Chapter one

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The sun was shining, its rays were cast down into the savannah and the temperature was well over forty five degrees. Herds of buffalo, zebra and antelope were grazing in the lush grass, several giraffes, rhinos and hippos were drinking water from the watering holes and a troupe of baboons were sitting in the tree tops, either eating fruit, scratching or doing something related to their group.

The atmosphere was serene and all was quiet; just as it should be.
In the tall grass, a lioness was slowly creeping up on a small group of zebras. The animals were eating grass and showed no indication they were being stalked. The lioness moved closer, being careful not to step on any twigs which would alert the prey to her presence.

She crept closer and closer and closer still until she was within pouncing distance. She had her eyes on a straggler who was injured with a limping leg. Taking a deep breath, the lioness jumped out of her hiding spot and the herd scattered spreading panic and discord to the other herds, causing them to flee in terror.

The straggler got separated from its herd in the confusion and the lioness reacted. She chased it for several seconds and making her move, she jumped on the zebra's back and brought it crashing down with her. The zebra struggled to escape but the lioness, with amazing mobility, placed her mouth over the victim's neck and clamped down, squeezing the life out of the animal.

A few minutes passed before finally, the zebra's body went limp. Standing up, the lioness looked at her kill with pride and satisfaction.  
"Hey not bad Kiara. Not bad," a voice called from behind. It was Vitani. Kiara turned away from the zebra to look at her friend. She grinned and tried to look modest but had failed.

"Thank you Vitani, you're too kind. It was nothing, just a little effort," she ended with a laugh. Vitani shook her head and walked over to where Kiara stood. "Well no matter how much effort you put into it, you did a great job. Well done."
Kiara nodded her appreciation and turned back to the kill.

"Hey since you're here would you like to share the kill with me? I was going to eat it alone, but since I have company..."
Kiara trailed of and looked at Vitani, smiling widely. 
"Sure why not, I was getting hungry anyway; thanks Kiara," she said gratefully.

Grinning happily, Kiara took the zebra by the neck and proceeded to drag it to a nearby tree with lots of shade so they could eat out of the sun's ultra violet rays.  
"So what were you doing before you came looking for me?" Kiara asked five minutes into the meal. Vitani chewed and swallowed before she answered.

"Technically I wasn't looking for you, I just bumped into you when I was taking a stroll through the savannah," she said. "I'm not looking for you, but your Dad is."
Kiara groaned and buried her face with her paws.
"He's looking for me? What does he want now?" she asked in obvious exasperation.

Vitani chuckled lightly at Kiara's dramatic display.
"I'm not sure but he did say he wanted to talk to you about something related to you being Queen," she said taking another piece of zebra. On hearing this, Kiara scoffed and ripped off a piece of flesh. She chewed, swallowed and took another piece and repeated the action.

After several bites Vitani stopped and began to stare  at her. "You're doing it again."
Kiara stopped and looked at Vitani questioningly.
"Doing what again?' she asked. Vitani rolled her eyes.
"As if you didn't know. Every time you're upset about something, you take out your frustration on whatever it is you're doing; whether it's food, sharpening your claws or anything for that matter," 

"Well let's see how you react when your father tells you something you don't wanna hear over and over again nonstop. He wants me to become Queen and give birth so the Pride Lands would have an heir to lead the new generation into the future. Am I wrong? Correct me if I am," Kiara said angrily swiping at the zebra sending the remains flying across the grass.

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