Three Makes A Family [7]: Well?

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This is a converted imagine off of Tumblr. All credit goes to owner/ writer.

This da link of the original imagine:


Camila smiled as she walked around her in-laws backyard, looking for a messy head of curls that was holding her water.

"He's the tallest person at this party and I can't find him, how is that possible?" Camila laughs as she stands beside Aaliyah.

She looks over and then around, not finding him either. "Can I help you with whatever you need?" She offers, filling in his role since he's gone missing at the moment.

"Unless he handed you my water than no?" Camila looks at her with a smile.

"Tell you what, I'll text him and see where he ran off to."

Aaliyah pulls her phone out and shoots him a quick text, smiling up at Camila as she turn back and look at her. "He should be on his way to find us."

"Okay?" Camila says not really liking the smirk on Aaliyah's face.


Camila's POV

Shawn stands in the kitchen, laughing with the boys at some dumb joke Brian made as he feels his phone vibrate in his pocket.

He slips it out of his back pocket, looking down at Aaliyah's text.

iMessage from Liyah: Camila 911!!!

His head whips up, and he looks around scanning the crowded house for Camila. He pushes past people, spotting us two outside by the table of gifts.

He rushes out, bumping into family and friends, muttering apologies before stopping in front of the both of us.

"I'm here, what's wrong?" He looks at Camila with with crazy worried eyes, hands out and resting on her shoulders as he takes in hr state.

"Nothing?" I look at him confused.

His brows furrow and he looks at Aaliyah, lips pursed out. "Then what's with the 911?"

"Needed to find you." She shrugs.

He sighs, head hanging as he breathes for a second. "Fucking hell Liyah you could have just said that. You scared the shit out of me."

I look at Aaliyah, "What did you send him?"

"Camila 911." She grins.

"Aaliyah!" I lightly shove her shoulder. "I just wanted my water."

Shawn looks at me with wide eyes when I look back at him. "You want your water? Where is it?" He asks looking around.

"I gave it to you before I went to the bathroom, so why don't you answer that question."

He looks back with wide eyes and a cringe on his lips. "Shit."

"Watch your mouth," I smack his shoulder. "You can't be speaking like that when our baby gets here."

"I know," Shawn sighs. "But I have five months to fix it." He smiles, caressing my belly.

I was currently 20 weeks pregnant and I finally found out the sex. Well maybe not 'found out' yet. In the next hour I would though. This gender reveal party was already in the swing of things the only thing left to do was finally find out.

"If I get you a water can you pop the balloons?" Aaliyah asks, bouncing on her toes.

Camila laughs and Shawn giggles as he wraps her up in his arms. "I'll bite, can we pop them please?" He asks with his puppy dog eyes. "I can't wait any longer. I gotta know."

I smile, looking over to Aaliyah. "Go tell everyone to come outside, we're ready."

She squeals and runs off, leaving Shawn and Camila alone for a second.

"No matter what," He says hands resting on my belly. "As long as you're healthy."

"You're such a dad." I pat his arms, turning to face him.

"Well I mean," He looks down at my small bump with a smile. He kneels down quickly to kiss my belly, humming softly as he stares up at me with a smile. "You're gorgeous."

"So are you," I thread my fingers through the curls on the nape of his neck.

It's then that the party starts funneling out to the backyard. They crowd around the two big black balloons that are anchored by the back fence.

"Healthy," Shawn whispers against my belly, "Just want you healthy."

"You know you want a boy," I grin as he stands back up.

"Healthy," He shakes his head. "Boy or girl, just healthy."

"Come on!" Aaliyah pulls me both towards our spots, handing us the pokers she's made to pop the balloons.

Karen is the only one that knows the gender, she's the one who ordered the balloons.

"On the count of three?" Shawn asks, both of us holding our balloon, ready to pop it.

Shawn stands in a pink button up short sleeve shirt as my blue summer dress flows around my legs.

"One!" I start, smiling wide at him.

"Two!" He continues.

"THREE!" The crowd of family and friends in front of us yells out.


My eyes are squeezed shut from the pop but when they open all I see is blue confetti floating up around me.

Shawn's looking up at the little blue specs of paper engulfing us both, before he's looking at me with his rosy cheeks and bright smile.

He's pulling me into his arms while Aaliyah yells with the rest of the boys about how Matt and Geoff were wrong, and how they owe her 20 dollars each.

Shawn's nuzzling into my neck, breathing heavy. I bring my hand up to his curls when I feel his tears on my neck.

"Oh honey," I sigh into his ear.

"A boy, we're having a boy."

"Your little mini me," I grin, as he starts swaying I both back and forth, planting little kisses to my neck.

"Holy fuck, we're having a boy,"

"You really gotta start watching your mouth," I giggle, pulling away just enough to see his face. He gives a bashful grin, nodding to the point of his curls flopping on his forehead.

I reach up and wipe his eyes clean of tears, smiling as he leans down to kiss me sweetly.

"Well?" Manny speaks up.

The kissing couple pulls away and looks over at the expectant crowd. "Well what?" Shawn looks confused.

"Any name ideas?" Karen asks, bouncing a bit.

I look up at Shawn with a grin, knowing full well we both have ideas but just haven't decided on one.

"Well the girl names just got eliminated so the list just got smaller, but when we pick one you'll be the first to know."

The crowd all dismisses the couple, mumbling about how they want to know the ideas, and some putting in a few ideas themselves.

"I love you," I sigh out loud, catching Shawn's attention.

"I love you too," He lets his arms wrap back around me. "Happy?"

"So happy, gonna have another Shawnie around. I'm so fucking lucky,"

He laughs, leaning back down to kiss me, "I'm the lucky one,"


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