows.

"Yes you are, very good." He teases, pinching her thigh. "Are you just now noticing?"

"No Shawn," Camila shakes her head at his teasing, "Like I'm making a human,"

"I know babe," Shawn nods, confused as to what she was talking about.

"No, like he's gonna have toes, and fingernails." Camila gapes at him. "He's gonna have eyelashes and earlobes."

Shawn grins, hand sneaking up under her (his) shirt, rubbing at her dry stretched skin. "Let's hope he has your cute little freckles."

Camila smirks at his comment, rolling her eyes at him.

"And please have he have your big eyes" Shawn pleads. "Ones that make me drop to my knees and not say no to."

Camila giggles, falling back over to her pillow, staring at him as he bites his lip, his fingers tracing patterns on her exposed hip.

"Okay," She nods.

"Okay?" Shawn looks up at her.

"He can have my freckles and eyes. Well as long as his eyes are brown like yours." Camila bargains. "And it's demanded that he has your curls."

Shawn chuckles, "Demanded eh?"

"Yeah, it's a must have, won't accept anything less." Camila giggles, pushing his tickling fingers away.

"Well then it's demanded he has your humor."

"My humor?" She sputters out.

"Yeah," Shawn nods, shuffling closer to her cold body.

"Why my humor?"

"Because you can make a joke about anything, and I love that most about you, so it's demanded that my son has it too. It's a damn gift."

Camila laughs, shaking her head at her ridiculous husband.

"He's gotta have your height,"

"Why?" Shawn questions.

"Because you're a damn tree, and it's so convenient."

"It's convenient?" He asks, amused by her statement.

"Yeah you can reach everything on the top shelf. You don't have to worry ever about not being able to get on roller coasters," Camila runs out of reasons to prove to him, so she just shrugs instead.

He laughs, a good loud hearty laugh, and it brings a big smile to her face.

"You're so pretty when you laugh like that," Camila speaks out loud.

He looks over at her. "You're always so pretty ," He mumbles, leaning closer for a kiss.


Camila sits with Shawn at his favorite little cafe, for breakfast and coffee (decaf for her little pregnant self).

Her phone pinging with a text message as Shawn jumps up when his name is called, meaning Camila's coffee was ready. 

Camila laughs, looking up at Shawn as he sets her drinks on the table and sliding into the booth, sitting across from her

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Camila laughs, looking up at Shawn as he sets her drinks on the table and sliding into the booth, sitting across from her.

"What?" He asks, taking a sip of his Americano.

"Aaliyah wants you to check your phone," Camila nod at him.

"Fuck, I forgot she texted me." He fishes his phone out of his pocket.

He unlocks his phone, opening his messages. He snickers as he responds back to her text, shaking his head as he bites his lip.

"What? What did she send you?"

"Here look," He says turning his phone so Camila could read it.

"Here look," He says turning his phone so Camila could read it

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"Oh my god, that's so gonna be our son." Camila giggle, watching him nod quickly.

"He can do whatever he wants, but I at least want him to try guitar," Shawn shrugs, clicking his phone off and pocketing it so she can have his full attention.

"I think that your son is gonna wanna be a rockstar like his dad, he'll love guitar."

Shawn smiles, taking Camila's hand across the table.

"I'm still kind of freaked out about the idea of becoming a dad," He admits nervously. "But knowing your gonna be my side, and with me through the whole ride makes me feel so much better,"

Camila blushes, interlocking her fingers with his. "I'm freaked out too, but we'll do it together." she assures him. "We can do anything, as long as we're together, and this boy is gonna just add to that." Camila shrugs.

"God I fucking love you," He blurts, eyes so soft, cheeks so pink. "You make everything better, and if our son is half the person you are then he's insanely lucky."

"Well," Camila takes a sip of her coffee, wincing at the taste of decaf. "I'm really hoping he's gonna be just like his dad."


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