Aaliyah's Coach [2]

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This is a converted imagine off of Tumblr. All credit goes to owner/ writer.


"I swear to god, Mendes if you throw me in the pool!"

"Thanks for giving me the idea, Camila."

Shawn picks up Camila and they both jump into the indoor pool.


Shawn smiles at that memory. Ever since seeing Camila for the first time at Aaliyah's game, they have become very very close friends. He knew that he felt something more than friendship for her, and maybe she felt the same way. One day I'll tell her, Shawn thought. He wanted more than anything to call her his girlfriend, but the possibility of her not feeling the same way and wrecking their whole friendship held him back.

"You are so dumb."

"I was tired! I didn't mean to forget the E!"

"Shawn, you misspelled your own album name on an autograph. Your own album! What'd you want to write, Illuminati?" Camila chuckled, poking him on the arm.

Shawn's cheeks turned pink at the contact, staring at Camila's smile. She resumed scrolling through her Twitter feed as he laid his head in her lap gazing longingly at her.


Shawn and Camila hung out every single day. They didn't necessarily need to go somewhere exciting or do something extremely fun, sometimes they'd just sit together and read or watch TV. That's one of the things that made them so close. They got comfortable in being in each other's company.

Shawn grinned at this other flashback. He took a seat on the bleachers, snapping back to reality.

"What'cha smirking at?" His dad asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Nothing." Shawn responded. However, his dad wasn't fooled.

"You should tell her, you know. She obviously thinks the same of you."

"Who?" Shawn asked, making sure they were talking about Camila. His dad rolled his eyes, hitting him on the back of the head jokingly.

"Camila of course. Look there she is, by Aaliyah."

Shawn turned his head so fast, his neck could've snapped. There Camila was, standing beside her sister, talking to each other. He noticed that Camila was shivering slightly and her nose was a little red. She must've gotten sick from yesterday, he thought, feeling bad. They took a spontaneous midnight walk last night, and she spent half of it freezing to death before accepting Shawn' sweater.

The game started. Contrary to usual, Camila wasn't cheering on her team. She was sitting on the bench, coughing and sneezing repeatedly. Once the game ended, Shawn made his way to her.

"Hey you okay?" he asked, putting an arm around her.

"I've been better." Camila answered in a nasal voice. "Actually, no I feel like shit. I just want to sleep."

"Wanna come over? We can watch movies and I'll make you tea." Shawn proposed, Camila nodding in answer.

They walked to his car, his arm wrapped around her still. He realized this and couldn't help grinning. Camila started panting lightly and after a little while she took his arm, halting their walk.

"Shawn. Wait." She breathed shakily. "Sorry, I'm just having a little trouble breathing."

"It's perfectly fine. Don't apologize." Shawn rubbed her back as another wave of violent coughs attacked Camila. He took her hand, rubbing her thumb in reassurance.

"Ugh. I'm sorry, I just get really bad coughs when I have a cold." Camila said a few moments later.

"Don't apologize Camila it's okay. Wanna a piggy-back ride?" Shawn smiled. She grinned back, hopping onto his back.

On the way back home, Shawn sang softly as he drove, lulling Camila to sleep. Once he pulled up on his driveway, he turned and looked at her. Her eyelids were closed, her chest rising slowly at each breath she took. A huge urge to kiss her overcame Shawn, these urges came often. He shook his head, knowing better. Camila woke up, groaning at the searing pain that hit her forehead.

"C'mon, let's go inside." Shawn whispered soothingly to her. He walked her up the steps to the front door and led her to his room.

"Here, you can sleep in my bed if you want."

Camila collapsed onto his bed, sighing as she pulled the covers over her.

"And I'll put a movie on." Shawn took the TV remote, putting Harry Potter on. He took a seat on the small sofa in his room, his gaze shifting from the TV to Camila who was fast asleep.

Half an hour later, she stirred, mumbling something.

"Shawn, wanna cuddle?"

"Wha-oh um, I um sure if you-you want?" he stuttered.

"Get over here, you little idiot." She muttered. He smiled. She was still the same lively her, even when she was sick.

He slipped under the covers beside her. Camila propped her head on his chest and he wrapped his strong arms around her. He watched her smile contently at the newly found warmth.

They laid there for a very long time. Shawn tangled one of his hands in her hair, while the other one was tracing soft patterns on her back. He looked down at her, fast asleep once again. His expression softened. He wanted this every day. He wanted to be with her. Confessing was all a matter of courage after all.

"Or are you a Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart..." the movie played on the TV.

Shawn took a deep breath.


Her eyes fluttered open to look at him.

"Camila. I know this isn't a perfect time to say this, but I just. I just can't keep it to myself anymore. Camila, I really like you. And I-I want to be with you." he said before realizing the words were coming out of his mouth.

Her face broke into a huge smile.

"Took you long enough." She whispered before placing a kiss on his lips. And there, from that moment, they fell asleep as a couple. Shawn smiled in his sleep, squeezing Camila just a bit tighter to him.


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