I'm Doing This For You

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This is a converted imagine off of Tumblr. All credit goes to owner/ writer.

 Da link of the original imagine: https://welldamnshawn.tumblr.com/post/163090802006/im-doing-this-for-you-shawn-mendes

Ps. Shawn is older by a year in this


Camila's POV

"Do you know what happened yesterday?" I ask, twisting my head to the side to look up at Shawn. He meets my gaze, his cheeks a rosy color.

"What happened?" His voice is deep and gravelly.

"So I was at the shopping center and I was just walking through Target when these two girls came over to me." I sound excited even to my own ears.

"Yeah," He's grinning fully now, my excitement contagious. I found whenever I was happy around Shawn, he would mirror my happiness.

"They were like, oh my gosh! Do you know Shawn Mendes? and I was all like yeah definitely." I laugh, remembering their wide eyes and nervous fidgeting.

His grin drops. "What did they say?"

"Just that they found us so cute and that we were relationship goals." I should have noticed his apprehension about the conversation but my brain fails to pick up on it.

"So you confirmed we were in a relationship?" Shawn asks, a panic edge to his voice.

"Well," I frown, "I didn't say we were but I didn't say we weren't."

"Great." Shawn groans, his hands moving to cover his face.

"I don't understand? Why do you seem so annoyed?" I ask, a flicker of hurt crossing my face.

"We've spoken about this Camila." He tells me, his arms falling to lie on his thighs.

"Actually no, we haven't." I reproach, becoming agitated by his tone.

"I don't want people to know about our relationship." He shrugs his shoulders like the matter was no big deal.

"Are you serious? You've been saying that since we got together!" I exclaim, moving forward so that I'm sitting on the edge of the couch.

He shrugs again and it infuriates me.

"Why don't you want anyone to know? Do you want to hide our relationship away-"

"Camila no, you know that you mean so much to me," Shawn cuts me off quickly, reassuring me. "But it's just, you're younger than me."

"You're only 20 Shawn, a year isn't going to kill me." I huff, crossing my arms over my chest.

"You're just too young to be exposed to the kind of media coverage you'll get by being my girlfriend."

I immediately jump to conclusions. "So you're ashamed of me because of how old I am?" I sound shrill. Shawn winces at my words.

"No I'm just saying that if I keep you hidden for as long as possible we can have our relationship more exclusive. You won't have to face as much hate as you would if we told the fans." He tries to explain but it's like half his words don't even reach my ears.

"So I can't tell people that we're together because you want us to be exclusive?" I send him a look of disbelief.

"Baby, I don't want their words to hurt you." he rests a hand on my thigh, rubbing circles with his thumb.

"You know what hurts Shawn?" I rest back on the couch. "Every time we go out to the mall or to dinner, there's always that one girl or even that one really brave fan that hits on you."

He sighs, remembering how last week when we were shopping for a gift for his Mother for her birthday, we were interrupted. The beautiful brunette had strolled straight up to Shawn and fussed over his music instantly. Of course I could understand that she was a fan and had every right to talk to Shawn but when she began touching his arm and leaning closer to him, I began to worry.

When she asked him to go get a cup of coffee with him, least to say I was slightly annoyed.

"I couldn't even say anything because they all know we're just friends!" I argue, this one sentence had been used many times in the hour that had followed that shopping trip and once again, I was using it now.

"I know baby, but trust me, I'm doing this for you." He was being too kind. I couldn't seem to be angry at me and I knew his side of the argument was winning.

"I just want to be able to call you my boyfriend without having to look over my shoulder making sure no one heard me." I pout and he smirks, pulling me over to him until I'm seated on his lap.

"You know I want that too." he pouts back, teasing me.

"Stop being cute, I'm trying to have an argument here." He laughs, his forehead resting on my shoulder.

"What about this?" I ask, putting my hand under his chin and pushing up until his head is upright and his eyes meet mine.

"Mmhm," He mumbles with a lazy smile on his face, resting his head completely on my hand.

"I turn 20 in 2 months. If we're still together, can I have free rein on boyfriend rights?" I smile, proud of my proposal.

"I don't know." He smirks and I jokingly glare in return.

"I've changed my mind, I'm not giving you a choice I'm just going to do it anyway- ow" Shawn pinches my side just as I finish. "What?"

"When the time comes we'll weigh out the negatives and positives that will come will tell the fans about my beautiful girlfriend." He grins and I roll my eyes.

"Nice. Complement the girlfriend in hope of getting your way." I wink at him and he laughs, his arms wrapping around my waist.

"And I thought it was just my hot body that persuaded you."


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